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Real-time Linux Software Quick Reference Guide
Real-time Linux Software Quick Reference Guide
You've probably realized by now that there are many ways to add real-time capabilities to Linux based systems. Certainly, one method is to throw hardware at the problem, by running faster processors or employing specialized hardware. For example, specialized peripheral controllers and digital signal processors (DSPs) can offload critical real-time tasks from the main system CPU.
However, assuming you want to use the main system processor to manage real-time system events, there are a great many options from which to choose.
Given the somewhat bewildering variety of alternatives, we've assembled the LinuxDevices.com "Real-time Linux Quick Reference Guide" which we hope will assist you in locating Linux-based solutions that match your system requirements. Included within this guide is information about . . .
- Real-time Linux Commercial Distributions
- Open-source real-time Linux implementations
- Open source real-time performance enhancements & tools
- Articles and whitepapers about real-time Linux and related topics
Real-time Linux Commercial Distributions
FSMLabs: RTLinuxPro-- the RTCore OS provides a POSIX hard real-time environment that runs Linux (or BSD UNIX) as an idle thread. Real-time applications run essentially at the limits of the hardware (worst case interrupt plus scheduling is sub-20 microsecond range on most platforms), while the full features of Linux (or BSD) are available as an integration platform. --info
Koan Klinux-- Koan Software Engineering is based in Italy. It sells and supports real-time Linux and development tools for industrial applications, based on the RTAI real-time Linux extensions (see below). --info
Lineo Solutions: uLinux-- Lineo Solutions is based in Japan, and is a spin-off of the former Lineo/Embedix company of the U.S. With a very small footprint, fast boot and shutdown times, and support for hard real-time in Linux kernel space, Lineo Solutions's uLinux targets consumer electronics devices. --info
LynuxWorks: BlueCat RT-- ensures time-critical handling of interrupts and other low level hardware operations by implementing a full Linux kernel as a thread of a smaller and highly responsive real-time operating system. This miniature RTOS traps interrupts and other low level functions for preliminary processing before passing them on to the thread running Linux. --info
MontaVista Software: Real-Time Solutions for Linux-- MontaVista's real-time Linux solutions are based on adding specific additions to MontaVista Linux, a robust Linux operating system for embedded and real-time applications. Available enhancements currently include: Preemptible Linux Kernel; Real-Time Scheduler; High Resolution POSIX Timers; and a High Availability Framework --info
Concurrent: RedHawk-- Concurrent Computer Corp. is primarily a hardware vendor that also markets RedHawk, a Linux based single kernel real-time OS for multi-processor Xeon and Opteron systems. --info
REDSonic: REDICE-Linux-- a real-time Linux kernel, designed to support mission and time critical applications and provide quality of service enhancements. Includes a high precision microsecond timer, a short preemption time kernel, powerful and predictable system schedulers, and mechanisms to provide task performance guarantees. --info
TimeSys: TimeSys Reservations-- Dynamically installed kernel modules that extend the power and performance of a TimeSys Linux RTOS SDK, TimeSys Reservations retain a fixed amount of CPU & network bandwidth for a specific process or set of processes. You can always be confident your system and the critical applications that run on it will continue to run as required. --info
Open-source real-time Linux implementations
ADEOS-- The ADEOS project has created what is described as a GPL hardware abstraction layer that allows a real-time kernel and a general purpose kernel to co-exist, which will support the kinds of dual-kernel hard real-time Linux environments that have been previously using RTLinux or RTAI (both of which are covered below), but without making use of the technology that is the subject of a patent held by the originator of RTLinux.
Official announcement from the ADEOS project
Whitepaper: Adeos nanokernel for Linux kernel
- AEOS -- a resource sharing multi-OS enviornment-- an interview with the founder of the ADEOS project
KURT -- The KU Real-Time Linux-- a real-time Linux implementation that allows scheduling of events with a resolution of 10's of microseconds. Based at the University of Kansas . . .
