Lead and Lag
(page 249)
Lag and lead functions provide inter-row referencing ability. Lag provides the ability to access prior row in the result set. The lead function allows access to later row in the result set.
Lag和lead 函数提供了行间引用的能力。Lag提供访问结果集中(当前行)之前行的能力。lead函数则允许访问结果集中(当前行)之后行。
In retail industry, same-store sales is a metric calculated to measure an outlet’s performance, usually
sales data compared to the same quarter last year.
With normalized data model, this metric calculation
would require accessing another row as the Sale column values for current and prior years are stored in
different rows. Using the powerful inter-row referencing ability of lead and lag functions, this metric can
be calculated with ease.
Another example is percentage increase or decrease calculations requiring access to the prior or
following row. This calculation can be optimally written using lead and lag functions, too.
Syntax and Ordering 句法和排序
As discussed earlier, data in analytic SQL is partitioned on a partitioning column. Fetching a prior row is
a position-dependant operation, and the order of the rows in a data partition is important in
maintaining logical consistency.
Within a data partition, rows are sorted with an order by clause to
control the position of a row in the result set. Syntax for the lag function is:
在一数据分区内,行依照order by子句排序来控制行在结果集中的位置。lag函数的句法是:
lag (expression, offset, default ) over (partition-clause order-by-clause)
Lead and lag functions do not support windowing clause. Only partition-by and order by clauses
are supported with these two functions.
Lead 和 lag函数都不支持windowing(开窗)子句。这两个函数只支持partition-by 和order by子句。
Example 1: Returning a Value from Prior Row 例子1:从之前行返回值
Let’s say that you need to fetch the sales quantity for the current week and prior week in the same row. Your requirement indicates an inter-row reference, and this in turn necessitates
a need for a self-join in a non-analytic SQL statement. However, the lag function provides this inter-row reference without a self-join.
Listing 8-5 uses lag(sale,1,sale) to retrieve the Sale column value from one row prior in the result
set. The clause order by year, week specifies the column sort order in each data partition. Since the
rows are ordered by the columns Year and Week, the function lag(sale,1,sale) is retrieving the sale
column value from the prior row, which is the Sale column value from the prior week (assuming no gaps
in the week Column). For example, refer to the row where Year=1998 and week=3. For that row, the lag
function is retrieving the Sale column value from the prior row where Year=1998 and week=2. Notice
that analytic function does not specify the partitioning column in the clause lag(sale,1,sale). It is
implicitly referring to the current partition.
列表8-5使用lag(sale,1,sale)从结果集中的前一行检索Sale列值。子句order by year, week
指定在每个数据分区中的列排序顺序。由于行按照Year 和
Year=1998 和week=3的那行而言,lag函数检索的就是之前的Year=1998
和week=2行的Sale列值。注意分析函数没有指定在子句 lag(sale,1,sale)中的分区列。它隐式的引用当前行。
Listing 8-5. Lag Function
col product format A30
col country format A10
col region format A10
col year format 9999
col week format 99
col sale format 999999.99
col receipts format 999999.99
set lines 120 pages 100
1 select year, week,sale,
2 lag(sale,1,sale) over(
3 partition by product, country, region
4 order by year, week
5 )
6 from sales_fact
7 where country in ('Australia') and product ='Xtend Memory'
8 order by product, country,year, week
9 /
---- ---- ---------- --------------
1998 1 58.15 58.15
1998 2 29.39 58.15
1998 3 29.49 29.39
1998 52 86.38 58.32
1999 1 53.52 86.38
1999 3 94.60 53.52
The third argument in the lag function specifies a default value and it is optional. If the analytic
function refers to a non-existent row, then a null is returned. That’s the default behavior, which you can
modify by specifying some other return value in the third argument.
For example, consider the row with
Year=1998 and Week=1. That is the first row in its data partition. In that row’s case, the lag function is
accessing a non-existing prior row. Because the third argument to lag is Sale, the lag function will return
the current row’s Sale value when the referenced row does not exist.
