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你这个程序一存在线程的时间片相互抢占的问题,运行时间长了很可能 ...
Runnable 和 Thread -
我觉得话应该这么说:引用TestThread tt = new ...
Runnable 和 Thread -
调用TelephonyManager的隐藏API是先参考Fra ...
Hi, I was looking round on the Internet and
saw there was no definitive list of free applicationsavailable for use with
Asterisk, so I thought I'd compile a list for you all. If there's anythingthat
you know of that is actively maintained but not in the list below, let me know
(bear in mindI'm not including distros or Asterisk packagings in this
list). Hopefully there are a few programs in the list that even the most seasoned Asterisk professionalshave not seen before. ![]() Flash Operator Panel is a switchboard type application for the Asterisk PBX. It runs on a web browser with the flash plugin. It is able to display information about your PBX activity in real time. The layout is configurable (button sizes and colors, icons, etc). You can have more than 100 buttons active per screen. On the Live Demo there are 28 buttons defined. It also supports contexts: you can have one server running and many different client displays (for hosted PBX, different departments, etc). It can integrate with CRM software, by poping up a web page (and passing the CLID) when a specified button is ringing. ![]() AGI (Asterisk Gateway Interface) is a way of running programs or scripts which are external to Asterisk. PHP AGI is a library for PHP which simplifies writing AGI scripts. ![]() Web-MeetMe is a suite of PHP pages to allow for scheduling and managing conferences on an Asterisk PBX. Oreka Oreka is a modular and cross-platform system for recording and retrieval of audio streams. The project currently supports VoIP and sound device based capture. Recordings metadata can be stored in any mainstream database. Retrieval of captured sessions is web based. ![]() FreePBX is a full-featured PBX web application. If you've looked intoAsterisk, you know that it doesn't come with any "built in"programming. You can't plug a phone into it and make it work withoutediting configuration files, writing dialplans, and various messingabout. FreePBX simplifies this by giving you pre-programmed functionalityaccessible by a user-friendly web interfaces that allows you to have afully functional PBX pretty much straight away with no programmingrequired. FreePBX also comes as a distro ![]() Asterisk-Stat is a visualisation layer for Asterisk CDR statistics which are pulled from adatabase. It provides graphs as well as allowing you to get more information on individual calls. ![]() sipsak is a small command line tool for developers and administrators of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) applications. It can be used for some simple tests on SIP applications and devices. ![]() A common shared phone book directory based on CMS/LAMP and build for Asterisk PBX, store name and number into MySQL which will be used by each workstation browser, also by telephones with embedded XML-browser feature. Asterisk Desktop Assistant Asterisk Desktop Assistant is a desktop call management application for Windows PCs. Asterisk Desktop Assistant (ADA) is Digium?s first step towards offering a comprehensive Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) suite. It makes dialing and handling phone calls simpler and faster by adding click-to-call functionality into popular desktop applications. It also adds call notifications directly to the Windows desktop. ![]() A2Billing combined with Asterisk now gives any Telecom company a very good reason to consider the A2Billing Soft-Switch over the traditional offerings for TDM and VoIP Soft-Switches as well as wholesale and IP PBX billing, particularly when you consider the cost of A2Billing ? FREE! ![]() AstBill is not only a free web-based, user friendly billing interface for Asterisk and VOIP. It is also a Asterisk configuration and GUI management tool and a standardized implementation of Asterisk using REALTIME and static configuration as you please. ![]() Oslec is an open source high performance line echo canceller. When used with Asterisk it works well on lines where the built-in Zaptel echo canceller fails. No tweaks like rxgain/txgain or fxotrain are required. Oslec is supplied as GPL licensed C source code and is free as in speech. Oslec partially complies with the G168 standard and runs in real time on x86 and Blackfin platforms. Patches