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eclipse经常未响应优化 -
我觉得Lucene版本变化太大!! 对于版本的变动 太巨大了 ...
Lucene使用IKAnalyzer分词实例 及 IKAnalyzer扩展词库 -
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BigDecimal加减乘除运算 -
插件当中使用到了amchart (真复杂...)
amcharts 要一个“配置文件”(setting.xml),一个数据文件(amile_data.xml),一个 SWFObject.js,一个对应的 SWF 就可以生成漂亮的统计报表了
1 SWFObject v1.5的对象结构
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
getRequestParameter(_2b) // 取得url参数value。_2b是URL的key。
getPlayerVersion() // 取得版本号对象。major.minor.rev。
cleanupSWFs() // 清除页面上所有<OBJECT>元素。
SWFObject(_1, id, w, h, _5, c, _7, _8, _9, _a)
// _1: swf,指定SWF文件路径。
// _id: id,<embed>或者<object>标签的id。
// w: width,属性width。
// h: height,属性height。
// _5: version,flash版本,默认自动会去读取本地的flash插件版本的。
// c: bgcolor,背景色。
// _7: quality,品质(low, high, autolow, autohigh, best ) 。
// _8: xiRedirectUrl
// _9: redirectUrl
// _a: url参数key
useExpressInstall(_d) // 设置xiSWFPath, useExpressInstall属性
setAttribute(_e, _f) // 设置属性attributes。_e是key,_f是value。
getAttribute(_10) // 取得属性attributes中的值。_10是key。
addParam(_l1, _l2) // 设置参数params。_l1是key,_l2是value。
getParams() // 取得params。
addVariable(_l3, _l4) // 设置变量variables。_13是key,_14是value。
getVariable(_l5) // 取得变量variables中的值。
getVariables() // 取得变量variables。
getVariablePairs() // 取得变量variables的key=value对数组。
getSWFHTML() // 返回flash嵌入的HTML
// 例如:
// <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
// src="/amchart/amchart/amcolumn/amcolumn.swf" mce_src="amchart/amchart/amcolumn/amcolumn.swf"
// width="520" height="380"
// style="undefined" mce_style="undefined"
// id="amcolumn" name="amcolumn"
// bgcolor="#FFFFFF"
// quality="high"
// flashvars="path=/amchar/amchar/amcolumn/&settings_file=amcolumn_settings.xml&data_file=amcolumn_data.txt&preloader_color=#000000"/>
write(_20) // 写入flash插入的位置。_20可以是id的名称或者是一个dom结点。
PlayerVersion(_29) // 创建版本号对象。
versionIsValid(fv) // 验证flash插件的当前版本号是否兼容fv的版本号(大于等于)。
getQueryParamValue = deconcept.util.getRequestParameter;
FlashObject = deconcept.SWFObject;
SWFObject = deconcept.SWFObject;
getRequestParameter(_2b) // 取得url参数value。_2b是URL的key。
getPlayerVersion() // 取得版本号对象。major.minor.rev。
cleanupSWFs() // 清除页面上所有<OBJECT>元素。
SWFObject(_1, id, w, h, _5, c, _7, _8, _9, _a)
// _1: swf,指定SWF文件路径。
// _id: id,<embed>或者<object>标签的id。
// w: width,属性width。
// h: height,属性height。
// _5: version,flash版本,默认自动会去读取本地的flash插件版本的。
// c: bgcolor,背景色。
// _7: quality,品质(low, high, autolow, autohigh, best ) 。
// _8: xiRedirectUrl
// _9: redirectUrl
// _a: url参数key
useExpressInstall(_d) // 设置xiSWFPath, useExpressInstall属性
setAttribute(_e, _f) // 设置属性attributes。_e是key,_f是value。
getAttribute(_10) // 取得属性attributes中的值。_10是key。
addParam(_l1, _l2) // 设置参数params。_l1是key,_l2是value。
getParams() // 取得params。
addVariable(_l3, _l4) // 设置变量variables。_13是key,_14是value。
getVariable(_l5) // 取得变量variables中的值。
getVariables() // 取得变量variables。
getVariablePairs() // 取得变量variables的key=value对数组。
getSWFHTML() // 返回flash嵌入的HTML
// 例如:
// <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
// src="/amchart/amchart/amcolumn/amcolumn.swf" mce_src="amchart/amchart/amcolumn/amcolumn.swf"
// width="520" height="380"
// style="undefined" mce_style="undefined"
// id="amcolumn" name="amcolumn"
// bgcolor="#FFFFFF"
// quality="high"
// flashvars="path=/amchar/amchar/amcolumn/&settings_file=amcolumn_settings.xml&data_file=amcolumn_data.txt&preloader_color=#000000"/>
write(_20) // 写入flash插入的位置。_20可以是id的名称或者是一个dom结点。
PlayerVersion(_29) // 创建版本号对象。
versionIsValid(fv) // 验证flash插件的当前版本号是否兼容fv的版本号(大于等于)。
getQueryParamValue = deconcept.util.getRequestParameter;
FlashObject = deconcept.SWFObject;
SWFObject = deconcept.SWFObject;
2 数据文件
// amcolumn_data.txt
3 配置文件
例如:view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
// amcolumn_settings.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- chart config -->
<data_type>csv</data_type> <!-- [xml] (xml / csv) -->
<!-- plugin config -->
<!-- value indicator plugin is suitable for line chart, column chart & xy chart -->
