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【译】Terracotta Deployment Guide




Sizing The Terracotta Client Hardware

Your existing application server hardware should be adequate to serve as Terracotta clustered JVM clients. Your workload partitioning strategy and the number of Terracotta client nodes you deploy will have an effect on the amount of heap allocated to each Terracotta client JVM.


As a general rule, each client JVM should do work on data that fits in its local heap. This good locality-of-reference characteristic will allow your application to operate at memory speed, faulting in object data from a Terracotta server instance only when first joining the cluster or when workload is rebalanced.


Another benefit of good locality-of-referene is that it minimizes the impact of having varying machine configurations across the application side of the cluster. In addition, load balancers can be used to send more work to machines with more resources.


You should also reduce the amount of clustered object data kept resident in the heap of more than one client JVM to a minimum to avoid redundant client JVM heap allocation for that data and to minimize the broadcasting that the Terracotta server must perform as that object data changes.


In exchange for its availability and scalability characteristics, Terracotta introduces some memory and CPU overhead to the application server process. This can be offset by adding more application servers to handle increased capacity requirements.



Load Balancing and Workload Partitioning

In order to achieve the good locality of reference mentioned earlier in the section on sizing the Terracotta client hardware such that each client JVM works on data that fits in its local heap and that data does not overlap with other client nodes, you must have some workload partitioning strategy. As a general purpose clustering solution, Terracotta does not ship with a particular workload partitioning strategy in the box. Workload partitioning can be implemented in a number of different ways.



A simple form of such workload partitioning is a layer seven sticky load balancer that is able to route requests for a particular user session to the same Terracotta client application server and is likewise able to balance user sessions evenly across all available application servers. If you are using Terracotta in a user-session context, this sticky load balancing method of workload partitioning is highly recommended. In this scenario, WE STRONGLY DISCOURAGE THE USE OF ROUND-ROBIN OR OTHERWISE NON-STICKY LOAD BALANCING STRATEGIES.

Other forms of workload partitioning may be required for different use cases. Implementing workload partitioning algorithms in Java that can then be made cluster-aware via Terracotta is often a simple way to meet custom workload partitioning requirements.


Java Heap Sizing

To decide how much heap to allocate to a Terracotta server instance, you should know the size of the clustered object graph(s) that you expect to create. In the ideal case, each Terracotta client JVM will work on a set of object data that fits in its local heap. See the sections above on sizing the Terracotta client hardware and determining the number of Terracotta client nodes for a discussion of data partitioning and locality of reference considerations that will affect Terracotta client clustered data access patterns.
决定将多少堆分配给Terracotta服务器实例,你应该知道你期望创建的集群对象图的大小。在理想情况下,每个Terracotta客户端JVM都将工作在位于本地堆中的数据对象之上。查看关于设置Terracotta客户端硬件规模和决定Terracotta客户端节点的数量 那一段,然后讨论数据分区和引用本地化考虑将会影响Terracota客户端集群数据访问模式。


However, even in a well-partitioned cluster, there will necessarily be events that will cause a Terracotta client to request large amounts of object data from a Terracotta server instance. This will happen when a new Terracotta client node joins the cluster. As a new cluster member, a Terracotta client JVM will have no clustered object data yet in heap and must request any objects it needs from a Terracotta server instance. Also, when a Terracotta client JVM is taken out of service and its workload is rebalanced across the cluster, the other cluster nodes will necessarily request the relevant object data for their new workload from a Terracotta server instance.



As a final consideration for Terracotta server-instance heap sizing, be aware that very large heaps can lead to JVM garbage collection pauses that will cause the server instance to halt all work and have a negative impact on cluster throughput. We typically do not recommend a heap larger than 6-8 GB. If your requirements are such that you must have all clustered object data in heap, but it will not fit in the heap of the Terracotta server array you've allocated, and partitioning strategies have been exhausted, additional server instances must be provisioned. For more information, contact info@terracottatech.com.





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