
使用PAL创建 NeighbourJoining tree 以及 从Unrooted tree 到 rootedTree



The PAL project is a collaborative effort to provide a high quality Java library for use in molecular evolution and phylogenetics. Updates of PAL are released in regular intervals. At present (version 1.4) PAL consists of approximately 200 public classes/interfaces in 16 packages with a total of more than 35,000 lines of Java code. Please refer to the API documentation (available in source archives) for a detailed description of all classes and methods available, and to the release history for an overview of the development history of PAL.  

More info. please refer: http://www.cebl.auckland.ac.nz/pal-project/

Following, I'll illustrate how to use PAL to construct Neighbour Joinning (NJ) tree, according to the algorithm of NJ, the result tree is a unrooted tree, but, sometimes, we need rooted tree, then in this page, I'll also illustrate how to use PAL to convert an unrootd tree to rooted tree.


1. Using PAL to construct unrooted tree.

2. Using PAL to convert unrooted tree to rooted tree.

1. Using PAL to construct unrooted tree.

import pal.distance.DistanceMatrix;
import pal.tree.NeighborJoiningTree;

NeighborJoiningTree njTree = new NeighborJoiningTree(DistanceMatrix);

njTree.toString(); // Newick format representation of NJ tree.

 In order to constract NJ tree, we need  pal.distance.DistanceMatrix;

//new DistanceMatrix(double[][] distance, IdGroup idGroup).

DistanceMatrix distanceMatrix = new DistanceMatrix(distance, TaxaGroup );

 While in PAL IdGroup is an interface, we need an implentation for it, here TaxaGroup is an implementation for it.

package picb.wavefancy.ReweightedTree;

import pal.misc.IdGroup;
import pal.misc.Identifier;

 * @author icorner
public class TaxaGroup implements IdGroup {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = -8639297673966439918L;
	private Identifier[] identifiers;
	private String[] taxaNames;
	public TaxaGroup(String[] taxas){
		identifiers = new Identifier[taxas.length];
		for (int i = 0; i < taxas.length; i++) {
			identifiers[i] = new Identifier(taxas[i]);
	public String[] getTaxaNames() {
		return taxaNames;

	public void setTaxaNames(String[] taxaNames) {
		this.taxaNames = taxaNames;

	/* Returns the number of identifiers in this group
	 * @see pal.misc.IdGroup#getIdCount()
	public int getIdCount() {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		return identifiers.length;

	/* Returns the ith identifier.
	 * @see pal.misc.IdGroup#getIdentifier(int)
	public Identifier getIdentifier(int index) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		return identifiers[index];

	/* Sets the ith identifier.
	 * @see pal.misc.IdGroup#setIdentifier(int, pal.misc.Identifier)
	public void setIdentifier(int index, Identifier identifier) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		identifiers[index] = identifier;

	/* returns the index of the identifier with the given name. return -1 if didn't find the target one.
	 * @see pal.misc.IdGroup#whichIdNumber(java.lang.String)
	public int whichIdNumber(String identifierName) {
		for (int i = 0; i < identifiers.length; i++) {
			if (identifiers[i].getName().equals(identifierName)) {
				return i;
		return -1;

2. Using PAL to convert unrooted tree to rooted tree.

The NeighborJoiningTree in PAL is a unrooted tree. We could use the toolset in PAL to convert an unrooted tree to rooted tree.

import pal.distance.DistanceMatrix;
import pal.tree.NeighborJoiningTree;
import pal.tree.Tree;
import pal.tree.TreeTool;

NeighborJoiningTree njTree = new NeighborJoiningTree(distanceMatrix);
String[] outGroupArr = new String[1]; //It's OK to specify several outgroup.More info. please refer PAL api.
Tree rootedTree = TreeTool.getRooted(njTree,outGroupArr);

rootedTree.toString(); // Newick format representation of a rooted tree.





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