<plugin file="/amchart/amchart/amcolumn/plugins/value_indicator.swf" position="above"> <!-- file should be located in "path" folder. position can be "behind" or "above". "behind" means that the plugin will be loaded behind graphs -->
<chart_type>column</chart_type> <!-- [line] (line / column / xy) this plugin can be used with line or with column chart -->
<axis></axis> <!-- [left] (left / right / x / y) if used with line chat use left or right, if used with xy chart, use x or y -->
<line_color>#000000</line_color> <!-- [#BBBB00] (hex color code) -->
<line_alpha></line_alpha> <!-- [100] (0 - 100) -->
<text_color>#000000</text_color> <!-- [settings.text_color] -->
<text_size>13</text_size> <!-- [settings.tex_size] -->
<precision>2</precision> <!-- [0] (Number) how many numbers after comma should be shown -->
// amcolumn_settings.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- chart config -->
<data_type>csv</data_type> <!-- [xml] (xml / csv) -->
<!-- plugin config -->
<!-- value indicator plugin is suitable for line chart, column chart & xy chart -->
<plugin file="/amchart/amchart/amcolumn/plugins/value_indicator.swf" position="above"> <!-- file should be located in "path" folder. position can be "behind" or "above". "behind" means that the plugin will be loaded behind graphs -->
<chart_type>column</chart_type> <!-- [line] (line / column / xy) this plugin can be used with line or with column chart -->
<axis></axis> <!-- [left] (left / right / x / y) if used with line chat use left or right, if used with xy chart, use x or y -->
<line_color>#000000</line_color> <!-- [#BBBB00] (hex color code) -->
<line_alpha></line_alpha> <!-- [100] (0 - 100) -->
<text_color>#000000</text_color> <!-- [settings.text_color] -->
<text_size>13</text_size> <!-- [settings.tex_size] -->
<precision>2</precision> <!-- [0] (Number) how many numbers after comma should be shown -->
4 在HTML上显示
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
<!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
<!-- amcolumn script-->
<div id="flashcontent">
<strong>You need to upgrade your Flash Player</strong>
<mce:script type="text/javascript"><!--
var so = new SWFObject("/amchart/amchart/amcolumn/amcolumn.swf", "amcolumn", "520", "380", "8", "#FFFFFF"); // 创建SWFObject对象
so.addVariable("path", "/amchart/amchart/amcolumn/"); // 暂时不是很清楚,破解时用到了这个属性。既然,例子写了,我们也写好了。
so.addVariable("settings_file", encodeURIComponent("amcolumn_settings.xml")); // 配置文件
so.addVariable("data_file", encodeURIComponent("amcolumn_data.txt")); // 数据文件
so.addVariable("preloader_color", "#000000"); // 加载时显示的颜色
so.write("flashcontent"); // 在flashcontent位置写入flash插入的HTML
// --></mce:script>
<!-- end of amcolumn script -->
<!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
<!-- amcolumn script-->
<div id="flashcontent">
<strong>You need to upgrade your Flash Player</strong>
<mce:script type="text/javascript"><!--
var so = new SWFObject("/amchart/amchart/amcolumn/amcolumn.swf", "amcolumn", "520", "380", "8", "#FFFFFF"); // 创建SWFObject对象
so.addVariable("path", "/amchart/amchart/amcolumn/"); // 暂时不是很清楚,破解时用到了这个属性。既然,例子写了,我们也写好了。
so.addVariable("settings_file", encodeURIComponent("amcolumn_settings.xml")); // 配置文件
so.addVariable("data_file", encodeURIComponent("amcolumn_data.txt")); // 数据文件
so.addVariable("preloader_color", "#000000"); // 加载时显示的颜色
so.write("flashcontent"); // 在flashcontent位置写入flash插入的HTML
// --></mce:script>
<!-- end of amcolumn script -->
5 破解amchart
没有破解的amchart显示的时候在左上角会出现“chart by amCharts.com”链接,表示是未注册版本,非常讨厌。
用SWF Decompiler软件加载swf文件,在Resources下找Action中的MainMoive,代码中有一段如下:
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
function checkKey(serial)
var _l1 = com.amcharts.Utils.stripSymbols(serial, " ");
_l1 = com.amcharts.Utils.stripSymbols(_l1, "/n");
_l1 = com.amcharts.Utils.stripSymbols(_l1, "/r");
_l1 = com.amcharts.Utils.stripSymbols(_l1, "/r/n");
arr = _l1.split("-");
if (Number(arr[2]) + Number(arr[3]) != 8645 || Number(arr[2].substr(1, 1)) - Number(arr[3].substr(2, 1)) != 2)
attachMovie("copyright_mc", "copyright_mc", 1001);
} // end if
} // End of the function
function checkKey(serial)
