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微时代-最专业的微信第三方平台。LBS定位导航,微网站,自定义 ...
微信公众平台 /微信公众平台怎么用 -
return ReverseStr1(str.substrin ...
逆转字符串 Write a String Reverser (and use Recursion!) -
public class StringUtils {
p ...
逆转字符串 Write a String Reverser (and use Recursion!)
【Key Points】
drawn, privacy, peeping Tom, peek, voluntarily, to invade my privacy, anonymity, to be on guard, need- to-know basis, paranoid, is out to get you, to disclose, seclusion, hermit, rest assured, breathe a word
Guarding One’s Privacy
I went to visit my old friend, Mina, whom I hadn’t seen in several years. It was one of the strangest afternoons of my life!
Dan: Hi, Mina, it’s really good to see you.
Mina: Dan, come in. Hurry!
Dan: Uh, okay. Why do you have four locks on your door, and why are all of the curtains drawn?
Mina: I like my privacy. And anyway, I think there’s a peeping Tom around this apartment building and I don’t want him to get a peek into my apartment.
Dan: Oh, okay. I noticed that your name isn’t on your mailbox. I wasn’t sure I had the right apartment number.
Mina: Do you think I would voluntarily give people that information? They are constantly trying to invade my privacy. All I want is anonymity, but I have to be on guard all of the time. These days, I only give out personal information on a need- to-know basis.
Dan: No offense, but isn’t that a little paranoid? You act as though everybody is out to get you.
Mina: Aren’t they? Haven’t you noticed? We constantly have to disclose our most personal information on forms and to anyone who comes to our door. If I didn’t know you were coming today, I wouldn’t have opened my door at all.
Dan: You mean you live here in seclusion, like a hermit?
Mina: Of course not! I have plenty of friends. Come and meet them all.
Dan: Wow, you must have 10 birds and 20 cats!
Mina: Yes, that’s right. But, rest assured, none of them will breathe a word of what you say here today!
womanishing, and starting from tomorrow! May I have your hand? 可以嫁给我吗? I’ll take your word for it. 说话在表达你的情感. Seems you are the winner team in english session today taking about FengShui. Congratulation! Heard that you will be taking a Speaking test tomorrow. Good for you pass E2 first.
A: Jerry I want to have a word with you.
B: Shoot! (go ahead)
A: I’ve something to tell you guys. You know, I’m going to quit smoking, drinking, gambling and
B: Famous last words!
A: Please! I’m pretty serious about that. I’ll not eat my words this time.
B: We don’t believe a word of that.
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* 方向语汇:East 东、South 南、West 西、North 北、Left 左、Right 右、Straight on 往前直去 * 问路语句: + Excuse me, How do I get to the ....... ?(请问如何前往...) + How do I get to the airport?...
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【项目资源】: 包含前端、后端、移动开发、操作系统、人工智能、物联网、信息化管理、数据库、硬件开发、大数据、课程资源、音视频、网站开发等各种技术项目的源码。 ... 【项目质量】: 所有源码都经过严格测试,...
【普通话口语训练教案】 普通话是中华人民共和国的官方语言,它基于北方汉语方言,具有清晰、规范的特点。在进行普通话口语训练时,首要任务是掌握普通话的基础知识,特别是语音部分,包括声母、韵母和声调。这篇...
- 对外汉语教学中心提供基础和实用汉语课程,根据学生水平分初级、中级和高级,涵盖口语、听力、语法和写作。 - 提供选修课,如汉字书法、古代汉语、戏剧电影欣赏和HSK应试等。 - 暑期开设短期班,通常为期4周,...
### 口语交际之复述与转述 #### 一、复述技巧解析 ##### 1. 复述的意义 - **定义**:复述是指根据原文内容,用自己的话重新表述的过程。 - **目的**:培养记忆力、理解力和表达能力。 ##### 2. 复述类型 - **详细...
而【复试经验】则分享了前人参加复试的经验教训,包括面试技巧、英语口语练习、个人陈述等方面的建议,对于准备复试的考生来说,这些都是不可或缺的指导。 总结而言,这套【北工大892软件专硕资料】是全方位的考研...
6. **文化水平与书面表达**:在岳飞冤案中,王俊的诬告状词体现了他的文化水平较低,使用了大量宋时的口语,如"自家懑都出岳相公门下",反映了口语在日常生活和法律文本中的广泛使用。 7. **口语中的俚语和谚语**:...
这份北师大六年级英语LessonPPT课件主要围绕体育明星和运动展开,旨在帮助学生提升英语口语交流能力和词汇量。以下是对课件内容的详细解释: 首先,课件通过提问“你喜欢哪个体育明星?”(T: Which sports star do...
【描述】: 这份文档旨在帮助学生掌握模块6中的核心词汇,包括单词的发音、含义以及一些相关的表达方式,从而提升学生的英语阅读、听力和口语能力。 【标签】: "文档" 指明这是一份文件资料,可能是Word文档格式,...
这份PPT课件是针对燕山北师大初中七年级下学期英语教学的"Unit Communication Workshop"部分。从内容来看,课件旨在帮助学生提升日常生活和交际中的英语应用能力,涵盖了家务活动、通信方式以及问路与指路等实用场景...
这份“北师大一年级英语下册 Unit PPT学习教案”是一个专门为小学一年级学生设计的英语教学资源,旨在帮助孩子们在轻松愉快的环境中学习基础的英语词汇和句型。以下是该PPT中的主要知识点: 1. **动物词汇**:PPT中...
总结而言,这份2020年北师大一年级上册英语教材Unit1 Hello Lesson2的习题资料,以一种适合儿童的学习方式,着重培养学生的英语基础对话技能、问候语使用、互动学习以及基础的听力和口语能力。通过这些基础但关键的...
北师大五年级语文下册古诗两首蜂PPT教案学习.pptx 这是一份北师大五年级语文下册古诗两首蜂PPT教案学习的资源文件,主要讲解了罗隐的古诗《蜂》的内容和诗歌的解读方法。以下是这份资源文件的知识点总结: 一、...