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22 Successful Ruby On Rails Web Applications


Usually when I start dealing with something new I want to see what others have done in the same sphere. That’s why I think one list of successful Rails Web Applications will be helpful for new-comers and not only to them. In fact you will see that great applications have been lunched in the recent days.


37 Signals` work


Found on rubyonrails.org

  • 43things.com - A rapidly growing web 2.0 application about goal sharing



  • odeo.com - A large web 2.0 application used for audio sharing



  • shopify.com - Create your own and custom e-commerce site in minutes



  • fluxion.com - Create, organize and share you digital assets



  • strongspace.com - Secure file hosting



  • Typo - Open Source blogging engine




Some more great work

  • ajaxed.com - Simple and useful it allows you to add the latest ajax features to your existing web site without the
    need for custom programming.



  • atopsites.com - A great clone of alexa.com



  • asoboo.com - Community site for creative people (deployed on win2003)



  • thebeststuffintheworld.com - Interesting web 2.0 application



  • dealplumber.com - Another interesting community site



  • digital-tunes.net - A really nice e-commerce site for audio



  • flagr.com - By using google maps it allows you to save real world places in an interesting way



  • godefy.com - Comparison of various internet marketing companies/products



  • loveexpress.fr - A french dating site



  • podomatic.com - Web application for sharing podcasts



  • pixrat.com - Social picture bookmarks



Well, in case that you’ve got a great project that should be listed here, we will appreciate to post a comment here with a link. Thank you in advance.



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