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Automatically Measuring Your Code Coverage Using Selenium (or Watir) and Rcov

desc "Measure coverage of selenium specs"
task :coverage do
  FileUtils.rm_rf "selenium_coverage"
  mongrel_pid = fork { exec("rcov script/server -o selenium_coverage --rails -- -e test -p 4000") }
  sleep(6) # wait for mongrel to start

  begin # selenium will call "exit 1" if there are failures
  rescue SystemExit; end

  Process.kill("INT", mongrel_pid) # triggers generation of rcov report
  system("open selenium_coverage/index.html") if PLATFORM['darwin']

Custom Maintenance Pages
January 05, 2007

Update: The Advanced Rails Recipes book includes an updated and extended version of this recipe. Thanks for your support!

Capistrano makes it quick and easy to put up a temporary maintenance page while you're doing chores around your production Rails app. Hopefully users won't see that page for long, but even when they do it's a nice touch to customize the page a smidge.

The stock maintenance page template that Capistrano uses by default is good, but it's easy to set your app apart from the rest. Simply redefine the disable_web task in your deploy.rb file to render a custom template. Here's an example:

task :disable_web, :roles => :web do
  on_rollback { delete "#{shared_path}/system/maintenance.html" }
  maintenance = render("./app/views/layouts/maintenance.rhtml",
                       :deadline => ENV['UNTIL'],
                       :reason => ENV['REASON'])
  put maintenance, "#{shared_path}/system/maintenance.html",
                   :mode => 0644

This task uses ERb to render your local maintenance.rhtml template, and transfers the result to the maintenance.html file on all remote hosts in the web role.

I tend to put the maintenance.rhtml template in the layouts directory because it's a full HTML file like the other layout files, not just a fragment of HTML. Here's an example maintenance.rhtml template, sans all the surrounding HTML:

  We're currently down for <%= reason ? reason : "maintenance" %>
  as of <%= Time.now.strftime("%H:%M %Z") %>.
  Sorry for the inconvenience. We'll be back
  <%= deadline ? "by #{deadline}" : "shortly" %>.
  Please email us if you need to get in touch.

You'll also need to tell your web server to check for the static maintenance file and redirect all requests to it if the file exists. Here's an example for Apache:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(css|jpg|png)$
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/system/maintenance.html -f
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !maintenance.html
RewriteRule ^.*$ /system/maintenance.html [L]

Then, when it's time for some app maintenance, you can put up your custom maintenance page by typing

cap disable_web

Here's an example of what you'd see if we were cleaning out the dust bunnies on one of our apps:

And when you've finished, simply take down the maintenance page by typing

cap enable_web

Another benefit of redefining disable_web and using a custom template is being able to define in any variables you like. Here's how you'd pass in the two variables used in the template above, but you can imagine defining an arbitrary number of variables:

UNTIL="16:00 MST" REASON="a database upgrade" cap disable_web

Ideally your site would never be down, but once in a while you need to do some preventative maintenance. People who use your app will appreciate that you've taken the time to spruce up the edge cases.
rcov Rake Task
January 05, 2007

Jamis recently posted a tip on the virtues of running rcov to measure code coverage. While it's easy to put too much faith in code coverage, running rcov is an inexpensive way to get some insight into your testing patterns. I've been using it on recent Rails projects to get a quick synoptic view of the test landscape.

If you'd like to give rcov a try, here are the steps I used to get it working:

1. Install rcov

gem install rcov

2. Write a Rake Task

Add this task to your lib/tasks/my_app.rake file, for example:

namespace :test do

  desc 'Measures test coverage'
  task :coverage do
    rm_f "coverage"
    rm_f "coverage.data"
    rcov = "rcov --rails --aggregate coverage.data --text-summary -Ilib"
    system("#{rcov} --no-html test/unit/*_test.rb")
    system("#{rcov} --no-html test/functional/*_test.rb")
    system("#{rcov} --html test/integration/*_test.rb")
    system("open coverage/index.html") if PLATFORM['darwin']


I've tried various approaches and options over the last few months, and these seem to work best for me. The results for all the unit, functional, and integration tests get aggregated into one report so I can scan everything quickly. Your mileage may vary.

3. Run the Task

rake test:coverage

You'll get a text summary for the unit, functional, and integration tests as they're being run. And if you're on a Mac, the task automatically pops open the HTML report in your default browser at the end. Otherwise, you can open it manually.



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