KURT: The KU Real-Time Linux-- a brief introduction to KURT
- KURT: The KU Real-Time Linux-- a whitepaper about KURT including background, goals, and architecture
RealTimeLinux.org-- a "vendor neutral" website dedicated to various forms of real-time Linux. Primarily oriented towards RTAI and RTLinux. --info
RED-Linux-- a real-time version of Linux that implements short kernel blocking time, quick task response time, a modularized and runtime replaceable CPU scheduler, and a general scheduling framework. Based at the University of California, Irvine. --info
RTAI-- a comprehensive Real Time Application Interface that is usable both for uniprocessors (UPs) and symmetric multi processors (SMPs), that allows the use Linux in many "hard real-time" applications. As an option, RTAI's "LXRT" allows the control of real-time tasks, using all of RTAI's hard real-time system calls, from within Linux memory-protected user space resulting in soft real-time combined with fine-grained task scheduling. The RTAI project is based at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale Politecnico di Milano (DIAPM). AtomicRTAI is a small-footprint (fits on one floppy) implementation for resource-constrained embedded applications . . .
DIAPM-RTAI: Real-time Linux API-- a brief introduction to RTAI
RTAI: Real-Time Application Interface-- a comprehensive whitepaper, by members of the RTAI project team,
that defines RTAI in detail, explains its architecture, and indicates how to use RTAI to support real-time applications in a Linux-based system
DIAPM-RTAI Hard Real Time Support for Linux-- a whitepaper by the creators of RTAI which provides its history,
motivations, and an overview
- AtomicRTAI -- RTAI on a Floppy-- a bootable, open source, single-floppy installation demonstrating real-time Linux based on RTAI (includes Linux)
RTLinux.com-- a brief introduction to RTLinux
Victor Yodaiken on the past, present, and future of RTLinux-- a comprehensive interview with the chief maintainer
of RTLinux
The miniRTL project -- a miniature real-time Linux-- a brief introduction to miniRTL, which fits a full RTLinux-based
standalone system within the storage capacity of a single floppy
An independent RTLinux support website-- an independent resource for users of RTLinux, "not affiliated with
Real Time Linux for Embedded Systems in the Internet Era-- a copy of the presentation given by Victor Yodaiken
at the Embedded Linux Expo & Conference, June 2000
An Introduction to RTLinux-- one of the early whitepapers by Victor Yodaiken describing RTLinux, its architecture,
and how it is used
- The RTLinux Manifesto-- whitepaper by Victor Yodaiken which discusses the requirements of hard real-time systems and how RTLinux meets those needs
Open source real-time performance enhancements & tools
A Linux kernel preemptability enhancement-- an open source project to add full preemptability to the Linux kernel; sponsored by MontaVista . . .
Initial MontaVista announcement about the kernel preemptability enhancement
Design of a Fully preemptible Linux Kernel-- a whitepaper by the MontaVista developers
Preemptible Linux -- a reality check-- this guest editorial by MontaVista's Kevin Morgan makes the case
for obtaining hard real-time performance from Linux through a kernel preemptibility enhancement, rather than by using the approach of adding a second kernel such as RTLinux or RTAI.
Preemptible kernel patch makes it into Linux kernel v2.5.4-pre6-- The preemptible Linux kernel patch that was originally
introduced by MontaVista Software and subsequently championed by Robert Love was merged by Linus Torvalds into the main linux development-kernel tree, beginning version v2.5.4-pre6, thus adding a far greater degree of real-time responsiveness to the standard
Linux kernel.
An interview with preemptible kernel patch maintainer, Robert Love-- In this interview, Robert Love describes his role in the preemtible
kernel project, explains why the preemption enhancement is important to a broad range of Linux applications beyond just embedded/real-time (including end-users' desktops), and shares his vision of the future of Linux in the embedded and desktop markets.
- Which is better -- the preempt patch, or the low-latency patch? Both!-- this whitepaper on Linux Scheduler Latency compares the performance of two popular ways to improve kernel Linux preemption latency -- the preemption patch pioneered by MontaVista and the low-latency patch pioneered by Ingo Molnar -- and discovers that the best approach might be a combination of both.
