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你这个程序一存在线程的时间片相互抢占的问题,运行时间长了很可能 ...
Runnable 和 Thread -
我觉得话应该这么说:引用TestThread tt = new ...
Runnable 和 Thread -
调用TelephonyManager的隐藏API是先参考Fra ...
Playback: Play a sound file. (1.0)
Play a sound and/or video file
Plays the specified sound or video file(s) (you need to omit the filename extension). Sound files are stored in the /var/lib/asterisk/sounds directory by default (the directory path can be changed in asterisk.conf).
Playback is Multi-Language-compliant. It will look in a subdirectory corresponding with the current language code (as set by the SetLanguage command, or the channel's default language code. Failing that, it will play the non-language-specific edition.
Playback will play the whole sound file(s), and when complete, return control. Compare with the Background command, which plays a sound file but returns control immediately, allowing Asterisk to perform other commands on this channel while the sound file is playing.
skip: Play the sound file only if the channel has already been answered. If the channel has not yet been answered, the Playback command will return immediately without playing anything.
noanswer: Play the sound file, but don't answer the channel first (if hasn't been answered already). Not all channels support playing messages while still on hook.
j: If option is specified, the application will jump to priority n+101 if present when a file specified to be played does not exist.
say: Use say.conf to interpret the string
如果skip和noasnwer选项两者都没有指定, Playback命令将首先应答通道(如果当前通道还没有被应答),才会播放声音文件。
If neither skip nor noanswer options are specified, then the Playback command will first answer the channel (if it hasn't been answered already) and then play the sound file.
Note: The options wont work if there are spaces between the filename, the comma and the option(s).
exten => 500,1,Playback(tt-weasels,skip)
On completion, ${PLAYBACKSTATUS} contains either "FAILED" or "SUCCESS".
Playback is not affected by timing, unless internal_timing is turned on in asterisk.conf.
Configuring an Asterisk server
2013-06-28 09:05 920Configuring an Asterisk server ... -
asterisk ami
2013-06-28 08:56 1412Asterisk Manager Interface主要提供 ... -
Originate Using Asterisk Local Channels
2013-01-24 17:30 1342Whenever you want to place a c ... -
Asterisk 1.8 chan_sip模块代码分析
2013-01-18 16:33 1935和以前版本相比,Asterisk在架构上有了不小的变动,本文 ... -
Asterisk Kernel analysis 2 channel
2013-01-17 17:44 843从内核的角度去分析问题时,弄清楚呼叫流程是非常关键的,只有 ... -
Asterisk Kernel analysis 1
2013-01-17 17:44 856一、内核初始化。 从 main入口。Asterisk ... -
astersik bridge 支持
2013-01-17 17:27 690为支持通话过程中双方按键的接受及处理,asterisk 通过 ... -
Asterisk 之${BRIDGEPEER} 函数说明
2013-01-17 16:38 703${BRIDGEPEER} :个人理解是 获取当前通道类型 ... -
2012-12-27 13:33 1699Asterisk的拨号函数/命令是Dial,下面就介绍一 ... -
2012-12-15 11:56 963int ast_strlen_zero(co ... -
2012-04-11 14:26 1516按照信令的信道来分类,信令可以分为:随路信令和公共信道信 ... -
FreeSWITCH 与 Asterisk 比较
2012-03-29 15:45 3577VoIP通信,与传统的电话技术相比,不仅仅在于绝对的资费 ... -
2012-03-29 14:44 1015MeetMe 概要 MeetMe ... -
Asterisk local channels
2012-03-12 15:09 860Asterisk local channels ... -
2012-03-12 14:51 2222Hi, I was looking round o ... -
Asterisk Originate 内部执行流程
2012-03-11 20:34 10111. originate的执行 向客户端发起呼叫,将客 ... -
2012-03-11 20:34 2253转自:http://sun4love.javaeye.c ... -
Asterisk 通话过程中执行动作(即applicationmap )的使用方法和电话转会议的实现
2012-03-11 20:34 982asterisk在正常通话过程中执行拨号计划中动作是通过 ... -
asterisk feature applicationmap 的caller和callee 的区别
2012-03-11 20:34 1016经过测试,在applicationmap 中定 ... -
2012-03-09 11:07 1941一、资料: 1.http: ...
### 自动化测试:从录制/回放到框架 V1.0 #### 摘要 自动化测试工具,尤其是那些作用于用户界面(UI)的脚本驱动型工具,自20世纪90年代初就已出现。随着时间的发展,组织越来越意识到这些工具在“开箱即用”状态...
标题与描述:“Widevine API Mapping v1.0 approved”这一标题和描述强调了Widevine API Mapping版本1.0已获得批准的重要消息。Widevine API Mapping是将Widevine数字版权管理(DRM)技术与OIPF(Open IPTV Forum)...
