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package test;

import test.Vector3f;

import java.awt.*;

 * author: qifan.yang
public class NearestPoint {
    private Vector3f A = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
    private Vector3f B = new Vector3f(3, 0, 0);
    private Vector3f C = new Vector3f(3f, 3, 0);   //直线外一点

    public NearestPoint() {

    private double calculateDistance() {
        Vector3f abDir = A.subtract(B).normalize();   //AB
        Vector3f cb = C.subtract(B);
        float length = abDir.dot(cb);     //cb在ab上的投影
        Vector3f result = abDir.mult(length).add(B);  //计算出垂直交点

        System.out.println("ths cross point :" + result);
        double distance_a = C.distance(A);
        double distance_b = C.distance(B);
        double distance_result = C.distance(result);

        double min = Math.min(distance_a, distance_b);
        double moreMin = Math.min(min, distance_result);

        Vector3f ar = A.subtractLocal(result);
        Vector3f br = B.subtractLocal(result);
        if (ar.dot(br) > 0) {      //小于零,则交点在AB内部
            return min;
        return moreMin;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        NearestPoint nearestPoint = new NearestPoint();
        double ok = nearestPoint.calculateDistance();
        System.out.println("the nearest distance is :" + ok);


package test;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

public final class Vector3f implements Cloneable, java.io.Serializable {

    public final static Vector3f ZERO = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
    public final static Vector3f NAN = new Vector3f(Float.NaN, Float.NaN, Float.NaN);
    public final static Vector3f UNIT_X = new Vector3f(1, 0, 0);
    public final static Vector3f UNIT_Y = new Vector3f(0, 1, 0);
    public final static Vector3f UNIT_Z = new Vector3f(0, 0, 1);
    public final static Vector3f UNIT_XYZ = new Vector3f(1, 1, 1);
    public final static Vector3f POSITIVE_INFINITY = new Vector3f(
    public final static Vector3f NEGATIVE_INFINITY = new Vector3f(

     * the x value of the vector.
    public float x;

     * the y value of the vector.
    public float y;

     * the z value of the vector.
    public float z;

     * Constructor instantiates a new <code>Vector3f</code> with default
     * values of (0,0,0).
    public Vector3f() {
        x = y = z = 0;

     * Constructor instantiates a new <code>Vector3f</code> with provides
     * values.
     * @param x the x value of the vector.
     * @param y the y value of the vector.
     * @param z the z value of the vector.
    public Vector3f(float x, float y, float z) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.z = z;

     * <code>set</code> sets the x,y,z values of the vector based on passed
     * parameters.
     * @param x the x value of the vector.
     * @param y the y value of the vector.
     * @param z the z value of the vector.
     * @return this vector
    public Vector3f set(float x, float y, float z) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.z = z;
        return this;

     * <code>set</code> sets the x,y,z values of the vector by copying the
     * supplied vector.
     * @param vect the vector to copy.
     * @return this vector
    public Vector3f set(Vector3f vect) {
        this.x = vect.x;
        this.y = vect.y;
        this.z = vect.z;
        return this;

     * <code>add</code> adds a provided vector to this vector creating a
     * resultant vector which is returned. If the provided vector is null, null
     * is returned.
     * @param vec the vector to add to this.
     * @return the resultant vector.
    public Vector3f add(Vector3f vec) {
        if (null == vec) {
            return null;
        return new Vector3f(x + vec.x, y + vec.y, z + vec.z);

     * <code>add</code> adds the values of a provided vector storing the
     * values in the supplied vector.
     * @param vec    the vector to add to this
     * @param result the vector to store the result in
     * @return result returns the supplied result vector.
    public Vector3f add(Vector3f vec, Vector3f result) {
        result.x = x + vec.x;
        result.y = y + vec.y;
        result.z = z + vec.z;
        return result;

     * <code>addLocal</code> adds a provided vector to this vector internally,
     * and returns a handle to this vector for easy chaining of calls. If the
     * provided vector is null, null is returned.
     * @param vec the vector to add to this vector.
     * @return this
    public Vector3f addLocal(Vector3f vec) {
        if (null == vec) {
            return null;
        x += vec.x;
        y += vec.y;
        z += vec.z;
        return this;

