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Every day English

    1) Should we order separately or as a group?/分开点还是合着点菜?
    2)It is economical to eat out with friends./跟朋友一起到外面吃比较经济。
    3)More rice, pls!/请加饭。
    4)Can we have the dishes in small portions?/菜的份量弄小份的可以吗?
    5)I will bring home the left overs in a box./我要把剩菜打包回家。
    6)Don't pick your teeth publicly./别在公开场合剔牙。 

    1) He has a "very healthy" appetite./他的胃口"超大"。
    2)He eats like a horse./他的食量很大。
    3)The food makes my mouth water./这食物令我流口水。
    4)Rancid meat/腐烂的肉
       spoiled left-overs/发臭的剩菜
       Rotten fruit/烂的水果
       expried canned food/过期罐头
       Flat cola/跑了气的汽水

    1)yolk/蛋黄  protein/蛋白
    2)soft-boiled egg/半熟蛋  hard-boiled egg/水煮蛋   scrambled eggs/炒蛋  over-easy/半熟煎蛋

    1)midnight snack/夜宵
    2)season(用作动词指"加调料")the fish/鱼上加调味料
    3)How will you do the chicken?/这鸡肉要怎么做?

    deposit/存钱  withdrawal/提款  pin/密码  check/支票  bank teller/银行出纳员

    硬币:penny/分  dime/10分  Nickel/5分  quarter/25分


    1) Looking for an apartment, I need an "agent"./要找住房,我需要"中介"。
    2)Do you still have any vacancies left?/请问还有没有空房?
    3)It is economical to rent a studio apartment./租单间公寓是比较省钱的。
    4)This apartment is close to both the shuttle bus route and the city bus line./房子离校车和市公交车路线很近。
    5)Can I sign just a 6 month lease?/我可不可以只签6个月的合约?
    6)What penalty will I receive if I break the lease?/毁约会有什么处罚?

    Telephone conversation: 

    1) hold the line/请稍候  Pls hold the line and I'll call her.
    2) put sb. through/转接  I will put you through.
    3) be engaged/占线  The line is engaged/busy.
    4) extension/分机  May I have ext.1000?
    5) on behalf of/代表 I'm calling on behalf of President Lincoln.

    1) be in conference/在开会  What a pity, and he is in conference.
    2) confidential/机密的 confidential docu.
    3) Do you have any idea that/of.... 你对。。。有什么看法
    4) available/somebody is available/有空的
    5)When could I reach him?/我什么时候打电话能找到他?

    1) on business/出差 I'm afraid he is away on business at present.
    2) transfer sb. to = connect sb. with = put sb. through 接转(分机) I will transfer you to the manager.
    3) area code/区号
    4) There is no one here by that name/这儿没有叫这个名字的人
    5) mis-routed/拨错了 I have been misrouted, sorry./I dialed the wrong number.

    1) How's the weather tomorrow? /明天天气怎样?
    2)What is it like outside today? 今天室外的天气怎么样?
       It looks like rain./看来要下雨。
    3)What does the weather forecast say?/天气预报怎么说?
    4)It's breezy, and pleasant today./今天凉风习习,天气宜人。
    5)It will be from overcast to cloudy today./ 今天阴转多云。
    clear/晴天  overcast/阴天  breezy/微风  cloudy/多云

    1) The temperature has climbed to 35 degree centigrade./气温上升到35摄氏度了。
    2) The temperature has dropped a lot today./今天气温下降很多。
    3) What's the temperature today? /今天的气温怎么样?

