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 Someday 有一天

  How the hell did we 1)wind up like this 我们怎么会变成这样?

  Why weren't we able 为什么我们,对那些迹象视而不见,

  To see the signs that we missed 对那些迹象视而不见,

  And try to 2)turn the tables 为什么我们已无力回天。

  I wish you'd 3)unclench your fists 我希望你放松拳头,

  And unpack your suitcase 打开行李。

  Lately there's been 4)too much of this 最近这种事情太多了,

  But don't think it's too late 一切都不会太晚。

  Nothin's wrong 谁都没有错,

  Just 5)as long as 只要你知道,

  You know that someday I will 总有一天,

  Someday, somehow 总有一天,

  Gonna make it all right but not right now 一切都会变好,但不是现在

  I know you're wondering 6)when 我知道你想知道是何时。

  (You're the only one who knows that) (你是唯一知情的人)


  Someday, somehow 总有一天

  Gonna make it all right but not right now 一切都会变好,但不是现在

  I know you're wondering when 我知道你想知道是何时。

  Well I hoped that since we're here anyway 既然我们已经走到这一步,

  We could 7)end up saying 我只希望我们

  Things we've always needed to say 能够说自己想说的话。

  So we could 8)end up stringing 所以我们不用再互相欺骗。

  Now the story's 9)played out like this 事已至此,

  Just like a 10)paperback novel 像是一本平装小说

  Let's rewrite an ending that fits 就让我们重写一个恰当的结尾,

  Instead of a Hollywood horror 而不是让它变成一本好莱坞恐怖小说。

  Nothin's wrong 谁都没有错,

  Just 5)as long as 只要你知道,

  You know that someday I will 总有一天,

  Someday, somehow 总有一天,

  Gonna make it all right but not right now 一切都会变好,但不是现在

  I know you're wondering 6)when 我知道你想知道是何时。

  (You're the only one who knows that) (你是唯一知情的人)

  Someday, somehow 总有一天

  Gonna make it all right but not right now 一切都会变好,但不是现在

  I know you're wondering when 我知道你想知道是何时。

  How the hell did we 1)wind up like this 我们怎么会变成这样?

  Why weren't we able 为什么我们,对那些迹象视而不见,

  To see the signs that we missed 对那些迹象视而不见,

  And try to 2)turn the tables 为什么我们已无力回天。

  Now the story's 9)played out like this 事已至此,

  Just like a 10)paperback novel 像是一本平装小说

  Let's rewrite an ending that fits 就让我们重写一个恰当的结尾,

  Instead of a Hollywood horror 而不是让它变成一本好莱坞恐怖小说。




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