     * <code>add</code> adds the provided values to this vector, creating a
     * new vector that is then returned.
     * @param addX the x value to add.
     * @param addY the y value to add.
     * @param addZ the z value to add.
     * @return the result vector.
    public Vector3f add(float addX, float addY, float addZ) {
        return new Vector3f(x + addX, y + addY, z + addZ);

     * <code>addLocal</code> adds the provided values to this vector
     * internally, and returns a handle to this vector for easy chaining of
     * calls.
     * @param addX value to add to x
     * @param addY value to add to y
     * @param addZ value to add to z
     * @return this
    public Vector3f addLocal(float addX, float addY, float addZ) {
        x += addX;
        y += addY;
        z += addZ;
        return this;

     * <code>scaleAdd</code> multiplies this vector by a scalar then adds the
     * given Vector3f.
     * @param scalar the value to multiply this vector by.
     * @param add    the value to add
    public Vector3f scaleAdd(float scalar, Vector3f add) {
        x = x * scalar + add.x;
        y = y * scalar + add.y;
        z = z * scalar + add.z;
        return this;

     * <code>scaleAdd</code> multiplies the given vector by a scalar then adds
     * the given vector.
     * @param scalar the value to multiply this vector by.
     * @param mult   the value to multiply the scalar by
     * @param add    the value to add
    public Vector3f scaleAdd(float scalar, Vector3f mult, Vector3f add) {
        this.x = mult.x * scalar + add.x;
        this.y = mult.y * scalar + add.y;
        this.z = mult.z * scalar + add.z;
        return this;

     * <code>dot</code> calculates the dot product of this vector with a
     * provided vector. If the provided vector is null, 0 is returned.
     * @param vec the vector to dot with this vector.
     * @return the resultant dot product of this vector and a given vector.
    public float dot(Vector3f vec) {
        if (null == vec) {
            return 0;
        return x * vec.x + y * vec.y + z * vec.z;

     * <code>cross</code> calculates the cross product of this vector with a
     * parameter vector v.
     * @param v the vector to take the cross product of with this.
     * @return the cross product vector.
    public Vector3f cross(Vector3f v) {
        return cross(v, null);

     * <code>cross</code> calculates the cross product of this vector with a
     * parameter vector v.  The result is stored in <code>result</code>
     * @param v      the vector to take the cross product of with this.
     * @param result the vector to store the cross product result.
     * @return result, after recieving the cross product vector.
    public Vector3f cross(Vector3f v, Vector3f result) {
        return cross(v.x, v.y, v.z, result);

     * <code>cross</code> calculates the cross product of this vector with a
     * parameter vector v.  The result is stored in <code>result</code>
     * @param otherX x component of the vector to take the cross product of with this.
     * @param otherY y component of the vector to take the cross product of with this.
     * @param otherZ z component of the vector to take the cross product of with this.
     * @param result the vector to store the cross product result.
     * @return result, after recieving the cross product vector.
    public Vector3f cross(float otherX, float otherY, float otherZ, Vector3f result) {
        if (result == null) result = new Vector3f();
        float resX = ((y * otherZ) - (z * otherY));
        float resY = ((z * otherX) - (x * otherZ));
        float resZ = ((x * otherY) - (y * otherX));
        result.set(resX, resY, resZ);
        return result;

     * <code>crossLocal</code> calculates the cross product of this vector
     * with a parameter vector v.
     * @param v the vector to take the cross product of with this.
     * @return this.
    public Vector3f crossLocal(Vector3f v) {
        return crossLocal(v.x, v.y, v.z);

     * <code>crossLocal</code> calculates the cross product of this vector
     * with a parameter vector v.
     * @param otherX x component of the vector to take the cross product of with this.
     * @param otherY y component of the vector to take the cross product of with this.
     * @param otherZ z component of the vector to take the cross product of with this.
     * @return this.
    public Vector3f crossLocal(float otherX, float otherY, float otherZ) {
        float tempx = (y * otherZ) - (z * otherY);
        float tempy = (z * otherX) - (x * otherZ);
        z = (x * otherY) - (y * otherX);
        x = tempx;
        y = tempy;
        return this;