Real-time Linux common API-- an open source real-time common API that allows programmers to code to a common API when using either RTLinux or RTAI; sponsored by Lineo --info
EL/IX-- EL/IX is a proposed API (derived from ISO 9945-1 POSIX.1 or IEEE 1003.1) for the purpose of adding real-time functionality to Linux; sponsored by Red Hat . . .
The EL/IX Real-Time API Initiative-- general overview of the purpose of the EL/IX real-time API project
- EL/IX: Unifying APIs for Linux and Post-PC Computing-- a detailed technical whitepaper by Michael Tiemann about the purpose, architecture, structure, and future of the EL/IX API
Linux real-time characterization project-- an open source real-time characterization project; sponsored by MontaVista --info
CarbonKernel RTOS simulator-- CarbonKernel is an open source RTOS API simulator that can emulate RTLinux --info
Articles and whitepapers about real-time Linux and related topics
A comparison of hard real-time Linux alternatives-- This study compares the real-time capabilities of various Linux
kernels. It was part of a project to upgrade the control software in water-wave generators at research institutions around the world. The results of the study were used by Akamina for the selection of a new RTOS for the control system upgrade of Canada's largest
hydraulics and coastal engineering laboratory, the National Research Council Canadian Hydraulics Centre in Ottawa.
Basic concepts of real-time operating systems-- This article by veteran real-time trainer David Kalinsky provides an
introduction to real-time operating system (RTOS) kernel services. The paper is of particular interest to developers new to real-time concepts and vocabulary.
Introducing MediaLinux -- a new real-time Linux approach-- In this article, Softier CTO Eatamar Drory and Senior
Programmer Or Sagi discuss the unique approach to real-time processing that enables MediaLinux to run existing TI DSP algorithms untouched within the context of real time processes. Added benefits to this design include predictable scheduling and short interrupt
latency. The article discusses key architectural points of the MediaLinux approach in comparison with two well-known alternatives.
Three-part ELJonline series on Real Time in Linux by Kevin Dankwardt-- the series examines the fundamental
concepts of real time, efforts to make the Linux kernel itself more responsive, and two approaches to real time that involve the introduction of a separate, small, real-time kernel between the hardware and Linux. Also included are some benchmarks and a comparison
of a desktop/server Linux kernel to modified kernels.
Update: Real-time Linux sub-kernels, benchmarks, and . . . contention-- Following publication of Dankwardt's 3-part
series on Real Time and Linux, there was a flurry of 'responses', 'clarifications', and 'reactions' from other participants in the real-time Linux market. This special report describes them all and provides links for further reading.
Comparing real-time Linux alternatives-- this technical whitepaper goes into considerable detail on some
of the alternative approaches to adding real-time capabilities to Linux. Dankwardt covers both "internal" Linux enhancements (such as scheduling improvements) and external enhancements (such as RTLinux and RTAI), and provides a comparison summary that indicates
that no single product offers an all-inclusive set of real-time capabilities.
Fundamentals of Real-time Linux Software Design-- this technical whitepaper explains the fundamentals of
real-time Linux system programming, creates a simple model that illustrates many of the key aspects of real-time system behavior, and explores important issues that impact real-time performance, including task scheduling, preemption in the kernel, interrupt
disabling, priority inversion, use of existing kernel facilities, and real-time device drivers.
Real-time Linux -- what is it, why do you want it, how do you do it?-- this article draws on inputs from
seven "real-time experts" to put together a comprehensive definition of real-time, probe the issues associated with obtaining adequate real-time performance in Linux systems, and understand some of the alternative real-time Linux approaches.
28 talks on real-time Linux-- this article contains the abstracts of 28 talks on real-time Linux that were given
at the second annual Real-time Linux Workshop, held in Orlando, Florida on November 27-28, 2000. Links to the associated papers (PDF files), if available, are also provided.
