1.struts2.x povides features to reduce xml configuration via intelligent defaults,utilizes
annotations and provides conventions over configuration.Actions are now POJOs which increases
testability and reduces coupling in the framework, and HTML form field data is converted to proper
types for the action to use.
2.Struts2 is a pull-MVC (or MVC2)framework; this is slightly different from a traditional MVC
framework in that the action takes the role of the model rather than the controller, although there
is some overlap.
3.The struts.properties configuration file provides a mechanism to change the default behavior of
the framework.
4.A familiar technique for most web developers is to place the object that needs to be accessed in
the HttpServletRequest or the HttpSession. This can be achieved by implementing the “aware”
interface (letting the dependency injection to do its work) and then setting the object to be
accessed under the required name.
5.The value stack is exactly what it says it is – a stack of objects. OGNL stands for Object Graph
Navigational Language, and provides the unified way to access objects within the value stack.
<action name=”*/*” method=”{2}”
<result type=”redirect”>/{1}/view.action</result>
<result name=”view”>/{1}/view.jsp</result>
<result name=”input”>/{1}/edit.jsp</result>
<result name=”home”>/{1}/home.jsp</result>
The action will need to extend the ActionSupport class (providing validation and error message
handling implementations) and implement the ModelDriven and Preparable interfaces. The interceptor
stack along with the two interfaces is the key to making the implementation easy, so let’s
take a look at those in more detail.
<action name="List" class="tutorial.action.BookAction" method="list">
2. Autodesk_FBX_Review_Win_64bit.exe:这是FBX Review的主要可执行程序,安装后可以在Windows系统上运行,打开并查看FBX文件。 在实际应用中,FBX Review支持的功能包括但不限于: - **模型预览**:显示3D模型的...
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Autodesk FBX Review是一款由Autodesk公司开发的专业三维模型预览和审查工具,主要用于帮助艺术家、设计师和开发者在不启动完整三维软件的情况下查看和检查FBX格式的模型数据。FBX(Filmbox)是一种跨平台的数据交换...
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SmartPlant Review是一个可视化的环境,它用于交互式查看3D模型,当维护一个主题的设计或施工的技术分析时。 SmartPlant审查范围-管理组织中的项目活动,包括具有复杂的地理分布结构。 一个系统可以用于流程...
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2. It puts forward efficiently ideas to dear with____. 3. It makes a brief review of____, and asserts that____. 4. The drawing vividly illustrates the old saying. 5. Let me make a persuasive ...
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