var _l1 = com.amcharts.Utils.stripSymbols(serial, " ");
_l1 = com.amcharts.Utils.stripSymbols(_l1, "/n");
_l1 = com.amcharts.Utils.stripSymbols(_l1, "/r");
_l1 = com.amcharts.Utils.stripSymbols(_l1, "/r/n");
arr = _l1.split("-");
if (Number(arr[2]) + Number(arr[3]) != 8645 || Number(arr[2].substr(1, 1)) - Number(arr[3].substr(2, 1)) != 2)
attachMovie("copyright_mc", "copyright_mc", 1001);
} // end if
} // End of the function
key_loader.loadVars(path + "amcharts_key.txt", this, "checkKey", false, "checkKey");
1)amcolumn, amline, ampie破解时跟so.addVariable("path", "");有关系。该属性设置错误破解不成功。
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
<graphs> <!-- GRAPHS SETTINGS. These settings can also be specified in data file, as attributes of <graph>, in this case you can delete everything from <graphs> to </graphs> (including) -->
<graph gid="registerall"> <!-- if you are using XML data file, graph "gid" must match graph "gid" in data file -->
<axis></axis> <!-- [left] (left/ right) indicates which y axis should be used -->
<title>registerall</title> <!-- [] (graph title) -->
<color>#0000FF</color> <!-- [] 线条颜色 (hex color code) if not defined, uses colors from this array: #FF0000, #0000FF, #00FF00, #FF9900, #CC00CC, #00CCCC, #33FF00, #990000, #000066 -->
<color_hover>#FF0000</color_hover> <!-- [#BBBB00] 链接颜色 (hex color code) -->
<line_alpha>100</line_alpha> <!-- [100] (0 - 100) 是否显示线条, 0-100越大越清晰; 0浓度为0-->
<line_width>0</line_width> <!-- [0] 线条宽度,不是长度 ..(Number) 0 for hairline -->
<fill_alpha></fill_alpha> <!-- [0] 线条内填充 (0 - 100) if you want the chart to be area chart, use bigger than 0 value -->
<fill_color></fill_color> <!-- [grpah.color] 填充颜色渐变 (hex color code) Separate color codes with comas for gradient -->
<balloon_color></balloon_color> <!-- [graph color] 线条提示颜色, 例:鼠标放在某个节点上,弹出提示背景颜色 (hex color code) leave empty to use the same color as graph -->
<balloon_alpha>90</balloon_alpha> <!-- [100] 提示背景色渐变 (0 - 100) -->
<balloon_text_color></balloon_text_color> <!-- [#FFFFFF] 提示文字颜色(hex color code) -->
<bullet>round</bullet> <!-- [] 节点显示的方式,例:square(方型),round(圆型) (square, round, square_outlined, round_outlined, filename.swf) can be used predefined bullets or loaded custom bullets. Leave empty if you don't want to have bullets at all. Outlined bullets use plot area color for outline color -->
<!-- The chart will look for this file in amline_path folder (amline_path is set in HTML) -->
<bullet_size>0</bullet_size> <!-- [6] 节点显示方式大小渐变 (Number) affects only predefined (square and round) bullets, does not change size of custom loaded bullets -->
<bullet_color>#0000FF</bullet_color> <!-- [graph color] 节点显示颜色 (hex color code) affects only predefined (square and round) bullets, does not change color of custom loaded bullets. Leave empty to use the same color as graph -->
<bullet_alpha>100</bullet_alpha> <!-- [graph alpha] 节点显示大小渐变,跟上面的差不多啊 (hex color code) Leave empty to use the same alpha as graph -->
<hidden></hidden> <!-- [false] 线条是否隐藏 (true / false) vill not be visible until you check corresponding checkbox in the legend -->
<selected>true</selected> <!-- [true] (true / false) if true, balloon indicating value will be visible then roll over plot area -->
<!--[CDATA[<b>{value}</b> (个)用户注册 <b>{description}</b>]]--> <!-- [<b>{value}</b><br>{description}] ({title} {value} {series} {description} {percents}) You can format any balloon text: {title} will be replaced with real title, {value} - with value and so on. You can add your own text or html code too. -->
</balloon_text> <!-- 提示信息:可以显示你想要的任何提示信息,前提是registerGenre.php 将值放了进来! 动态的获得数据-->
<!-- [] 节点处显示信息 ({title} {value} {series} {description} {percents}) Data labels can display value (and more) near your point on the plot area. -->
<!-- to avoid overlapping, data labels, the same as bullets are not visible if there are more then hide_bullets_count data points on plot area. -->
<data_labels_text_color></data_labels_text_color> <!-- [text_color] 节点颜色 (hex color code) -->
<data_labels_text_size>10</data_labels_text_size> <!-- [text_size] 节点字体大小 (Number) -->
