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Riding carousels with jQuery
Author: Jan Sorgalla
Version: 0.2.3 (Changelog)
Download: jcarousel.tar.gz or jcarousel.zip
Licence: Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.Introduction
- Carousel with dynamic content loading via JavaScript
- Carousel with dynamic content loading via Ajax
- Carousel with dynamic content loading via Ajax from a PHP script
- Carousel with dynamic content loading via Ajax from the Flickr photo stream
- Carousel with dynamic content loading via Ajax from the Flickr API
- Circular carousel
- Using jCarousel as a Textscroller
- Flexible carousel
- jCarousel and Thickbox 3
- Carousel with custom animation effect
tag of your HTML document:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery-1.2.1.pack.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/lib/jquery.jcarousel.pack.js"></script><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/path/to/lib/jquery.jcarousel.css" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/path/to/skin/skin.css" />
The download package contains some example skin packages. Feel free to build your own skins based on it.
jCarousel expects a very basic HTML markup structure inside your HTML document:
<ul id="mycarousel" class="jcarousel-skin-name"> <!-- The content goes in here --></ul>
jCarousel automatically wraps the required HTML markup around the list. The class attribute applies the jCarousel skin "name" to the carousel.
To setup jCarousel, add the following code inside the
tag of your HTML document:
<script type="text/javascript">jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#mycarousel').jcarousel({ // Configuration goes here });});</script>
jCarousel accepts a lot of configuration options, see chapter "Configuration" for further informations.
After jCarousel has been initialised, the fully created markup in the DOM is:
<div class="jcarousel-skin-name"> <div class="jcarousel-container"> <div disabled="disabled" class="jcarousel-prev jcarousel-prev-disabled"></div> <div class="jcarousel-next"></div> <div class="jcarousel-clip"> <ul class="jcarousel-list"> <li class="jcarousel-item-1">First item</li> <li class="jcarousel-item-2">Second item</li> </ul> </div> </div></div>
As you can see, there are some elements added which have assigned classes (in addition to the classes you may have already assigned manually). Feel free to design your carousel with the classes you can see above.
- The skin class "jcarousel-skin-name" has been moved from the
to the top
- The first nested
<div class="jcarousel-container">
illustrates a disabled button, the second an enabled one. The disabled button has the attribute
(which actually makes no sense for
elements, but you can also use
elements or whatever you want) as well as the additional class
- All
elements of the list have the class
assigned where
represents the position in the list.
- Not shown here is, that all classes are followed by additional classes with a suffix dependent on the orientation of the carousel, ie.
<ul class="jcarousel-list jcarousel-list-horizontal">
for a horizontal carousel.
(default) then autoscrolling is turned off.
as string. If set to
, wrapping is turned off (default). You can also pass
as option to enable support for circular carousels. See the example Circular carousel on how to implement it.
itemLoadCallback: { onBeforeAnimation: callback1, onAfterAnimation: callback2}
object itself, the index which indicates the position of the item in the list and the state of the carousel action (prev, next or init). Alternatively, you can pass a hash of one or two functions which are triggered before and/or after animation:
itemFirstInCallback: { onBeforeAnimation: callback1, onAfterAnimation: callback2}
object itself, the index which indicates the position of the item in the list and the state of the carousel action (prev, next or init). Alternatively, you can pass a hash of one or two functions which are triggered before and/or after animation:
itemFirstOutCallback: { onBeforeAnimation: callback1, onAfterAnimation: callback2}
object itself, the index which indicates the position of the item in the list and the state of the carousel action (prev, next or init). Alternatively, you can pass a hash of one or two functions which are triggered before and/or after animation:
itemLastInCallback: { onBeforeAnimation: callback1, onAfterAnimation: callback2}
object itself, the index which indicates the position of the item in the list and the state of the carousel action (prev, next or init). Alternatively, you can pass a hash of one or two functions which are triggered before and/or after animation:
itemLastOutCallback: { onBeforeAnimation: callback1, onAfterAnimation: callback2}
object itself, the index which indicates the position of the item in the list and the state of the carousel action (prev, next or init). Alternatively, you can pass a hash of one or two functions which are triggered before and/or after animation:
itemVisibleInCallback: { onBeforeAnimation: callback1, onAfterAnimation: callback2}
object itself, the index which indicates the position of the item in the list and the state of the carousel action (prev, next or init). Alternatively, you can pass a hash of one or two functions which are triggered before and/or after animation:
itemVisibleOutCallback: { onBeforeAnimation: callback1, onAfterAnimation: callback2}
, no next-button is created.