exist to allow any Zaptel or DAHDI compatible hardware to use Oslec. It has been successfully tested on hardware ranging from single port X100P FXO cards to dual E1 systems. ![]() AppKonference is a high-performance Asterisk voice/video conferencing module. It's basicallya drop in replacement for meetme - although does things a little differently and doesn't requirea timing source. OutCall OutCALL was designed as a commercial appplication allowing Asterisk users integration with Microsoft Outlook with placing and receiving phone calls. After over 1000 downloads as a free application, Bicom Systems Ltd. has decided to offer OutCALL in open source format in order to further stimulate development of Asterisk and related open source projects. ![]() VMukti is leading Asterisk/ Yate enabled p2p Video IP Communications Suite for Web / PSTN. These serverless broadband ready platform enable OS community to save 90% on capital & operating costs over proprietary software for conferencing & Call Center. Note from editor: I've personally never managed to get this working - drop me a lineif you do get it all set up and going. ![]() asterCRM is a call center software for asterisk based VoIP system, also it has some CRM functions. It provides useful features such as pop-up, predictive dialer, click to call, extension status .... astercrm could work with all asterisk based system. AsterCC astercc is a realtime billing solution for asterisk, could work with all kinds of asterisk based system and no need do any change to your original system. astercc could be used for hosted callshop solution, pbx billing solution. ![]() IAXmodem is a software modem written in C that uses an IAX channel (commonly provided by an Asterisk PBX system) instead of a traditional phone line and uses a DSP library instead of DSP hardware chipsets. ![]() Asterisk PBX Integration Zimlet is an Extension for Zimbra Collaboration Suite. The Zimlet does Interface with the Asterisk Manager Interface to integrate with Asterisk PBX. The main focus is dial-on-click for Phone numbers inside Contacts and Emails. AsterFax - Asterisk Email to Fax Gateway AsterFax provides an Email to Fax gateway for Asterisk. AsterFax lets you send an email by Fax. Enter the phone no. in the 'To' address, compose your email message and click send. You can also fax a MS-Word document or other attachment. ![]() Asterisk Monitor is a HTML interface that acts a operator pannel for asterisk to display user/peer status and calls. This uses a reverse AJAX, PHP and Python to originate, transfer and hangup calls, manage queues and meetme rooms. OpenBTS The OpenBTS Project is an effort to construct an open-source GSM basestation using the USRP and the Asterisk VoIP PBX. Our goal is to enable a new type of hybrid GSM/VoIP cellular network for greenfield deployments in the developing world. ![]() The Asterisk .NET library consists of a set of C# classes that allow you to easily build applications that interact with an Asterisk PBX Server (1.0/1.2/1.4 version). Both FastAGI and Manager API supported. .NET/Mono compatible. AGX's Asterisk Extra AddOns Maintained version of old asterisk applications ported to 1.4 that for copyright reasons cannot be included into official Digium's releases and that for some reason the author is not keeping up-to-date. The project also require Zaptel instead of DAHDI. AstTAPI AstTapi, an opensource Asterisk Tapi driver for windows. This allows users of TAPI compliant applications such as Outlook and Act to dial contacts directly from the application using an Asterisk PBX Server. Asterisk-Java A java interface for Asterisk - allows you to write software in Java which will work with Asterisk. IAXClient A lightweight cross platform IP telephony client using the IAX protocol, designed for use with the Asterisk open source PBX. ![]() A desktop application for managing Asterisk including screen pops etc - looks quite nice but haven't tried it. Asterisk JTAPI Asterisk-JTAPI is a JTAPI implementation for the Asterisk software PBX system. JTAPI is a provider independent programming interface for Java to build applications for computer telephony or to add support for it. JTAPI covers a wide range of usage scenarios starting from controlling a single telephone to a whole PBX system for example in call-centers. Asterisk-JTAPI builds on top of two other projects: Asterisk-Java, which provides a Java interface