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user模型里加上 protected def email ...
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def example(num) puts puts "------ Example #{num} ------" end example 1 def thrice yield yield yield end x = 5 puts "value of x before: #{x}" thrice { x += 1 } puts "value of x after: #{x}" example 2 def thrice_with_local_x x = 100 yield yield yield puts "value of x at end of thrice_with_local_x: #{x}" end x = 5 thrice_with_local_x { x += 1} puts "value of outer x after: #{x}" example 3 thrice do y = 10 puts "Is y defined inside the block where it is first set?" puts "Yes." if defined? y end puts "Is y defined in the outer context after being set in the block?" puts "No!" unless defined? y example 4 def six_times(&block) thrice(&block) thrice(&block) end x = 4 six_times { x += 10 } puts "value of x after: #{x}" example 4.5 def nine_times(block) thrice(&block) thrice(&block) thrice(&block) end x = 5 nine_times lambda{ x += 10} puts "value of x after: #{x}" example 5 def save_for_later(&b) @saved = b end save_for_later { puts "Hello!" } puts "Deferred execution of a block:" @saved.call @saved.call example 6 def save_for_later(&b) @saved = Proc.new(&b) end save_for_later { puts "Hello again!"} puts "Deferred execution of a Proc works just the same with Proc.new:" @saved.call example 6.5 def save_for_later(&b) @saved = lambda(&b) end save_for_later { puts "Hello again!"} puts "Deferred execution of a Proc works just the same with Proc.new:" @saved.call example 7 @saved_proc_new = Proc.new { puts "I'm declared on the spot with Proc.new."} puts "Deferred execution of a Proc works just the same with ad-hoc Proc.new:" @saved_proc_new.call example 8 @saved_proc_new = Proc.new { puts "I'm declared with Proc.new." } @saved_proc = proc { puts "I'm declared with proc." } @saved_lambda = lambda { puts "I'm declared with lambda." } def some_method puts "I'm declared as a method." end @method_as_closure = method(:some_method) puts "Here are four superficially identical forms of deferred execution:" @saved_proc_new.call @saved_proc.call @saved_lambda.call @method_as_closure.call example 9 def f(closure) puts puts "About to call closure" result = closure.call puts "Closure returned: #{result}" "Value from f" end puts "f returned: " + f(Proc.new { "Value from Proc.new" }) puts "f returned: " + f(proc { "Value from proc" }) puts "f returned: " + f(lambda { "Value from lambda" }) def another_method "Value from method" end puts "f returned: " + f(method(:another_method)) example 10 begin f(Proc.new { return "Value from Proc.new" }) rescue Exception => e puts "Failed with #{e.class}: #{e}" end example 11 def g result = f(Proc.new { return "Value from Proc.new" }) puts "f returned: " + result "Value from g" end puts "g returned: #{g}" example 12 def make_proc_new begin Proc.new { return "Value from Proc.new" } # this "return" will return from make_proc_new ensure puts "make_proc_new exited" end end begin puts make_proc_new.call rescue Exception => e puts "Failed with #{e.class}: #{e}" end example 13 def g result = f(lambda { return "Value from lambda" }) puts "f returned: " + result "Value from g" end puts "g returned: #{g}" example 14 def make_lambda begin lambda { return "Value from lambda" } ensure puts "make_lambda exited" end end puts make_lambda.call example 15 def g result = f(proc { return "Value from proc" }) puts "f returned: " + result "Value from g" end puts "g returned: #{g}" example 16 puts "One-arg lambda:" puts (lambda {|x|}.arity) puts "Three-arg lambda:" puts (lambda {|x,y,z|}.arity) puts "No-args lambda: " puts (lambda {}.arity) puts "Varargs lambda: " puts (lambda {|*args|}.arity) example 17 def call_with_too_many_args(closure) begin puts "closure arity: #{closure.arity}" closure.call(1,2,3,4,5,6) puts "Too many args worked" rescue Exception => e puts "Too many args threw exception #{e.class}: #{e}" end end def two_arg_method(x,y) end puts; puts "Proc.new:"; call_with_too_many_args(Proc.new {|x,y|}) puts; puts "proc:" ; call_with_too_many_args(proc {|x,y|}) puts; puts "lambda:" ; call_with_too_many_args(lambda {|x,y|}) puts; puts "Method:" ; call_with_too_many_args(method(:two_arg_method)) def call_with_too_few_args(closure) begin puts "closure arity: #{closure.arity}" closure.call() puts "Too few args worked" rescue Exception => e puts "Too few args threw exception #{e.class}: #{e}" end end puts; puts "Proc.new:"; call_with_too_few_args(Proc.new {|x,y|}) puts; puts "proc:" ; call_with_too_few_args(proc {|x,y|}) puts; puts "lambda:" ; call_with_too_few_args(lambda {|x,y|}) puts; puts "Method:" ; call_with_too_few_args(method(:two_arg_method)) example 18 def one_arg_method(x) end puts; puts "Proc.new:"; call_with_too_many_args(Proc.new {|x|}) puts; puts "proc:" ; call_with_too_many_args(proc {|x|}) puts; puts "lambda:" ; call_with_too_many_args(lambda {|x|}) puts; puts "Method:" ; call_with_too_many_args(method(:one_arg_method)) puts; puts "Proc.new:"; call_with_too_few_args(Proc.new {|x|}) puts; puts "proc:" ; call_with_too_few_args(proc {|x|}) puts; puts "lambda:" ; call_with_too_few_args(lambda {|x|}) puts; puts "Method:" ; call_with_too_few_args(method(:one_arg_method)) example 19 def no_arg_method end puts; puts "Proc.new:"; call_with_too_many_args(Proc.new {||}) puts; puts "proc:" ; call_with_too_many_args(proc {||}) puts; puts "lambda:" ; call_with_too_many_args(lambda {||}) puts; puts "Method:" ; call_with_too_many_args(method(:no_arg_method)) example 20 class LispyEnumerable include Enumerable def initialize(tree) @tree = tree end def each while @tree car,cdr = @tree yield car @tree = cdr end end end list = [1, [2, [3]]] LispyEnumerable.new(list).each do |x| puts x end example 21 class LazyLispyEnumerable include Enumerable def initialize(tree) @tree = tree end def each while @tree car, cdr = @tree.call yield car @tree = cdr end end end list = lambda{[1, lambda {[2, lambda {[3]}]}]} LazyLispyEnumerable.new(list).each do |x| puts x end example 22 list = lambda do puts "first lambda called" [1, lambda do puts "second lambda called" [2, lambda do puts "third lambda called" [3] end] end] end puts "List created; about to iterate:" LazyLispyEnumerable.new(list).each do |x| puts x end example 23 def fibo(a,b) lambda { [a, fibo(b, a+b)]} end LazyLispyEnumerable.new(fibo(1,1)).each do |x| puts x break if x > 100 end class Lazy def initialize(&generator) @generator = generator end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) evaluate.send(method, *args, &block) end def evaluate @value = @generator.call unless @value @value end end def lazy(&b) Lazy.new &b end example 24 x = lazy do puts "<<< Evaluating lazy value >>>" "lazy value" end puts "x has now been assigned" puts "About to call one of x's methods:" puts "x.size: #{x.size}" puts "x.swapcase: #{x.swapcase}" example 25 def fibo(a,b) lazy { [a, fibo(b, a+b)] } end LispyEnumerable.new(fibo(1,1)).each_with_index do |x| puts x break if x > 100 end example 26 car,cdr = fibo(1,1) puts "car=#{car} cdr=#{cdr}" class Lazy def initialize(&generator) @generator = generator end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) evaluate.send(method, *args, &block) end def respond_to?(method) evaluate.respond_to?(method) end def evaluate @value = @generator.call unless @value @value end end example 27 LispyEnumerable.new(fibo(1,1)).each do |x| puts x break if x > 200 end
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"OCLesson6_Block"可能是一个关于Block的示例项目或教程,包含具体的代码示例和实践练习,帮助学习者深入理解和应用Block。 总之,Block是iOS开发中不可或缺的一部分,它提供了更灵活的代码组织方式和强大的功能。...