     * <code>lengthSquared</code> calculates the squared value of the
     * magnitude of the vector.
     * @return the magnitude squared of the vector.
    public float lengthSquared() {
        return x * x + y * y + z * z;

     * <code>distanceSquared</code> calculates the distance squared between
     * this vector and vector v.
     * @param v the second vector to determine the distance squared.
     * @return the distance squared between the two vectors.
    public double distanceSquared(Vector3f v) {
        double dx = x - v.x;
        double dy = y - v.y;
        double dz = z - v.z;
        return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;

     * <code>distance</code> calculates the distance between this vector and
     * vector v.
     * @param v the second vector to determine the distance.
     * @return the distance between the two vectors.
    public double distance(Vector3f v) {
        return Math.sqrt(distanceSquared(v));

     * <code>mult</code> multiplies this vector by a scalar. The resultant
     * vector is returned.
     * @param scalar the value to multiply this vector by.
     * @return the new vector.
    public Vector3f mult(float scalar) {
        return new Vector3f(x * scalar, y * scalar, z * scalar);

     * <code>mult</code> multiplies this vector by a scalar. The resultant
     * vector is supplied as the second parameter and returned.
     * @param scalar  the scalar to multiply this vector by.
     * @param product the product to store the result in.
     * @return product
    public Vector3f mult(float scalar, Vector3f product) {
        if (null == product) {
            product = new Vector3f();

        product.x = x * scalar;
        product.y = y * scalar;
        product.z = z * scalar;
        return product;

     * <code>multLocal</code> multiplies this vector by a scalar internally,
     * and returns a handle to this vector for easy chaining of calls.
     * @param scalar the value to multiply this vector by.
     * @return this
    public Vector3f multLocal(float scalar) {
        x *= scalar;
        y *= scalar;
        z *= scalar;
        return this;

     * <code>multLocal</code> multiplies a provided vector to this vector
     * internally, and returns a handle to this vector for easy chaining of
     * calls. If the provided vector is null, null is returned.
     * @param vec the vector to mult to this vector.
     * @return this
    public Vector3f multLocal(Vector3f vec) {
        if (null == vec) {
            return null;
        x *= vec.x;
        y *= vec.y;
        z *= vec.z;
        return this;

     * <code>multLocal</code> multiplies this vector by 3 scalars
     * internally, and returns a handle to this vector for easy chaining of
     * calls.
     * @param x
     * @param y
     * @param z
     * @return this
    public Vector3f multLocal(float x, float y, float z) {
        this.x *= x;
        this.y *= y;
        this.z *= z;
        return this;

     * <code>multLocal</code> multiplies a provided vector to this vector
     * internally, and returns a handle to this vector for easy chaining of
     * calls. If the provided vector is null, null is returned.
     * @param vec the vector to mult to this vector.
     * @return this
    public Vector3f mult(Vector3f vec) {
        if (null == vec) {
            return null;
        return mult(vec, null);

     * <code>multLocal</code> multiplies a provided vector to this vector
     * internally, and returns a handle to this vector for easy chaining of
     * calls. If the provided vector is null, null is returned.
     * @param vec   the vector to mult to this vector.
     * @param store result vector (null to create a new vector)
     * @return this
    public Vector3f mult(Vector3f vec, Vector3f store) {
        if (null == vec) {
            return null;
        if (store == null) store = new Vector3f();
        return store.set(x * vec.x, y * vec.y, z * vec.z);

     * <code>divide</code> divides the values of this vector by a scalar and
     * returns the result. The values of this vector remain untouched.
     * @param scalar the value to divide this vectors attributes by.
     * @return the result <code>Vector</code>.
    public Vector3f divide(float scalar) {
        scalar = 1f / scalar;
        return new Vector3f(x * scalar, y * scalar, z * scalar);