Comparing two approaches to real-time Linux-- this guest column offers a "non-neutral" perspective on two
popular alternatives for providing real-time services within Linux -- the RTLinux/RTAI "Interrupt Abstraction" approach, and the approach of "Preemption Improvement" by modifying the Linux kernel.
Which is it: -ible, or -able?-- how do you spell the word that describes something (like software) which
is able to be preempted? Is it "preemptable" . . . or "preemptible"?
When hard real-time goes soft-- this article by Lineo's Jeff Dionne demystifies the issues of real-time,
and clarifies the distinctions between hard and soft real-time operating systems.
Embedded Linux Market Survey-- this online slide presentation reviews the market opportunity for embedded
and real-time Linux, and profiles developer preferences.
Using Linux in Embedded and Real-time Systems-- this whitepaper explores the requirements of a wide range
of embedded systems -- from factory automation to handheld internet appliances -- and points the way to Linux based solutions.
- Real-time computing FAQ-- the purpose of this FAQ is to give sufficient knowledge to new users in the real-time field and to serve as a reference for engineers already working in the field.
Consult the other Quick Reference Guides in this series, for information on additional aspects of your Embedded Linux system requirements . . .
Embedded Linux Introduction and Overview(start here)
Embedded Linux Distributions
Embedded Linux GUI/Windowing Software
Linux-friendly System-on-Chip Processors
Linux-friendly Embedded Single Board Computers
Linux-based "Cool Devices"
- Linux-based PDAs and Linux Distributions for PDAs
Spring Boot特点: 1、创建一个单独的Spring应用程序; 2、嵌入式Tomcat,无需部署WAR文件; 3、简化Maven配置; 4、自动配置Spring; 5、提供生产就绪功能,如指标,健康检查和外部配置; 6、绝对没有代码生成和XML的配置要求;第一章 绪 论 1 1.1背景及意义 1 1.2国内外研究概况 2 1.3 研究的内容 2 第二章 关键技术的研究 3 2.1 相关技术 3 2.2 Java技术 3 2.3 ECLIPSE 开发环境 4 2.4 Tomcat介绍 4 2.5 Spring Boot框架 5 第三章 系统分析 5 3.1 系统设计目标 6 3.2 系统可行性分析 6 3.3 系统功能分析和描述 7 3.4系统UML用例分析 8 3.4.1管理员用例 9 3.4.2用户用例 9 3.5系统流程分析 10 3.5.1添加信息流程 11 3.5.2操作流程 12 3.5.3删除信息流程 13 第四章 系统设计 14 4.1 系统体系结构 15 4.2 数据库设计原则 16 4.3 数据表 17 第五章 系统实现 18 5.1用户功能模块 18 5.2