### General MIDI Lite (GML) Version 1.0 #### 1.... paving the way for the widespread adoption of MIDI in mobile devices and shaping the future of digital music creation and playback.
在默认情况下,大多数HTML5播放器只提供有限的播放速度选项,如1.0倍速(正常速度)和2.0倍速(双速)。然而,Playback Speed-crx插件允许用户在更宽的范围内调整播放速度,例如,可以设置为0.5倍速(慢速)、1.25...
The 8 outgoing channels are composed of 2 playback DMA’s, which are multi-channel DMA (24 bits, 6 channels, 96k), S/PDIF (each 24 bits, 2 channels, 96k). The 6 ingoing channels are spread in 2 ...
语言:English 允许浏览器“本地”播放FLV视频网址(flv) ...在设置中的flv.js 1.5.x,1.4.x,1.3.x,1.2.x,1.1.x,1.0.x之间切换。 此处的代码存储库:https://github.com/klouskingsley/chrome-flv
- `setVolume()`方法可以调整媒体播放的音量,范围从0.0到1.0。 7. **生命周期管理**: - 在Activity或Fragment的生命周期中,需要适当地释放`MediaPlayer`资源,防止内存泄漏。通常在`onDestroy()`或`onStop()`...
It supports MPEG 1.0/2.0 layers 1, 2 and 3 (those famous "mp3" files), and it has been tested on a wide variety of platforms, including Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, SunOS, Solaris, IRIX, HP-UX and others...
COMPONENTS="PerformanceStudioSuite:1.0:1 LTmaster:7.1:1 \ LTgui:7.1:10 LTvu:7.1:100 LTjolt:7.1:1 LTtux:7.1:1 LTsql:7.1:1 \ LThttp:7.1:1 LTsap:7.1:1 LTcorba:7.1:1 LTdcom:7.1:1" PACKAGE RSPS_Base_...
LT_Playback_100000VU rational 7.5 uncounted \ 28D086A1F873 HOSTID=ANY ISSUER="THE FORCE TEAM" NOTICE="The \ Force Team - 2007" ck=90 LT_All_VU_Protocols rational 7.5 uncounted \ AD87056FFA1A HOSTID...
PACKAGE LT_Playback_100000VU rational 7.5 51E6DD992302 \ COMPONENTS="LTvu:7.1:100000 LT_100000VT:8.0:10000" PACKAGE RSPS_TLA_500VU rational 1.5 F36CDEAC264E \ COMPONENTS="PerformanceStudioSuite:1.0:...
playback. The 4-Channels Coaxial Communication Protocol communicates between controller(DVR) and camera on the video signal through coaxial cable. It was includes Tx for transfer especially signals ...
控制您的youtube或udemy视频的播放速度 如果当前选项卡不是Youtube或Udemy视频,则扩展程序图标将显示为灰色,并将...-滑块控制视频速度,从0.0到15.9-重置按钮会将视频速度设置为1.0 支持语言:English (United States)
- PassMark Firewire Plugin V1.0 1000 (or higher) and a 揔anguru FireFlash?drive for Plugin Firewire testing. (*) Windows 2000 does not support the CD-RW burn test. The advanced RAM test is only ...
// 0.0为静音,1.0为最大音量 // 获取/设置播放位置(单位:秒) double currentPosition = mediaPlayer.Position.TotalSeconds; mediaPlayer.Position = new TimeSpan(0, 0, (int)currentPosition); ``` 在实际...
1. Audio Playback功能测试:检查音频设备对不同频段音频信号的播放性能,确保输出参数符合标准。 2. 收音机功能测试:测试FM/AM信号的调制解调和播放性能,验证音频输出参数。 3. 视频功能测试:评估视频输出图像的...
须藤 apt-get install autoconf pkg-config libusb-1.0 git 工具链 mkdir 工具链光盘工具链wget tar xvf gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q1-20150306-linux.tar.bz2 光盘.. 斯特林克 git 克隆 光盘链./autogen.sh 。/...
- **HDMI 1.3a/DVI 1.0 MAC and PHY with HDCP:** Supports high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI) and digital visual interface (DVI) with high-bandwidth digital content protection (HDCP). ...
5. **回放(Playback)**:将捕获的数据重新发送到USB总线,以重现问题场景或进行测试。 6. **报告(Reporting)**:生成详细的分析报告,帮助工程师诊断问题。 使用USB协议分析工具时,可能遇到的问题包括不兼容的...