, no prev-button is created.
jCarousel is inspired by the Carousel Component written by Bill Scott.
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标题“jqzoom + jcarousel图片展示”涉及到两个主要的JavaScript库——jqZoom和jCarousel,它们都是用于网页中图片展示和交互的工具。jqZoom主要用于实现图片的放大预览效果,而jCarousel则是一个强大的jQuery插件,...
jCarousel图片滚动插件 jquery图片滚动 jCarousel 是个非常好看又好用的内容滚动切换插件,可以实现按序水平或垂直方向的内容列表的切换。 滚动切换的内容可以是静态的HTML内容,也可以是JS的对象列表,也可以是...
jCarousel 是一款基于jQuery的插件,专门用于创建各种类型的滚动效果,无论是图片展示还是文本滚动,都能轻松实现。 ## 1. jCarousel 的核心功能 jCarousel 提供了灵活的配置选项和丰富的API接口,使得开发者可以...
jCarousel 是一款基于 jQuery 的轮播插件,用于创建各种滑动效果,如图片轮播、内容滚动等。它提供了一套丰富的API和多种自定义选项,使得开发者能够灵活地控制轮播的行为和样式。 首先,为了使用 jCarousel 插件,...
**Jcarousel图片效果详解** Jcarousel是一款非常流行的JavaScript图片轮播插件,它以其高度定制化和出色的用户体验而受到广大Web开发者的喜爱。这个插件能够实现图片的向上、向下滚动,以及其他各种动态展示效果,...
在这个项目中,`jQuery` 被用来实现两种关键功能:图片滚动(通过 `jcarousel` 插件)和局部图片放大镜效果(通过 `jqueryzoom` 插件)。下面我们将详细介绍这两个功能及其背后的原理。 1. **`jcarousel` 插件**:`...
`jCarousel` 是一个非常流行的 jQuery 插件,主要用于创建可滚动的图片或内容列表。它以其强大的功能和灵活性在网页开发中被广泛使用,尤其适用于创建滑动展示、轮播效果或产品展示等应用场景。在“jcarousel点击...
这段代码将对ID为'mycarousel'的元素应用jCarousel插件,并设置为水平展示,每次显示3张图片,每次滚动1张。 jCarousel的HTML结构通常包含一个ul列表,其中li元素表示每张图片或内容。CSS样式则用来控制图片的布局...
在构建电子商务网站时...总的来说,jcarousel+jqzoom 的组合是电商网站中提升图片展示效果的有效工具,通过熟练掌握这两个插件的使用,开发者可以创造出更加吸引用户的商品展示区,从而提升网站的用户体验和商业价值。
`jCarousel Lite`是基于jQuery的一款轻量级的图片轮播插件,它能够帮助开发者轻松实现各种灵活的图片滚动切换效果,为网站增添动态美感。 ### 1. jCarousel Lite概述 `jCarousel Lite`是一款高效、简洁的jQuery...
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内容索引:脚本资源,jQuery,图片滚动,jQuery插件 Jcarousel 是一款基于jQuery的多风格图片滚动插件,它可以控制成组的图片滚动,也可以设置滚动方向,横向或竖向,设置图片数量,两端带有多种风格的控制按钮。...