Understanding that Offset is in Rows 理解行间的偏移
It is possible to access any row within a data partition by specifying a different offset. In Listing 8-6, the lag function is using an offset of 10 to access prior tenth row. Output also shows that at row with
Year=2001 and Week=52, the lag function is accessing the tenth prior row in the result set, which is for
the week=40. Notice that Lag (sale,10,sale) is not accessing the week=42 by subtracting 10 from the
current week column value of 52; rather, this clause is accessing tenth prior row in the partition. In this
case, the tenth prior row is the row with a Week column value equal to 40.
通过指定不同的偏移值就可能访问数据分区中的任意行。在列表8-6中,lag函数使用偏移值10访问前第10行。输出对于Year=2001 和
Week=52的那一行,lag函数访问的是结果集中的前第十行,也就是week=40。注意Lag (sale,10,sale)
This issue is tricky
, as usually data gaps are not detected in the development environment. But in
the production environment, this problem manifests itself as a bug. If there are gaps in the data, as in
this example, you have a few options: populate dummy values for the missing rows or use the model
clause discussed in Chapter 9.
Listing 8-6. Lag Function with Offset of 10
1 select year, week,sale,
2 lag(sale,10,sale)
3 partition by product, country, region
4 order by year, week
5 ) prior_wk_sales_10
6 from sales_fact
7 where country in ('Australia') and product ='Xtend Memory'
8 order by product, country,year, week
9 /
----- ---- ---------- -----------------
2001 38 139.00 139.28
2001 39 115.57 94.48
2001 40 45.18 116.85
2001 41 67.19 162.91
2001 49 45.26 93.16
2001 50 23.14 139
2001 51 114.82 115.57
2001 52 23.14 45.18
Example 2: Returning a Value from an Upcoming Row 访问一之后行的值
The lead function is similar to the lag function, except that the lead function accesses later rows in the ordered result set.
For example, in the Listing 8-7, the clause lead(sale, 1,sale) is accessing a later row in the ordered result set.
Listing 8-7. Lead Function
1 select year, week,sale,
2 lead(sale, 1,sale)
3 partition by product, country, region
4 order by year, week
5 ) prior_wk_sales
6 from sales_fact
7 where country in ('Australia') and product ='Xtend Memory'
8* order by product, country,year, week
---- ---- ---------- --------------
2000 31 44.78 134.11
2000 33 134.11 178.52
2000 34 178.52 78.82
2000 35 78.82 118.41
The partition-by clause can be used to specify different partition
boundaries and the order-by clause can be used to alter the sorting
order within a partition. With effective choice of partitioning and
order by columns, any row in a result set can be accessed.
4. **窗口函数**:Oracle SQL中的窗口函数(如RANK、ROW_NUMBER、LEAD、LAG等)为在一组相关行上执行计算提供了新方法,这对于排名、移动平均和趋势分析特别有用。 5. **索引和性能优化**:理解索引的工作原理和...
- **LAG()与LEAD()**: 展示如何利用这些函数来访问当前行之前或之后的行数据。 #### 更多章节知识点 - **Chapter 8: Inserting, Updating, Deleting** - 插入数据: 如何使用`INSERT`语句添加新记录。 - 更新数据...
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4. **窗口函数**:Oracle SQL的窗口函数如ROW_NUMBER、RANK、DENSE_RANK、LEAD、LAG、FIRST_VALUE、LAST_VALUE等,提供了在结果集上进行复杂的行间计算的能力,对于时间序列数据和排名问题尤其有用。 5. **集合操作...
华为CloudEngine 12800, 12800E, 8800, 7800, 6800, 5800系列交换机 M-LAG最佳实践
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例如,`ROW_NUMBER()`、`RANK()` 和 `DENSE_RANK()` 可用于生成行号,`LEAD()` 和 `LAG()` 可获取当前行前后行的数据,`SUM() OVER (PARTITION BY ...)` 可实现分组累计。 2. **子查询嵌套**:通过嵌套子查询,可以...
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