     * <code>divideLocal</code> divides this vector by a scalar internally,
     * and returns a handle to this vector for easy chaining of calls. Dividing
     * by zero will result in an exception.
     * @param scalar the value to divides this vector by.
     * @return this
    public Vector3f divideLocal(float scalar) {
        scalar = 1f / scalar;
        x *= scalar;
        y *= scalar;
        z *= scalar;
        return this;

     * <code>divide</code> divides the values of this vector by a scalar and
     * returns the result. The values of this vector remain untouched.
     * @param scalar the value to divide this vectors attributes by.
     * @return the result <code>Vector</code>.
    public Vector3f divide(Vector3f scalar) {
        return new Vector3f(x / scalar.x, y / scalar.y, z / scalar.z);

     * <code>divideLocal</code> divides this vector by a scalar internally,
     * and returns a handle to this vector for easy chaining of calls. Dividing
     * by zero will result in an exception.
     * @param scalar the value to divides this vector by.
     * @return this
    public Vector3f divideLocal(Vector3f scalar) {
        x /= scalar.x;
        y /= scalar.y;
        z /= scalar.z;
        return this;

     * <code>negate</code> returns the negative of this vector. All values are
     * negated and set to a new vector.
     * @return the negated vector.
    public Vector3f negate() {
        return new Vector3f(-x, -y, -z);

     * <code>negateLocal</code> negates the internal values of this vector.
     * @return this.
    public Vector3f negateLocal() {
        x = -x;
        y = -y;
        z = -z;
        return this;

     * <code>subtract</code> subtracts the values of a given vector from those
     * of this vector creating a new vector object. If the provided vector is
     * null, null is returned.
     * @param vec the vector to subtract from this vector.
     * @return the result vector.
    public Vector3f subtract(Vector3f vec) {
        return new Vector3f(x - vec.x, y - vec.y, z - vec.z);

     * <code>subtractLocal</code> subtracts a provided vector to this vector
     * internally, and returns a handle to this vector for easy chaining of
     * calls. If the provided vector is null, null is returned.
     * @param vec the vector to subtract
     * @return this
    public Vector3f subtractLocal(Vector3f vec) {
        if (null == vec) {
            return null;
        x -= vec.x;
        y -= vec.y;
        z -= vec.z;
        return this;

     * <code>subtract</code>
     * @param vec    the vector to subtract from this
     * @param result the vector to store the result in
     * @return result
    public Vector3f subtract(Vector3f vec, Vector3f result) {
        if (result == null) {
            result = new Vector3f();
        result.x = x - vec.x;
        result.y = y - vec.y;
        result.z = z - vec.z;
        return result;

     * <code>subtract</code> subtracts the provided values from this vector,
     * creating a new vector that is then returned.
     * @param subtractX the x value to subtract.
     * @param subtractY the y value to subtract.
     * @param subtractZ the z value to subtract.
     * @return the result vector.
    public Vector3f subtract(float subtractX, float subtractY, float subtractZ) {
        return new Vector3f(x - subtractX, y - subtractY, z - subtractZ);

     * <code>subtractLocal</code> subtracts the provided values from this vector
     * internally, and returns a handle to this vector for easy chaining of
     * calls.
     * @param subtractX the x value to subtract.
     * @param subtractY the y value to subtract.
     * @param subtractZ the z value to subtract.
     * @return this
    public Vector3f subtractLocal(float subtractX, float subtractY, float subtractZ) {
        x -= subtractX;
        y -= subtractY;
        z -= subtractZ;
        return this;

     * <code>normalize</code> returns the unit vector of this vector.
     * @return unit vector of this vector.
    public Vector3f normalize() {
//        float length = length();
//        if (length != 0) {
//            return divide(length);
//        }
//        return divide(1);
        double length = x * x + y * y + z * z;
        if (length != 1f && length != 0f) {
            length = 1.0f / Math.sqrt(length);
            return new Vector3f((float) (x * length), (float) (y * length), (float) (z * length));
        return clone();