    1) Don't go out by yourself at night!/晚上别一个人出门。
    2)This is truly an eye opening experience for me./这经历真是令我大开眼界。
    3)Hold the saliva!/不要把口水喷出来!
    4)I am out of breath!/我喘不上气了!
    5)You are singing off-key./你唱歌走调。

    1) I heard there's a good movie that's worth watching./我听说这里有一部好电影值得一看。
    2)We won't make it for the seven o'clock show./我们赶不上七点那场。
    3)Show your ticket stub at the entrance./在入口处出示你的票根。
    4)The movie is a block buster!/那电影是部超级大片。
    5)It is a remake of an old movie./这是旧片重拍。
    6)It's a big box office hit too./在票房收入上也是大赢家。

    1)  sour milk/发酸的奶(不是酸奶)
    3)Do you want to hang-out with us?/你要跟我们一起去玩吗?
    4)Count me in!/算我一个。
    5)I am letting my hair down./我要无拘无束地享受一下。

    1) Don't be a party pooper./Don't be a wet blanket/别当扫兴鬼。
    2)You are a kill-joy./你真是个扫兴虫。
    3)How often do you work out?/你多久去健身一次?
    4)Working-out helps me keep in shape./健身让我保持身材。
    5)Jogging(一般不用running) is supposed to be good for your health./慢跑应该是有益健康的。

    1)downtown: 本身就是"市中心"的意思,不用说"centre of downtown"
    2) very, very......; many, many.......

    1) Combo meal/经济套餐
    2)Do you give free refills?/有免费续杯吗?
    3)I got it all over my shirt./全弄到我的衣服上了。
    4)table for three/同行三位
    5) It is my treat./It's on me./我买单。
    6)go dutch/AA制


1)What time is convenient for you?(fault)  What time is good for you?(correct)/什么时间你有空?
2)I slept early.(fault)  I went to bed early./我睡得早。


1)go jogging/慢跑(不说"run")
2) take a seat/have a seat/be seated/sit down(sit down用得越来越少)
3)beats me./我被打败了。

1) Is the food still any food?/这食物还能吃吗?
2)Don't burp at the table./不要在人前打嗝。
3)The food makes my mouth water./这食物令我流口水。
4)Let's go to an "All-you-can-eat" buffet./一起去"任你吃到饱"自助餐。
5)Is that your second helping?/这是你的第二轮吗?(吃自助时专用)
This is my 3rd helping.(helping: 一份食物)

1) I am confused by the time zone, should I set my clock 1 hour ahead or 1 hour back?
2)I want to take the courtesy car for passangers./我要乘坐免费旅客接送车。
3)He's a vegetarian. No meat for him./他是素食者,别给他肉类。
4)Will they serve refreshments on the plane?/机上会有餐点供应吗?
5)My ears were poping./我的耳朵一直在胀痛。(用于高空反应)

1) I've missed my plane. /我错过了我的班机。
2)Go to the information counter and ask for help./到询问台去请求帮助。
3)I want to change my ticket to the next flight./我要换乘下一个航班。
4)Frisk him./搜身。
5) My friend and I must have missed each other./我和我的朋友走差了(不是"想念"的意思)。

1) Meet me at the parking lot./在停车场接我。
2)Dial the area code first, then the phone number./先拨区号,再拨电话号码。
3)What other alternatives do we have?/我们还有别的选择吗?
4)fresh brewed coffee/新冲的咖啡
5)All of these services are complimentary for our customers./所有这些服务全是免费向客户提供的。

    Talking about Studies

    1) What's your background? /你是什么学历
    2)You can take English Conversation as an optional course. /你可能选修英语对话课。
    3)Nobody can get him in physics. /物理谁也比不过他。
    4) He has no equal in English study. /论英语学习他没有对手。
    5) Your work is too messy. /你的作业太乱。
    6)You'll have to take a make-up exam in logic./你逻辑学要补考。
    7)She comes top. /她考一第一。
    8)What's your mark in geography?/你地理考了多少分?