<data_labels_position></data_labels_position> <!-- [above] 节点数量为0时如何显示 below在X轴下面;above在X轴上面 (below / above) -->
<vertical_lines></vertical_lines> <!-- [false] 是否显示节点垂直线 (true / false) whether to draw vertical lines or not. If you want to show vertical lines only (without the graph, set line_alpha to 0 -->
<visible_in_legend></visible_in_legend> <!-- [true] (true / false) whether to show legend entry for this graph or not -->
<graphs> <!-- GRAPHS SETTINGS. These settings can also be specified in data file, as attributes of <graph>, in this case you can delete everything from <graphs> to </graphs> (including) -->
<graph gid="registerall"> <!-- if you are using XML data file, graph "gid" must match graph "gid" in data file -->
<axis></axis> <!-- [left] (left/ right) indicates which y axis should be used -->
<title>registerall</title> <!-- [] (graph title) -->
<color>#0000FF</color> <!-- [] 线条颜色 (hex color code) if not defined, uses colors from this array: #FF0000, #0000FF, #00FF00, #FF9900, #CC00CC, #00CCCC, #33FF00, #990000, #000066 -->
<color_hover>#FF0000</color_hover> <!-- [#BBBB00] 链接颜色 (hex color code) -->
<line_alpha>100</line_alpha> <!-- [100] (0 - 100) 是否显示线条, 0-100越大越清晰; 0浓度为0-->
<line_width>0</line_width> <!-- [0] 线条宽度,不是长度 ..(Number) 0 for hairline -->
<fill_alpha></fill_alpha> <!-- [0] 线条内填充 (0 - 100) if you want the chart to be area chart, use bigger than 0 value -->
<fill_color></fill_color> <!-- [grpah.color] 填充颜色渐变 (hex color code) Separate color codes with comas for gradient -->
<balloon_color></balloon_color> <!-- [graph color] 线条提示颜色, 例:鼠标放在某个节点上,弹出提示背景颜色 (hex color code) leave empty to use the same color as graph -->
<balloon_alpha>90</balloon_alpha> <!-- [100] 提示背景色渐变 (0 - 100) -->
<balloon_text_color></balloon_text_color> <!-- [#FFFFFF] 提示文字颜色(hex color code) -->
<bullet>round</bullet> <!-- [] 节点显示的方式,例:square(方型),round(圆型) (square, round, square_outlined, round_outlined, filename.swf) can be used predefined bullets or loaded custom bullets. Leave empty if you don't want to have bullets at all. Outlined bullets use plot area color for outline color -->
<!-- The chart will look for this file in amline_path folder (amline_path is set in HTML) -->
<bullet_size>0</bullet_size> <!-- [6] 节点显示方式大小渐变 (Number) affects only predefined (square and round) bullets, does not change size of custom loaded bullets -->
<bullet_color>#0000FF</bullet_color> <!-- [graph color] 节点显示颜色 (hex color code) affects only predefined (square and round) bullets, does not change color of custom loaded bullets. Leave empty to use the same color as graph -->
<bullet_alpha>100</bullet_alpha> <!-- [graph alpha] 节点显示大小渐变,跟上面的差不多啊 (hex color code) Leave empty to use the same alpha as graph -->
<hidden></hidden> <!-- [false] 线条是否隐藏 (true / false) vill not be visible until you check corresponding checkbox in the legend -->
<selected>true</selected> <!-- [true] (true / false) if true, balloon indicating value will be visible then roll over plot area -->
<!--[CDATA[<b>{value}</b> (个)用户注册 <b>{description}</b>]]--> <!-- [<b>{value}</b><br>{description}] ({title} {value} {series} {description} {percents}) You can format any balloon text: {title} will be replaced with real title, {value} - with value and so on. You can add your own text or html code too. -->
</balloon_text> <!-- 提示信息:可以显示你想要的任何提示信息,前提是registerGenre.php 将值放了进来! 动态的获得数据-->
<!-- [] 节点处显示信息 ({title} {value} {series} {description} {percents}) Data labels can display value (and more) near your point on the plot area. -->
<!-- to avoid overlapping, data labels, the same as bullets are not visible if there are more then hide_bullets_count data points on plot area. -->
<data_labels_text_color></data_labels_text_color> <!-- [text_color] 节点颜色 (hex color code) -->
<data_labels_text_size>10</data_labels_text_size> <!-- [text_size] 节点字体大小 (Number) -->
<data_labels_position></data_labels_position> <!-- [above] 节点数量为0时如何显示 below在X轴下面;above在X轴上面 (below / above) -->
<vertical_lines></vertical_lines> <!-- [false] 是否显示节点垂直线 (true / false) whether to draw vertical lines or not. If you want to show vertical lines only (without the graph, set line_alpha to 0 -->