to the Asterisk manager API, and, GJTAPI, which provides a general framework for JTAPI interfaces. ![]() Web interface to Asterisk voicemail written in php. Includes some AJAX components such as LDAP-suggest, and user-lookup. Includes screens for forward by email and sms configuration. ![]() Druid is an open source unified communications platform, built around technology such as Asterisk, IMAP, XMPP. Druid gives your organization access to the best available IP communications platform that bringing together voicemail, VOIP, mobile phone, faxes and instant messaging. ![]() VICIDIAL is a set of programs that are designed to interact with theAsterisk Open-Source PBX Phone system to act as a completeinbound/outbound call center suite. The agent interface is an interactive set of web pages that workthrough a web browser to give real-time information and functionalitywith nothing more than an internet browser on the client computer. ![]() The Asterisk Queue (and CDR) Log Analyzer is a set of PHP scripts which allow selecting,listing and graphing of records from the Asterisk Queue and CDR logs via a WEB interface. For easier access to select specific log records, the Queue and CDR logs need to be ina MySQL database. Asterisk itself records (specified in a conf file) CDR data into aMySQL database table. A Python utility program called loadq.py is provided with thispackage which can be used to load queue log records (as they are created) into a MySQLdatabase table. ![]() The Asterisk Event Monitor WEB/PHP Interface was created to view thecurrent state of Asterisk and all Asterisk Events via a WEB interface.It does not poll Asterisk for these events, instead it collects them ina MySql database via an Asterisk Manager API python script. AJAX(Javascript) is used to display the events from the database almost asthey occur. All code is released under the GNU GPL license. ![]() CRI (Crystal Clear Recording Interface) provides an intelligence web interface to track is recordings and his voice mail Features : Access your voicemail recordings. Setup your voice mail box View summary of your incoming outgoing calls Search calls and recordings by day and time. Call monitor recordings. ![]() XiVO is a full PBX solution based on Asterisk with a user-friendly webinterface, provisioning tools for many types of phones, CTI daemon andCTI client for Windows, Linux and MacOS. All solutions are releasedunder GPLv3. Currently only released in French, but easy to translatein other languages, XiVO provides administrators with a simple toconfigure phone system. You can find a demo on https://demo.xivo.fr with login root and password proformatique so you can try it out for yourself. On the first page you have a dashboard for monitoring all processes andyou can choose PBX on the menu to administer your PBX. It's not basedon Freepbx or other existing software, it's a full development fromscratch. |
Configuring an Asterisk server
2013-06-28 09:05 921Configuring an Asterisk server ... -
asterisk ami
2013-06-28 08:56 1414Asterisk Manager Interface主要提供 ... -
Originate Using Asterisk Local Channels
2013-01-24 17:30 1343Whenever you want to place a c ... -
Asterisk 1.8 chan_sip模块代码分析
2013-01-18 16:33 1936和以前版本相比,Asterisk在架构上有了不小的变动,本文 ... -
Asterisk Kernel analysis 2 channel
2013-01-17 17:44 843从内核的角度去分析问题时,弄清楚呼叫流程是非常关键的,只有 ... -
Asterisk Kernel analysis 1
2013-01-17 17:44 858一、内核初始化。 从 main入口。Asterisk ... -
astersik bridge 支持
2013-01-17 17:27 692为支持通话过程中双方按键的接受及处理,asterisk 通过 ... -
Asterisk 之${BRIDGEPEER} 函数说明
2013-01-17 16:38 704${BRIDGEPEER} :个人理解是 获取当前通道类型 ... -
2012-12-27 13:33 1701Asterisk的拨号函数/命令是Dial,下面就介绍一 ... -
2012-12-15 11:56 964int ast_strlen_zero(co ... -
2012-04-11 14:26 1517按照信令的信道来分类,信令可以分为:随路信令和公共信道信 ... -
FreeSWITCH 与 Asterisk 比较
2012-03-29 15:45 3579VoIP通信,与传统的电话技术相比,不仅仅在于绝对的资费 ... -
2012-03-29 14:44 1017MeetMe 概要 MeetMe ... -
Asterisk local channels
2012-03-12 15:09 861Asterisk local channels ... -
Asterisk Originate 内部执行流程
2012-03-11 20:34 10131. originate的执行 向客户端发起呼叫,将客 ... -
2012-03-11 20:34 2254转自:http://sun4love.javaeye.c ... -
Asterisk 通话过程中执行动作(即applicationmap )的使用方法和电话转会议的实现
2012-03-11 20:34 983asterisk在正常通话过程中执行拨号计划中动作是通过 ... -
asterisk feature applicationmap 的caller和callee 的区别
2012-03-11 20:34 1017经过测试,在applicationmap 中定 ... -
2012-03-09 11:07 1943一、资料: 1.http: ... -
Asterisk 之${BRIDGEPEER} 函数说明
2012-03-09 11:06 808${BRIDGEPEER} :个人理解是 获取当前通道类型通道 ...