    1) That's great. Congratulations! / 太棒了,恭喜你!
    2)Congratulate sb. on sth. /就某事恭喜某人 Congratulate you on your promotion.
    3) You deserve it/this success./这是你应得的。

    1)Thanks a lot. It's great to be finished./多谢。总算结束了。
    2)Thank u.It was quite a surprise./谢谢你,这确实是个惊喜。

    1) What's the trouble? /您哪不舒服?
    2)I'm not feeling well today./今天我感到不舒服。
    3)I feel faint(chilly, feverish, run-down)./我觉得头晕/发冷/发烧/浑身乏力。
    4)I have got a pain in my back./我的背痛。
    5)I have lost all my energy./我已经完全体力衰竭。
    6)She has been overworking./她是劳累过度了。
    7)I'm having eye trouble./我的眼睛有毛病。

    Apologies /道歉
    1)I just don't know what to say/我真不知该说什么好。
    2)I must apologize for my behaviour yesterday./我必须对我昨天的行为道歉。
    3)Pls excuse my careless wors this morning./请原谅我早上说的那些无心的话。
    4)I'm not entirely to blame./这不能全怪我。

    1)Never mind./没关系。
    2) I quite understand./我很理解。
    3)It's OK. That can happen to the best of us./没有关系,谁都可能碰上这样的事情。
    4)There's no reason to apologize for such a trifle thing./没有必要为如此小事道歉。

    1)My English is very poor(fault)./You should say: My English is not so good.
    2) I don't know what your meaning is.(fault)/You should say: I don't know what you mean.

    1) Would you like to go on a picnic with us?/你愿意和我们一起去野餐吗?
    2)You'll come to have dinner with us tomorrow, won't you?/你明天来和我们共进晚餐,好吗?
    3)We should be delighted if you could attend a party this weekend./如果你能来参加周末晚会,我们将很高兴。
    4)Yes,I'd like to very much./是的,我非常愿意。
    5)I'll be glad to come, but I might be a little late./我很乐意,但我可能会来得迟一点。
    6)It's nice of you to invite me./多谢你好意思相邀。

    出席会议/attending a meeting

    1) I would like you to attend the meeting./我希望你能参加这个会议。
    2)The president wish to see you at the meeting./总裁让你出席这次会议。
    3)I think I can attend./我想我能出席。
    4)I must be present./我一定出席。
    5)I'm terribly sorry, but I can't attend it since I have to be with a client./非常抱歉,我无法参加,因为到时候我得陪一位客户。
    6)Can I let others attend on my behalf?/我让别人代表我出席行吗?


    1)What's the problem?(fault)/这样问是表达不愉快情绪的具有攻击性的问话。"你有什么意见?""有什么毛病?"
       Can I help you?(correct)
    2) How about your weekend? (fault)/"how about"用来询问对方的偏好,要对方对我们的提议表示同意与否。
       How was your weekend? (correct)/周末过得怎样?
       How is your family? (correct)/你的家人如何?


    1)I'd like to reserve a fight to Los Angeles./我想订张飞往洛杉矶的机票。
    2)I want to book a seat to Paris./我想订张飞往巴黎的机票。
    3)Will you prefer a window, aisle or central seat?/您比较喜欢靠窗,走道还是中间的座位?
    4)Will you pay by cheque or in cash?/您付支票还是现金?
    5)Do you want to fly first or economy class?/您要订头等舱还是经济舱?


    direct flight/直飞航班   later fight/晚班   one-way trip/单程票


    1)I got a salary increase last month.(fault)/  I got a raise last month.(correct)/我上个月加薪。
    2)I seldom use them.(fault)/   I don't often use them.(correct)/I don't use them very often./我很少用这些。
     Talking about Studies

    1) Let's discuss your educational background./谈谈你的学历。
    2)You can take English Conversation as an optional course./你可以选修英语对话课。
    3)He has no equal in English study./论英语学习他没有对手。
    4)You will have to take a make-up exam in logic./你逻辑学要补考。
    5)Your work is too messy./你的作业太乱。
         Your room is in a mess./你的房间太乱。

    1) May I take your order?/您准备点了吗?
    2)Give me a minute to decide what I want./再给我点时间想想。
    3)For here or to go?/这里用还是外带?
    4)How would you like your burger?/牛肉要几分熟?
    5) Well done/Medium done/Medium/Medium rare/全熟/七分熟/五分熟/三分熟
    6) How many dishes do we want? 我们要点几道菜?