<visible_in_legend></visible_in_legend> <!-- [true] (true / false) whether to show legend entry for this graph or not -->
2011-06-20 9:42
<graphs> <!-- GRAPHS SETTINGS. These settings can also be specified in data file, as attributes of <graph>, in this case you can delete everything from <graphs> to </graphs> (including) -->
<graph gid="registerall"> <!-- if you are using XML data file, graph "gid" must match graph "gid" in data file -->
<axis></axis> <!-- [left] (left/ right) indicates which y axis should be used -->
<title>registerall</title> <!-- [] (graph title) -->
<color>#0000FF</color> <!-- [] 线条颜色 (hex color code) if not defined, uses colors from this array: #FF0000, #0000FF, #00FF00, #FF9900, #CC00CC, #00CCCC, #33FF00, #990000, #000066 -->
<color_hover>#FF0000</color_hover> <!-- [#BBBB00] 链接颜色 (hex color code) -->
<line_alpha>100</line_alpha> <!-- [100] (0 - 100) 是否显示线条, 0-100越大越清晰; 0浓度为0-->
<line_width>0</line_width> <!-- [0] 线条宽度,不是长度 ..(Number) 0 for hairline -->
<fill_alpha></fill_alpha> <!-- [0] 线条内填充 (0 - 100) if you want the chart to be area chart, use bigger than 0 value -->
<fill_color></fill_color> <!-- [grpah.color] 填充颜色渐变 (hex color code) Separate color codes with comas for gradient -->
<balloon_color></balloon_color> <!-- [graph color] 线条提示颜色, 例:鼠标放在某个节点上,弹出提示背景颜色 (hex color code) leave empty to use the same color as graph -->
<balloon_alpha>90</balloon_alpha> <!-- [100] 提示背景色渐变 (0 - 100) -->
<balloon_text_color></balloon_text_color> <!-- [#FFFFFF] 提示文字颜色(hex color code) -->
<bullet>round</bullet> <!-- [] 节点显示的方式,例:square(方型),round(圆型) (square, round, square_outlined, round_outlined, filename.swf) can be used predefined bullets or loaded custom bullets. Leave empty if you don't want to have bullets at all. Outlined bullets use plot area color for outline color -->
<!-- The chart will look for this file in amline_path folder (amline_path is set in HTML) -->
<bullet_size>0</bullet_size> <!-- [6] 节点显示方式大小渐变 (Number) affects only predefined (square and round) bullets, does not change size of custom loaded bullets -->
<bullet_color>#0000FF</bullet_color> <!-- [graph color] 节点显示颜色 (hex color code) affects only predefined (square and round) bullets, does not change color of custom loaded bullets. Leave empty to use the same color as graph -->
<bullet_alpha>100</bullet_alpha> <!-- [graph alpha] 节点显示大小渐变,跟上面的差不多啊 (hex color code) Leave empty to use the same alpha as graph -->
<hidden></hidden> <!-- [false] 线条是否隐藏 (true / false) vill not be visible until you check corresponding checkbox in the legend -->
<selected>true</selected> <!-- [true] (true / false) if true, balloon indicating value will be visible then roll over plot area -->
<!--[CDATA[<b>{value}</b> (个)用户注册 <b>{description}</b>]]--> <!-- [<b>{value}</b><br>{description}] ({title} {value} {series} {description} {percents}) You can format any balloon text: {title} will be replaced with real title, {value} - with value and so on. You can add your own text or html code too. -->
</balloon_text> <!-- 提示信息:可以显示你想要的任何提示信息,前提是registerGenre.php 将值放了进来! 动态的获得数据-->
<!-- [] 节点处显示信息 ({title} {value} {series} {description} {percents}) Data labels can display value (and more) near your point on the plot area. -->
<!-- to avoid overlapping, data labels, the same as bullets are not visible if there are more then hide_bullets_count data points on plot area. -->
<data_labels_text_color></data_labels_text_color> <!-- [text_color] 节点颜色 (hex color code) -->
<data_labels_text_size>10</data_labels_text_size> <!-- [text_size] 节点字体大小 (Number) -->
<data_labels_position></data_labels_position> <!-- [above] 节点数量为0时如何显示 below在X轴下面;above在X轴上面 (below / above) -->
<vertical_lines></vertical_lines> <!-- [false] 是否显示节点垂直线 (true / false) whether to draw vertical lines or not. If you want to show vertical lines only (without the graph, set line_alpha to 0 -->
<visible_in_legend></visible_in_legend> <!-- [true] (true / false) whether to show legend entry for this graph or not -->
插件当中使用到了amchart (真复杂...)