     * <code>normalizeLocal</code> makes this vector into a unit vector of
     * itself.
     * @return this.
    public Vector3f normalizeLocal() {
        // NOTE: this implementation is more optimized
        // than the old jme normalize as this method
        // is commonly used.
        double length = x * x + y * y + z * z;
        if (length != 1f && length != 0f) {
            length = 1.0f / Math.sqrt(length);
            x *= length;
            y *= length;
            z *= length;
        return this;

     * <code>maxLocal</code> computes the maximum value for each
     * component in this and <code>other</code> vector. The result is stored
     * in this vector.
     * @param other
    public void maxLocal(Vector3f other) {
        x = other.x > x ? other.x : x;
        y = other.y > y ? other.y : y;
        z = other.z > z ? other.z : z;

     * <code>minLocal</code> computes the minimum value for each
     * component in this and <code>other</code> vector. The result is stored
     * in this vector.
     * @param other
    public void minLocal(Vector3f other) {
        x = other.x < x ? other.x : x;
        y = other.y < y ? other.y : y;
        z = other.z < z ? other.z : z;

     * <code>zero</code> resets this vector's data to zero internally.
    public Vector3f zero() {
        x = y = z = 0;
        return this;

     * Sets this vector to the interpolation by changeAmnt from this to the finalVec
     * this=(1-changeAmnt)*this + changeAmnt * finalVec
     * @param finalVec   The final vector to interpolate towards
     * @param changeAmnt An amount between 0.0 - 1.0 representing a precentage
     *                   change from this towards finalVec
    public Vector3f interpolate(Vector3f finalVec, float changeAmnt) {
        this.x = (1 - changeAmnt) * this.x + changeAmnt * finalVec.x;
        this.y = (1 - changeAmnt) * this.y + changeAmnt * finalVec.y;
        this.z = (1 - changeAmnt) * this.z + changeAmnt * finalVec.z;
        return this;

     * Sets this vector to the interpolation by changeAmnt from beginVec to finalVec
     * this=(1-changeAmnt)*beginVec + changeAmnt * finalVec
     * @param beginVec   the beging vector (changeAmnt=0)
     * @param finalVec   The final vector to interpolate towards
     * @param changeAmnt An amount between 0.0 - 1.0 representing a precentage
     *                   change from beginVec towards finalVec
    public Vector3f interpolate(Vector3f beginVec, Vector3f finalVec, float changeAmnt) {
        this.x = (1 - changeAmnt) * beginVec.x + changeAmnt * finalVec.x;
        this.y = (1 - changeAmnt) * beginVec.y + changeAmnt * finalVec.y;
        this.z = (1 - changeAmnt) * beginVec.z + changeAmnt * finalVec.z;
        return this;

     * Check a vector... if it is null or its floats are NaN or infinite,
     * return false.  Else return true.
     * @param vector the vector to check
     * @return true or false as stated above.
    public static boolean isValidVector(Vector3f vector) {
        if (vector == null) return false;
        if (Float.isNaN(vector.x) ||
                Float.isNaN(vector.y) ||
                Float.isNaN(vector.z)) return false;
        if (Float.isInfinite(vector.x) ||
                Float.isInfinite(vector.y) ||
                Float.isInfinite(vector.z)) return false;
        return true;

    public Vector3f clone() {
        try {
            return (Vector3f) super.clone();
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
            throw new AssertionError(); // can not happen

     * Saves this Vector3f into the given float[] object.
     * @param floats The float[] to take this Vector3f. If null, a new float[3] is
     *               created.
     * @return The array, with X, Y, Z float values in that order
    public float[] toArray(float[] floats) {
        if (floats == null) {
            floats = new float[3];
        floats[0] = x;
        floats[1] = y;
        floats[2] = z;
        return floats;

     * are these two vectors the same? they are is they both have the same x,y,
     * and z values.
     * @param o the object to compare for equality
     * @return true if they are equal
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (!(o instanceof Vector3f)) {
            return false;

        if (this == o) {
            return true;