6. **块(Block)**:OC中的闭包实现,可以捕获并存储执行环境中的变量,常用于异步操作和回调。 7. **内存管理**:理解ARC(Automatic Reference Counting)自动引用计数的工作原理,以及强引用、弱引用的区别,...
通过练习,你会了解它们在迭代、回调函数和闭包中的应用。 在完成这些练习后,你将能够更熟练地运用Ruby语言解决问题,为将来开发更复杂的项目打下坚实的基础。同时,不断实践是提升编程能力的关键,因此,不要害怕...
- 显示/隐藏DOM元素:通过改变元素的CSS样式,如`display:none`来隐藏,或`display:block`来显示。 - 横向居中对齐布局:使用CSS实现,如设置`margin: 0 auto`,并确保元素的左右边距自动调整。 2. **CSS布局**:...
7. **Block(闭包)**:Block是一种内联函数,可以捕获和存储其所在上下文的局部变量,常用于异步编程。 ### 二、iOS应用开发 1. **UIKit框架**:iOS应用的核心是UIKit框架,它包含创建用户界面、处理用户输入、...
3. **函数**:函数声明与表达式,参数传递,作用域(global, local, block)和闭包。 4. **数组与对象**:数组方法(push, pop, shift, unshift, slice, splice等),对象属性操作,以及数组和对象的遍历。 5. **...
Block是Objective-C的一个重要特性,它允许在代码中定义匿名函数或者闭包。Block可以捕获和存储其所在上下文的变量,这使得它在处理异步操作、迭代、以及函数式编程风格时非常有用。 2. **Categories**: `...
【标题】"Homework_JavaScript_Block_3" 指的是一份关于JavaScript编程的作业集合,可能是一个课程或训练项目的第三部分。这个标题暗示了这个作业涉及到一系列的JavaScript练习,旨在帮助学习者深入理解和掌握...
3. **Block(块)**:Block是Objective-C的闭包实现,用于创建匿名函数。学习Block的定义、存储和使用,以及Block的循环引用问题。 4. **GCD(Grand Central Dispatch)**:介绍苹果的并行编程框架,学习如何使用...
Block可以方便地实现回调和闭包功能,简化异步操作的处理。 Foundation框架是Objective-C开发的基础,包含了如NSArray、NSDictionary、NSString等常用数据结构和工具类。Core Foundation框架则提供了C语言级别的API...
6. **块(Block)**:Objective-C 2.0引入了块(Block)的概念,它是一种内联函数,可以捕获并存储其作用域内的变量,常用于异步编程和闭包操作。 7. **内存管理**:Objective-C使用引用计数进行内存管理,通过`...
3. **块、迭代器与闭包**:Ruby中的块(block)是一种特殊的语法结构,可以配合迭代器(iterator)使用,实现类似函数的功能。块可以嵌套,且与闭包(lambda)有密切关系,理解这些对于编写高效代码至关重要。 4. *...
本书的目标是帮助读者从不同角度审视块,通过一系列的练习来理解和记忆块如何工作。这样的教学方式有助于读者以一种更加放松和自然的方式掌握Ruby块的使用,避免在编程中犯下令人尴尬的错误。 Ruby块有以下几种应用...
为了更好地复习和巩固OC中的数组排序,可以创建一个练习项目,模拟实际场景,比如根据用户输入的年龄排序一个人物数组,或者根据日期对事件进行排序等。通过编写测试用例,检查不同排序方法的正确性和性能差异。 ...
5. **闭包(Closure)**:Ruby的块和Proc具有闭包特性,即它们能记住定义时的作用域,即使在其他地方调用也能访问到。 6. **元编程**:Ruby的元编程能力强大,允许在运行时修改类和对象。`class用于打开当前对象的...
9. **闭包**:Ruby的块和Proc都是闭包,能够捕获并记住它们定义时的作用域,即使在其他地方执行也能访问这些变量。 10. **元编程**:Ruby的元编程能力强大,允许在运行时动态地创建和修改类、方法和对象。`Class....