amcharts 要一个“配置文件”(setting.xml),一个数据文件(amile_data.xml),一个 SWFObject.js,一个对应的 SWF 就可以生成漂亮的统计报表了
1 SWFObject v1.5的对象结构
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
getRequestParameter(_2b) // 取得url参数value。_2b是URL的key。
getPlayerVersion() // 取得版本号对象。major.minor.rev。
cleanupSWFs() // 清除页面上所有<OBJECT>元素。
SWFObject(_1, id, w, h, _5, c, _7, _8, _9, _a)
// _1: swf,指定SWF文件路径。
// _id: id,<embed>或者<object>标签的id。
// w: width,属性width。
// h: height,属性height。
// _5: version,flash版本,默认自动会去读取本地的flash插件版本的。
// c: bgcolor,背景色。
// _7: quality,品质(low, high, autolow, autohigh, best ) 。
// _8: xiRedirectUrl
// _9: redirectUrl
// _a: url参数key
useExpressInstall(_d) // 设置xiSWFPath, useExpressInstall属性
setAttribute(_e, _f) // 设置属性attributes。_e是key,_f是value。
getAttribute(_10) // 取得属性attributes中的值。_10是key。
addParam(_l1, _l2) // 设置参数params。_l1是key,_l2是value。
getParams() // 取得params。
addVariable(_l3, _l4) // 设置变量variables。_13是key,_14是value。
getVariable(_l5) // 取得变量variables中的值。
getVariables() // 取得变量variables。
getVariablePairs() // 取得变量variables的key=value对数组。
getSWFHTML() // 返回flash嵌入的HTML
// 例如:
// <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
// src="/amchart/amchart/amcolumn/amcolumn.swf" mce_src="amchart/amchart/amcolumn/amcolumn.swf"
// width="520" height="380"
// style="undefined" mce_style="undefined"
// id="amcolumn" name="amcolumn"
// bgcolor="#FFFFFF"
// quality="high"
// flashvars="path=/amchar/amchar/amcolumn/&settings_file=amcolumn_settings.xml&data_file=amcolumn_data.txt&preloader_color=#000000"/>
write(_20) // 写入flash插入的位置。_20可以是id的名称或者是一个dom结点。
PlayerVersion(_29) // 创建版本号对象。
versionIsValid(fv) // 验证flash插件的当前版本号是否兼容fv的版本号(大于等于)。
getQueryParamValue = deconcept.util.getRequestParameter;
FlashObject = deconcept.SWFObject;
SWFObject = deconcept.SWFObject;
getRequestParameter(_2b) // 取得url参数value。_2b是URL的key。
getPlayerVersion() // 取得版本号对象。major.minor.rev。
cleanupSWFs() // 清除页面上所有<OBJECT>元素。
SWFObject(_1, id, w, h, _5, c, _7, _8, _9, _a)
// _1: swf,指定SWF文件路径。
// _id: id,<embed>或者<object>标签的id。
// w: width,属性width。
// h: height,属性height。
// _5: version,flash版本,默认自动会去读取本地的flash插件版本的。
// c: bgcolor,背景色。
// _7: quality,品质(low, high, autolow, autohigh, best ) 。
// _8: xiRedirectUrl
// _9: redirectUrl
// _a: url参数key
useExpressInstall(_d) // 设置xiSWFPath, useExpressInstall属性
setAttribute(_e, _f) // 设置属性attributes。_e是key,_f是value。
getAttribute(_10) // 取得属性attributes中的值。_10是key。
addParam(_l1, _l2) // 设置参数params。_l1是key,_l2是value。
getParams() // 取得params。
addVariable(_l3, _l4) // 设置变量variables。_13是key,_14是value。
getVariable(_l5) // 取得变量variables中的值。
getVariables() // 取得变量variables。
getVariablePairs() // 取得变量variables的key=value对数组。
getSWFHTML() // 返回flash嵌入的HTML
// 例如:
// <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
// src="/amchart/amchart/amcolumn/amcolumn.swf" mce_src="amchart/amchart/amcolumn/amcolumn.swf"
// width="520" height="380"
// style="undefined" mce_style="undefined"
// id="amcolumn" name="amcolumn"
// bgcolor="#FFFFFF"
// quality="high"
// flashvars="path=/amchar/amchar/amcolumn/&settings_file=amcolumn_settings.xml&data_file=amcolumn_data.txt&preloader_color=#000000"/>
write(_20) // 写入flash插入的位置。_20可以是id的名称或者是一个dom结点。
PlayerVersion(_29) // 创建版本号对象。
versionIsValid(fv) // 验证flash插件的当前版本号是否兼容fv的版本号(大于等于)。
getQueryParamValue = deconcept.util.getRequestParameter;
FlashObject = deconcept.SWFObject;
SWFObject = deconcept.SWFObject;
2 数据文件
// amcolumn_data.txt
3 配置文件
例如:view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
// amcolumn_settings.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- chart config -->
<data_type>csv</data_type> <!-- [xml] (xml / csv) -->
<!-- plugin config -->
<!-- value indicator plugin is suitable for line chart, column chart & xy chart -->
<plugin file="/amchart/amchart/amcolumn/plugins/value_indicator.swf" position="above"> <!-- file should be located in "path" folder. position can be "behind" or "above". "behind" means that the plugin will be loaded behind graphs -->
<chart_type>column</chart_type> <!-- [line] (line / column / xy) this plugin can be used with line or with column chart -->
<axis></axis> <!-- [left] (left / right / x / y) if used with line chat use left or right, if used with xy chart, use x or y -->
<line_color>#000000</line_color> <!-- [#BBBB00] (hex color code) -->
<line_alpha></line_alpha> <!-- [100] (0 - 100) -->
<text_color>#000000</text_color> <!-- [settings.text_color] -->
<text_size>13</text_size> <!-- [settings.tex_size] -->
<precision>2</precision> <!-- [0] (Number) how many numbers after comma should be shown -->