内容概要:本文作为PyTorch的入门指南,首先介绍了PyTorch相较于TensorFlow的优势——动态计算图、自动微分和丰富API。接着讲解了环境搭建、PyTorch核心组件如张量(Tensor)、autograd模块以及神经网络的定义方式(如nn.Module),并且给出了详细的神经网络训练流程,包括前向传播、计算损失值、进行反向传播以计算梯度,最终调整权重参数。此外还简要提及了一些拓展资源以便进一步探索这个深度学习工具。 适用人群:初次接触深度学习技术的新学者和技术爱好者,有一定程序基础并希望通过PyTorch深入理解机器学习算法实现的人。 使用场景及目标:该文档有助于建立使用者对于深度学习及其具体实践有更加直观的理解,在完成本教程之后,读者应当能够在个人设备上正确部署Python环境,并依据指示独立创建自己的简易深度学习项目。 其他说明:文中所提及的所有示例均可被完整重现,同时官方提供的资料链接也可以方便有兴趣的人士对感兴趣之处继续挖掘,这不仅加深了对PyTorch本身的熟悉程度,也为未来的研究或者工程项目打下了良好的理论基础和实践经验。
1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。
1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。
1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。
1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。
1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。
1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。
在智慧城市建设的大潮中,智慧园区作为其中的璀璨明珠,正以其独特的魅力引领着产业园区的新一轮变革。想象一下,一个集绿色、高端、智能、创新于一体的未来园区,它不仅融合了科技研发、商业居住、办公文创等多种功能,更通过深度应用信息技术,实现了从传统到智慧的华丽转身。 智慧园区通过“四化”建设——即园区运营精细化、园区体验智能化、园区服务专业化和园区设施信息化,彻底颠覆了传统园区的管理模式。在这里,基础设施的数据收集与分析让管理变得更加主动和高效,从温湿度监控到烟雾报警,从消防水箱液位监测到消防栓防盗水装置,每一处细节都彰显着智能的力量。而远程抄表、空调和变配电的智能化管控,更是在节能降耗的同时,极大地提升了园区的运维效率。更令人兴奋的是,通过智慧监控、人流统计和自动访客系统等高科技手段,园区的安全防范能力得到了质的飞跃,让每一位入驻企业和个人都能享受到“拎包入住”般的便捷与安心。 更令人瞩目的是,智慧园区还构建了集信息服务、企业服务、物业服务于一体的综合服务体系。无论是通过园区门户进行信息查询、投诉反馈,还是享受便捷的电商服务、法律咨询和融资支持,亦或是利用云ERP和云OA系统提升企业的管理水平和运营效率,智慧园区都以其全面、专业、高效的服务,为企业的发展插上了腾飞的翅膀。而这一切的背后,是大数据、云计算、人工智能等前沿技术的深度融合与应用,它们如同智慧的大脑,让园区的管理和服务变得更加聪明、更加贴心。走进智慧园区,就像踏入了一个充满无限可能的未来世界,这里不仅有科技的魅力,更有生活的温度,让人不禁对未来充满了无限的憧憬与期待。
在智慧城市建设的大潮中,智慧园区作为其中的璀璨明珠,正以其独特的魅力引领着产业园区的新一轮变革。想象一下,一个集绿色、高端、智能、创新于一体的未来园区,它不仅融合了科技研发、商业居住、办公文创等多种功能,更通过深度应用信息技术,实现了从传统到智慧的华丽转身。 智慧园区通过“四化”建设——即园区运营精细化、园区体验智能化、园区服务专业化和园区设施信息化,彻底颠覆了传统园区的管理模式。在这里,基础设施的数据收集与分析让管理变得更加主动和高效,从温湿度监控到烟雾报警,从消防水箱液位监测到消防栓防盗水装置,每一处细节都彰显着智能的力量。而远程抄表、空调和变配电的智能化管控,更是在节能降耗的同时,极大地提升了园区的运维效率。更令人兴奋的是,通过智慧监控、人流统计和自动访客系统等高科技手段,园区的安全防范能力得到了质的飞跃,让每一位入驻企业和个人都能享受到“拎包入住”般的便捷与安心。 更令人瞩目的是,智慧园区还构建了集信息服务、企业服务、物业服务于一体的综合服务体系。无论是通过园区门户进行信息查询、投诉反馈,还是享受便捷的电商服务、法律咨询和融资支持,亦或是利用云ERP和云OA系统提升企业的管理水平和运营效率,智慧园区都以其全面、专业、高效的服务,为企业的发展插上了腾飞的翅膀。而这一切的背后,是大数据、云计算、人工智能等前沿技术的深度融合与应用,它们如同智慧的大脑,让园区的管理和服务变得更加聪明、更加贴心。走进智慧园区,就像踏入了一个充满无限可能的未来世界,这里不仅有科技的魅力,更有生活的温度,让人不禁对未来充满了无限的憧憬与期待。
,,CAD、DXF导图,自动进行位置路径规划,源码可进行简单功能添加实现设备所需功能,已经在冲孔机,点胶机上应用,性价比超高。 打孔机实测一分钟1400个孔 ,CAD、DXF导图;自动位置路径规划;源码功能添加;设备功能实现;冲孔机点胶机应用;高性价比。,CAD导图DXF,自动规划位置路径,实测打孔速度惊人!性价比超高冲孔机实现多功能定制
1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。
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