        Vector3f comp = (Vector3f) o;
        if (Float.compare(x, comp.x) != 0) return false;
        if (Float.compare(y, comp.y) != 0) return false;
        if (Float.compare(z, comp.z) != 0) return false;
        return true;

     * <code>hashCode</code> returns a unique code for this vector object based
     * on it's values. If two vectors are logically equivalent, they will return
     * the same hash code value.
     * @return the hash code value of this vector.
    public int hashCode() {
        int hash = 37;
        hash += 37 * hash + Float.floatToIntBits(x);
        hash += 37 * hash + Float.floatToIntBits(y);
        hash += 37 * hash + Float.floatToIntBits(z);
        return hash;

     * <code>toString</code> returns the string representation of this vector.
     * The format is:
     * <p/>
     * org.jme.math.Vector3f [X=XX.XXXX, Y=YY.YYYY, Z=ZZ.ZZZZ]
     * @return the string representation of this vector.
    public String toString() {
        return "(" + x + ", " + y + ", " + z + ")";

    public float getX() {
        return x;

    public Vector3f setX(float x) {
        this.x = x;
        return this;

    public float getY() {
        return y;

    public Vector3f setY(float y) {
        this.y = y;
        return this;

    public float getZ() {
        return z;

    public Vector3f setZ(float z) {
        this.z = z;
        return this;

     * @param index
     * @return x value if index == 0, y value if index == 1 or z value if index ==
     *         2
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if index is not one of 0, 1, 2.
    public float get(int index) {
        switch (index) {
            case 0:
                return x;
            case 1:
                return y;
            case 2:
                return z;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("index must be either 0, 1 or 2");

     * @param index which field index in this vector to set.
     * @param value to set to one of x, y or z.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if index is not one of 0, 1, 2.
    public void set(int index, float value) {
        switch (index) {
            case 0:
                x = value;
            case 1:
                y = value;
            case 2:
                z = value;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("index must be either 0, 1 or 2");




package test;

import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;

import java.awt.*;

 * author: qifan.yang
public class NearestPoint {
    private Vector3f A = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
    private Vector3f B = new Vector3f(3, 0, 0);
    private Vector3f C = new Vector3f(3f, 3, 0);   //直线外一点

    public NearestPoint() {

    private float calculateDistance() {
        Vector3f abDir = A.subtract(B).normalize();   //AB
        Vector3f cb = C.subtract(B);
        float length = abDir.dot(cb);     //cb在ab上的投影
        Vector3f result = abDir.mult(length).add(B);  //计算出垂直交点

        System.out.println("ths cross point :" + result);
        float distance_a = C.distance(A);
        float distance_b = C.distance(B);
        float distance_result = C.distance(result);

        float min = Math.min(distance_a, distance_b);
        float moreMin = Math.min(min, distance_result);

        Vector3f ar = A.subtractLocal(result);
        Vector3f br = B.subtractLocal(result);
        if (ar.dot(br) > 0) {      //小于零,则交点在AB内部
            return min;
        return moreMin;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        NearestPoint nearestPoint = new NearestPoint();
        float ok = nearestPoint.calculateDistance();
        System.out.println("the nearest distance is :" + ok);





    记录下 java jts 求两个空间几何图形间最短距离,及最短距离间的两个坐标. 如:求一个点到一条直线的垂直坐标






    该函数实现了 Vladimir J. LUMELSKY,“线段之间距离的快速... 用于计算两条线段之间的最短距离。 它也处理所有退化情况(当线平行时,一条线是一个点,两条线都是点)。 或者,该函数可以返回线段上最近的两个点。


    将垂足Q的坐标解出后,再计算点P到点Q的距离,就是点P到线段AB的最短距离。 在`MyLine.java`文件中,我们可以预期找到一个类或者一系列函数,它们实现了上述功能。这些函数可能包括`isInFirstQuadrant()`用于检测...


    在GIS中,计算一个点P到线段l的最短距离是一个基本而重要的问题。该问题通常通过几何方法来解决,计算出点P到线段l的垂直距离,并确保这个距离是最短的。 8. 链式编码栅格数据压缩 链式编码是一种用于栅格数据压缩...