// amcolumn_settings.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- chart config -->
<data_type>csv</data_type> <!-- [xml] (xml / csv) -->
<!-- plugin config -->
<!-- value indicator plugin is suitable for line chart, column chart & xy chart -->
<plugin file="/amchart/amchart/amcolumn/plugins/value_indicator.swf" position="above"> <!-- file should be located in "path" folder. position can be "behind" or "above". "behind" means that the plugin will be loaded behind graphs -->
<chart_type>column</chart_type> <!-- [line] (line / column / xy) this plugin can be used with line or with column chart -->
<axis></axis> <!-- [left] (left / right / x / y) if used with line chat use left or right, if used with xy chart, use x or y -->
<line_color>#000000</line_color> <!-- [#BBBB00] (hex color code) -->
<line_alpha></line_alpha> <!-- [100] (0 - 100) -->
<text_color>#000000</text_color> <!-- [settings.text_color] -->
<text_size>13</text_size> <!-- [settings.tex_size] -->
<precision>2</precision> <!-- [0] (Number) how many numbers after comma should be shown -->
4 在HTML上显示
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
<!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
<!-- amcolumn script-->
<div id="flashcontent">
<strong>You need to upgrade your Flash Player</strong>
<mce:script type="text/javascript"><!--
var so = new SWFObject("/amchart/amchart/amcolumn/amcolumn.swf", "amcolumn", "520", "380", "8", "#FFFFFF"); // 创建SWFObject对象
so.addVariable("path", "/amchart/amchart/amcolumn/"); // 暂时不是很清楚,破解时用到了这个属性。既然,例子写了,我们也写好了。
so.addVariable("settings_file", encodeURIComponent("amcolumn_settings.xml")); // 配置文件
so.addVariable("data_file", encodeURIComponent("amcolumn_data.txt")); // 数据文件
so.addVariable("preloader_color", "#000000"); // 加载时显示的颜色
so.write("flashcontent"); // 在flashcontent位置写入flash插入的HTML
// --></mce:script>
<!-- end of amcolumn script -->
<!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
<!-- amcolumn script-->
<div id="flashcontent">
<strong>You need to upgrade your Flash Player</strong>
<mce:script type="text/javascript"><!--
var so = new SWFObject("/amchart/amchart/amcolumn/amcolumn.swf", "amcolumn", "520", "380", "8", "#FFFFFF"); // 创建SWFObject对象
so.addVariable("path", "/amchart/amchart/amcolumn/"); // 暂时不是很清楚,破解时用到了这个属性。既然,例子写了,我们也写好了。
so.addVariable("settings_file", encodeURIComponent("amcolumn_settings.xml")); // 配置文件
so.addVariable("data_file", encodeURIComponent("amcolumn_data.txt")); // 数据文件
so.addVariable("preloader_color", "#000000"); // 加载时显示的颜色
so.write("flashcontent"); // 在flashcontent位置写入flash插入的HTML
// --></mce:script>
<!-- end of amcolumn script -->
5 破解amchart
没有破解的amchart显示的时候在左上角会出现“chart by amCharts.com”链接,表示是未注册版本,非常讨厌。
用SWF Decompiler软件加载swf文件,在Resources下找Action中的MainMoive,代码中有一段如下:
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
function checkKey(serial)
var _l1 = com.amcharts.Utils.stripSymbols(serial, " ");
_l1 = com.amcharts.Utils.stripSymbols(_l1, "/n");
_l1 = com.amcharts.Utils.stripSymbols(_l1, "/r");
_l1 = com.amcharts.Utils.stripSymbols(_l1, "/r/n");
arr = _l1.split("-");
if (Number(arr[2]) + Number(arr[3]) != 8645 || Number(arr[2].substr(1, 1)) - Number(arr[3].substr(2, 1)) != 2)
attachMovie("copyright_mc", "copyright_mc", 1001);
} // end if
} // End of the function
function checkKey(serial)
var _l1 = com.amcharts.Utils.stripSymbols(serial, " ");
_l1 = com.amcharts.Utils.stripSymbols(_l1, "/n");
_l1 = com.amcharts.Utils.stripSymbols(_l1, "/r");
_l1 = com.amcharts.Utils.stripSymbols(_l1, "/r/n");
arr = _l1.split("-");
if (Number(arr[2]) + Number(arr[3]) != 8645 || Number(arr[2].substr(1, 1)) - Number(arr[3].substr(2, 1)) != 2)
attachMovie("copyright_mc", "copyright_mc", 1001);
} // end if
} // End of the function
key_loader.loadVars(path + "amcharts_key.txt", this, "checkKey", false, "checkKey");
1)amcolumn, amline, ampie破解时跟so.addVariable("path", "");有关系。该属性设置错误破解不成功。
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
<graphs> <!-- GRAPHS SETTINGS. These settings can also be specified in data file, as attributes of <graph>, in this case you can delete everything from <graphs> to </graphs> (including) -->
<graph gid="registerall"> <!-- if you are using XML data file, graph "gid" must match graph "gid" in data file -->
<axis></axis> <!-- [left] (left/ right) indicates which y axis should be used -->
<title>registerall</title> <!-- [] (graph title) -->
<color>#0000FF</color> <!-- [] 线条颜色 (hex color code) if not defined, uses colors from this array: #FF0000, #0000FF, #00FF00, #FF9900, #CC00CC, #00CCCC, #33FF00, #990000, #000066 -->