    1)You are too helpful.(fault)/You are very helpful.(correct)/too 表示"太过于..."


    1)Money talks/有钱能使鬼推磨
    2)Why the long face?/怎么啦?拉着个脸。。
    3)I am not satisfied with the situation./我不满意这个状况。
    4)I am sorry to have kept you waiting./对不起让您久等了。
    5)Dear me! 天哪!

    1) Are all the utilities included?/这房子免付水电费?
    2)Are pets allowed in the apartment?/可以饲养宠物吗?
    3)I can't afford a moving company to help me move./我请不起搬家公司帮我搬家。
    4)When will it be available for me to move in?/我什么时候可以搬进来?
    5)I prefer a furnished apartment over an unfurnished one./含家具和不含家具的房子,我选前者。

    1) The design and layout make the most of the available space./这格局设计使房子很宽敞。
    2)The built-in book shelves are too small./墙上的书架太小了。
    3) The toilet bowl is too filthy!/那马桶太脏了。
    4)Where did you get your haircut?/你头发在哪儿剪的?
    5)Barber shop/理发店  Beauty Salon/ 美容院  Barber/理发师  Hairstylist/发型师

    1. I'll call you back.   我会给你回电话。
    2. I feel like sleeping/ taking a walk. 我想睡/散步。
    3. I want something to eat.   我想吃点东西。
    4. I need your help. 我需要你的帮助。
    5. I would like to talk to you for a minute.   我想和你谈一下。

    1. I have a lot of problems.   我有很多问题。
    2. I hope our dreams come true.   我希望我们的梦想成真。
    3. I'm looking forward to seeing you.   我期望见到你。
    4. I'm supposed to go on a diet / get a raise.   我应该节食/涨工资。
    5. I heard that you're getting married. Congratulations.  听说你要结婚了,恭喜!

    1. I see what you mean.  我了解你的意思。
    2. I can't do this.   我不能这么做。
    3. Let me explain why I was late.   让我解释迟到的理由。
    4. Let's have coffee or something.  咱们喝点咖啡什么的。
    5. Where is your office?  你的办公室在哪?

    1. It won’t happen again.    下不为例。
    2. It doesn’t matter to me.    这对我来说无所谓。
    3. It’s a long story.         真是一言难尽。
    4. It doesn’t make any difference.   没什么不一样。
    5. It’s a once in a lifetime chance.    这是一生难得的机会。

    1. What is your plan?    你的计划是什么?
    2. When is the store closing?    这家店什么时候结束营业?
    3. Are you sure you can come by nine?   你肯定九点能来吗?
    4. Am I allowed to stay out past 10?   我可以十点过后再回家吗?
    5. The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is not over yet.会议原定两个小时, 不过到现在还没有结束。

    1. Tom's birthday is coming.  汤姆的生日就要到了。
    2. Would you like to see it?   你要不要看一下?
    3. Could you help me/ tell me how to get there?   你能帮我吗/告诉我到那里怎么走吗?
    4. Could you do me a favor?  能请你帮我个忙?
    5. He is crazy about English.   他对英语很着迷。


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    - He plays football after school every day. -> Does he play football after school every day? - Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't. - Millie dances very well. -> Does Millie dance very well? - Yes, she ...


    - "every day"作为时间状语,表示"每一天",如:"We go to school at 7:10 every day." - "everyday"作为形容词,意为"日常的",如:"She watches everyday English on TV after dinner." 通过理解和掌握这些语法...


    这篇PPT课件主要涵盖了英语语法的多个方面,包括情态动词"should"的用法、疑问代词"what"和"which"的区别、频度副词的使用位置以及"every day"和"everyday"的差异,还简单提到了助动词的概念。 首先,情态动词...


    "every day"是一个时间短语,表示每天都做某事,如"We go to school at 7:10 every day."。而"everyday"是一个形容词,修饰名词,意为"日常的",如"She watches everyday English on TV after dinner."。 这些是八...

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