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craig david--fill me in


《Slicker Than Your Average》
呵呵 正在听呢


不过还是觉得没有《Born To Do It》好听,呵呵 也许是先入为主了吧

  • 01 Fill Me In
  • Pop 03:52 3637k 44.1kHz 128bps 21184
  • 02 Can't Be Messing Around
  • Pop 03:53 3653k 44.1kHz 128bps 19559
  • 03 Rendezvous
  • Pop 04:37 4329k 44.1kHz 128bps 19507
  • 04 Seven Days
  • Pop 03:44 3511k 44.1kHz 128bps 20694
  • 07 Walking Away
  • Pop 03:24 3197k 44.1kHz 128bps 19863
  • 08 Time To Party
  • Pop 04:04 3824k 44.1kHz 128bps 19448
  • 09 Booty Man
  • Pop 03:47 3560k 44.1kHz 128bps 19264
  • 10 Once In A Lifetime
  • Pop 03:30 3285k 44.1kHz 128bps 19274
  • 11 You Know What
  • Pop 03:34 3349k 44.1kHz 128bps 19279
  • 12 Rewind
  • Pop 01:40 1575k 44.1kHz 128bps 19306
  • 14 Fill Me In Remix
  • Pop 04:12 3951k 44.1kHz 128bps 19347
  • 13 7 Days Full Crew Remix
  • <<fill me in >>
    All right
    Can you fill me in
    Talk 'nout it
    I was checking this girl next door when her parents went out
    She'd phone say hey boy come on right around
    So i knock on the door you were standing with a bottle of red
    wine ready to pour
    Dressed in long black satin laced to the floor
    So i went in
    Then we sat down start kissing caressing
    Told me 'bout jacuzzi
    Sounded interesting
    So we jumped right in
    All calls diverted to answerphone
    Please leave a message after the tone
    I mean me & her parents were kinda cool
    But they were the fine line between me
    & you
    We were just doing things young people in love do
    Parents trying to find out what we were up to
    Saying why were you creeping 'round last night
    Why could i see two shadows moving in your bedroom light
    Now your dressed in black when i left you were dressed in white
    Can you fill me in?
    Calls diverted to answerphone
    Red wine bottle half the contents gone
    Midnight return jacuzzi turned on
    Can you fill me in?
    Whenever the coast was clear & she'd ask me to come
    I'd say hey girl
    Come on right around
    So she knocked at the door
    I was standing with the keys in my hand to the 4x4
    Jumped in my ride
    Checking that noboby saw
    The club we went
    We got down
    Bounce bounce to the rhythm
    Saw it was early morning
    Thought we'd better be leaving
    So i gave you my jacket for you to hold
    Told you to wear it cos you felt cold
    I mean me & her didn't to break the rules
    Weren't trying to play your mum & dad for fools
    We were just doing things young people in love do
    Parents trying to find out what we were up to
    Saying why can't you keep your promises no more
    Saying you'll be home by 12 come strolling in at 4
    Out with your girls but leaving with the boy next door
    Can you fill me in?
    Wearing a jacket who's property
    Said you'd been queuing for a taxi
    But you left all your money on the tv
    Can you fill me in?
    All they seem to do
    Is be checking up on you baby
    Watching are every move
    Think someday the might approve





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