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You have installed a lot of useless repos and Yum is not working properly becaus


ls /etc/yum.repos.d
然后执行了yum clean all
OK,然后再执行yum -y update,我靠,成功了,就看着一直下载,等了N长的时间。
yum clean headers
yum clean packages



    VisualRoute is not installed properly 解决办法

    visualroute 2010 在使用eclvr14c进行破解时,提示"VisualRoute is not installed properly ",经本人多次跟踪实践发现问题在缺少文件上: 检查安装完后在C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\下是否有mswin32v16....


    `yum.repos.d`目录是`yum`配置的重要部分,存放了定义软件仓库(repositories)的配置文件。这个压缩包`yum.repos.d.zip`很可能是包含了CentOS 7系统中用于配置`yum`仓库的一系列`.repo`文件。 `yum`的工作原理是...

    在64位机器上使用plSQL连接Oracle的问题(SQLNet not properly installed)

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    解决Delphi DBX和MySQL连接的噩梦:DBX Error: Driver could not be properly initialized.

    Client library may be missing, not installed properly, ...),我找到了合适的libmysql.dll和dbxmys.dll组合,把下面这个libmysql.dll拷贝到XE的bin目录下,不行复制到C:\Windows\system32或64位的C:\Windows\...


    Note that this is a text-only and possibly out-of-date version of the wiki ReadMe, which is located at: http://code.google.com/p/tesseract-ocr/wiki/ReadMe Introduction ============ This package ...

    OSError: Looks like you do not have git-lfs installed【没有root权限】

    LFS是Large File Storage的缩写,用了帮助git管理大的文件 原理:不同于git每次保存diff,对于git来说,如果是模型或者一些设计大文件,改变一点,对于仓库来说会增加很大的体积,不一会就能几个G。...

    明宇报表插件/如意报表插件解决浏览器出现Ming-WebReport viewer has not been installed

    当用户遇到“Ming-WebReport viewer has not been installed properly.”的错误提示时,通常意味着报表查看器没有正确安装或者配置不完整,这会影响报表的正常显示和使用。本文将详细介绍如何解决这个问题。 首先,...


    completely rewritten and a lot of new features has been added. ------------------------------------------- 4. Known problems: ------------------------------------------- * The Shell Extension ...

    Windows MicroXP 0.82[Microsoft Windows XP SP3原版加工成的微型XP系统,=99.9%个完整XP]

    When you insert a CD that would bring up a screen to install the program contained on the CD, this does not happen in this version of Windows, you will have to explore the CD manually and run whatever...

    VclZip pro v3.10.1

    If you use Delphi 6, 7, or BCB 6, you don't have to worry about any of this as the normal TSTream is used by VCLZip and handles large file/stream sizes. ============ Version 2.23 (VCLZip Lite) ...

    polycom宝利通视频会议软件3.9 2018

    agent or student or one video conferencing device not assigned to a unique individual, within your company or legally recognized entity that is authorized by you to directly or indirectly use the ...


    A: Microsoft Word 2000 or higher is either not installed or not installed properly. Please see “Working with Security Software” if you do have Microsoft Word installed. Registering Word-2-CHM Word-...

    Visual Studio

    to learn more ,you can review the list of common issues and workarounds or examine the log file. Cordova 3.0 Plugin 安装 及"git" command line tool is not installed 根据...


    若执行 yum list installed 则表示只列出系统中已安装的软件包,yum list available 则表示只列出软件仓库中可用(尚未安装)的软件包,yum list update 则表示列出可以升级版本的软件包。 * install:安装某个套件 ...

    PIL-1.1.7.win32-py2.7(解决ImportError The _imagingft C module is not installed)

    导入字库的时候都会遇到mportError The _imagingft C module is not installed错误,此安装包,包含了freetype库。win7 32位操作系统测试通过,64位请绕道,用pillow。

    VB编程资源大全(英文源码 网络)

    AdvancedWebBrowser.zip Advanced web browser..something like IE but less options really nice interface..code is very easy to understand..teaches you the basics of using vb.<END><br>54 , iusage.zip...


    Cydia Impactor is a GUI tool for working with mobile devices. It has features already, but is still very much a work-in-progress. It is developed by saurik (Twitter and website). Also: Tons of people ...

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