    该代码实现了一个较为完整的单源最短路径算法,使用了邻接矩阵来表示图,并通过迭代的方式计算出从起始顶点到所有其他顶点的最短路径。 #### 主要变量解析 - `a[5][5]`:表示邻接矩阵,用于存储图中各顶点之间的...




    比如将旅行商问题的解决方案表示为一条折线图,每条线段代表从一个城市到另一个城市的路径,不同的颜色或样式可以区分不同的城市,这样用户可以直观地看到算法找出的最短路径。 **优化2可能涉及的内容:** 优化2...

    dv.rar_Voronoi算法_dv_voronoi java

    2. 广度优先搜索(BFS)或Dijkstra算法:这些路径查找算法可以用来找到种子点与图中其他点的最短距离,从而确定细胞边界。 3. 图形绘制:为了可视化Voronoi图,可能需要使用Java的图形库,如Java AWT或Swing,或者...


    道格拉斯-普克算法(Douglas-Peucker Algorithm)是几何图形处理中用于简化多边形或线段序列的一种算法,但在这里,它被巧妙地应用于计算图的最短路径。 在图论中,一个图由节点(顶点)和边组成,边可能带有权重,...


    - `distanceFrom(Point p)`:计算线段与给定点之间的最短距离。 2. **点(Point)类**: - 点是二维空间中的位置表示,通常由x和y坐标定义。 - 属性可能包括`double x`和`double y`,分别代表点的x和y坐标。 - ...


    2. 距离计算:使用某种距离度量方法,如欧氏距离或曼哈顿距离,来衡量GPS点到道路网络中各线段的距离。这一步骤可能需要高效的搜索策略,如kd树或R树,以减少计算复杂性。 3. 匹配策略:确定最佳匹配规则,如最近邻...


    1. **直线与点的关系**:包括点到直线的距离、两点间距离的计算,以及直线的表示和交点求解。 2. **线段与线段的关系**:如线段的长度、线段的交点判断,以及线段的排序和覆盖问题。 3. **圆与点、线的关系**:...


    它的基本思想是从一个起点开始,按照顺时针或逆时针方向,依次选取与当前点距离最近的点,直到返回到起点为止。这个过程可以想象为一个虚拟的线段(包裹线)围绕着点集转动,直到完全包裹住所有点。 在POJ1113问题...

    dotnet C# 根据椭圆长度和宽度和旋转角计算出椭圆中心点的方法.rar

    椭圆是由两个焦点和通过这两个焦点的所有线段的最短距离(即焦距)之和恒定的点集形成的平面几何形状。在二维坐标系中,椭圆可以用标准方程表示: \[ \frac{x^2}{a^2} + \frac{y^2}{b^2} = 1 \] 其中 \(a\) 是椭圆...

    All Algorithms implemented in Java.zip

    - 二维几何运算:如点线段距离计算、碰撞检测等。 - 平面扫描算法:用于处理大规模几何对象间的相互作用。 7. 数学算法: - 大整数运算:Java提供了BigInteger类支持大整数计算。 - 回文判断:如Manacher's ...


    6. **路径可视化**:计算出最短路径后,还需要将其在地图上以线段形式呈现,这涉及到坐标系统的处理和图形渲染技术,可能是通过Java的图形API实现。 7. **性能优化**:对于大型地图,Dijkstra算法可能会面临效率...

    算法 第4版-谢路云 译 Java描述 -完整版.pdf

    11. **计算几何**:涵盖线段树、四叉树等数据结构,以及点查询、最近点对等问题。 12. **并行与分布式算法**:讨论了如何在多处理器或多机器环境中设计和分析算法。 总的来说,《算法 第4版》全面覆盖了算法的核心...


    欧几里得距离公式定义了在平面直角坐标系中两点之间最短的距离,计算公式为:d = √((x2 - x1)² + (y2 - y1)²)。中点公式则给出了连接两点的线段中点的坐标,计算公式为:M(x, y) = ((x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2...

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