### Asterisk AGI应用详解 #### 一、概述 Asterisk是世界上最流行的开源PBX系统之一,它支持多种通信协议并提供了丰富的功能。在Asterisk中,AGI(Asterisk Gateway Interface)是一种非常重要的接口技术,它允许...
"asterisk拨号方案中应用使用详解" Asterisk拨号方案中应用使用详解是指在Asterisk系统中使用拨号方案来实现各种应用的技术手段。本文将对Asterisk拨号方案中的各种应用进行详细地解释和示例。 1. Authenticate:...
1. **Asterisk版本差异**:Asterisk经历了多个版本的迭代,如1.2、1.4、1.8等。每个版本都有其特定的改进和增强,例如性能优化、新特性的引入和对协议的支持。例如,1.4版本引入了更强大的DialPlan和更好的SIP支持。...
这个库是基于Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI) 和 FastAGI 协议,这两个协议是Asterisk系统与外部应用程序交互的主要通道。 Asterisk是一款开源的IP电话系统,广泛应用于VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol)环境...
随着时间的发展,Asterisk已经成为全球最受欢迎的开源通信平台之一。它支持多种协议,如SIP、IAX2、H.323等,能够与各种软硬件电话设备进行交互。 ### Asterisk架构 Asterisk的架构设计是模块化的,这使得它能轻松...
Asterisk是一个开源的IP电话系统,而Asterisk-java则是一个Java库,它提供了与Asterisk服务器交互的能力。这个库使得开发者可以利用Java语言来控制和编程Asterisk PBX(Private Branch eXchange),执行诸如创建、...
Asterisk 是一个开源的 PBX(Private Branch Exchange)系统,可以实现电话交换和语音网关的功能。在传统的 Asterisk 配置中,配置文件都是存储在文件系统中的,但是随着系统的复杂度和规模的增加,配置文件的管理和...
Asterisk是一款强大的开源通信平台,它被广泛用于构建VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol)电话系统,SIP(Session Initiation Protocol)服务器以及各种通信应用。这个“Asterisk中文文档说明”涵盖了从基础概念到...
例如,你可以定义一个default context,允许拨打三个电话 extension:Mark、Wil和Operator。然后,你可以定义一个local context,允许拨打7位数字号码(本地呼叫),同时也包括default context,允许用户拨打Mark、...
综上所述,"Asterisk客户端.rar"这个压缩包包含了丰富的Asterisk客户端和Asterisk Manager API的学习资料,对于想要深入理解Asterisk生态系统、开发相关应用或优化现有系统的开发者来说,是非常宝贵的资源。...
3. **重新加载**:完成配置更改后,需要重新加载Asterisk配置,通常通过执行`asterisk -r`进入命令行模式,然后输入`reload`命令,让Asterisk应用新的设置。 4. **测试**:为了确认中文语音包已正确安装并工作,你...
3. `lib`:这个目录可能包含了项目依赖的第三方库,使得Asterisk-Java能够正常运行,这些库可能包括与网络通信、XML解析、或者其他与电话系统相关的功能有关的库。 通过这些文件,开发者可以深入了解Asterisk-Java...
Asterisk权威指南中文(第3版) Asterisk权威指南(第3版)第15章自动话务员 Asterisk权威指南(第3版)第02章Asterisk体系结构 Asterisk权威指南(第3版)第05章用户设备配置 Asterisk权威指南(第3版)第06章Dialplan基础 ...
这个"Asterisk1.6最全中文语音包.zip"是专为Asterisk 1.6版本设计的,目的是为了让系统能够支持中文语音服务,提供更友好的用户体验。 在Asterisk系统中,语音包是非常关键的一部分。它们包含了各种语音提示、菜单...
总的来说,Asterisk 16版本安装包提供了一个强大的VoIP解决方案,通过详细的编译和配置,我们可以搭建出一个功能丰富的通信系统,满足各种业务需求。不过,由于Asterisk具有高度灵活性和复杂性,因此在使用过程中...
通过这个应用程序,非技术背景的用户也能更轻松地管理他们的Asterisk部署。 3. **readme V1.1.txt** - 这是标准的README文件,通常包含了软件的安装指南、使用说明、版本信息以及开发者联系方式等关键信息。用户在...