<color_hover>#FF0000</color_hover> <!-- [#BBBB00] 链接颜色 (hex color code) -->
<line_alpha>100</line_alpha> <!-- [100] (0 - 100) 是否显示线条, 0-100越大越清晰; 0浓度为0-->
<line_width>0</line_width> <!-- [0] 线条宽度,不是长度 ..(Number) 0 for hairline -->
<fill_alpha></fill_alpha> <!-- [0] 线条内填充 (0 - 100) if you want the chart to be area chart, use bigger than 0 value -->
<fill_color></fill_color> <!-- [grpah.color] 填充颜色渐变 (hex color code) Separate color codes with comas for gradient -->
<balloon_color></balloon_color> <!-- [graph color] 线条提示颜色, 例:鼠标放在某个节点上,弹出提示背景颜色 (hex color code) leave empty to use the same color as graph -->
<balloon_alpha>90</balloon_alpha> <!-- [100] 提示背景色渐变 (0 - 100) -->
<balloon_text_color></balloon_text_color> <!-- [#FFFFFF] 提示文字颜色(hex color code) -->
<bullet>round</bullet> <!-- [] 节点显示的方式,例:square(方型),round(圆型) (square, round, square_outlined, round_outlined, filename.swf) can be used predefined bullets or loaded custom bullets. Leave empty if you don't want to have bullets at all. Outlined bullets use plot area color for outline color -->
<!-- The chart will look for this file in amline_path folder (amline_path is set in HTML) -->
<bullet_size>0</bullet_size> <!-- [6] 节点显示方式大小渐变 (Number) affects only predefined (square and round) bullets, does not change size of custom loaded bullets -->
<bullet_color>#0000FF</bullet_color> <!-- [graph color] 节点显示颜色 (hex color code) affects only predefined (square and round) bullets, does not change color of custom loaded bullets. Leave empty to use the same color as graph -->
<bullet_alpha>100</bullet_alpha> <!-- [graph alpha] 节点显示大小渐变,跟上面的差不多啊 (hex color code) Leave empty to use the same alpha as graph -->
<hidden></hidden> <!-- [false] 线条是否隐藏 (true / false) vill not be visible until you check corresponding checkbox in the legend -->
<selected>true</selected> <!-- [true] (true / false) if true, balloon indicating value will be visible then roll over plot area -->
<!--[CDATA[<b>{value}</b> (个)用户注册 <b>{description}</b>]]--> <!-- [<b>{value}</b><br>{description}] ({title} {value} {series} {description} {percents}) You can format any balloon text: {title} will be replaced with real title, {value} - with value and so on. You can add your own text or html code too. -->
</balloon_text> <!-- 提示信息:可以显示你想要的任何提示信息,前提是registerGenre.php 将值放了进来! 动态的获得数据-->
<!-- [] 节点处显示信息 ({title} {value} {series} {description} {percents}) Data labels can display value (and more) near your point on the plot area. -->
<!-- to avoid overlapping, data labels, the same as bullets are not visible if there are more then hide_bullets_count data points on plot area. -->
<data_labels_text_color></data_labels_text_color> <!-- [text_color] 节点颜色 (hex color code) -->
<data_labels_text_size>10</data_labels_text_size> <!-- [text_size] 节点字体大小 (Number) -->
<data_labels_position></data_labels_position> <!-- [above] 节点数量为0时如何显示 below在X轴下面;above在X轴上面 (below / above) -->
<vertical_lines></vertical_lines> <!-- [false] 是否显示节点垂直线 (true / false) whether to draw vertical lines or not. If you want to show vertical lines only (without the graph, set line_alpha to 0 -->
<visible_in_legend></visible_in_legend> <!-- [true] (true / false) whether to show legend entry for this graph or not -->
<graphs> <!-- GRAPHS SETTINGS. These settings can also be specified in data file, as attributes of <graph>, in this case you can delete everything from <graphs> to </graphs> (including) -->
<graph gid="registerall"> <!-- if you are using XML data file, graph "gid" must match graph "gid" in data file -->
<axis></axis> <!-- [left] (left/ right) indicates which y axis should be used -->
<title>registerall</title> <!-- [] (graph title) -->
<color>#0000FF</color> <!-- [] 线条颜色 (hex color code) if not defined, uses colors from this array: #FF0000, #0000FF, #00FF00, #FF9900, #CC00CC, #00CCCC, #33FF00, #990000, #000066 -->
<color_hover>#FF0000</color_hover> <!-- [#BBBB00] 链接颜色 (hex color code) -->
<line_alpha>100</line_alpha> <!-- [100] (0 - 100) 是否显示线条, 0-100越大越清晰; 0浓度为0-->
<line_width>0</line_width> <!-- [0] 线条宽度,不是长度 ..(Number) 0 for hairline -->
<fill_alpha></fill_alpha> <!-- [0] 线条内填充 (0 - 100) if you want the chart to be area chart, use bigger than 0 value -->
<fill_color></fill_color> <!-- [grpah.color] 填充颜色渐变 (hex color code) Separate color codes with comas for gradient -->
<balloon_color></balloon_color> <!-- [graph color] 线条提示颜色, 例:鼠标放在某个节点上,弹出提示背景颜色 (hex color code) leave empty to use the same color as graph -->
<balloon_alpha>90</balloon_alpha> <!-- [100] 提示背景色渐变 (0 - 100) -->
<balloon_text_color></balloon_text_color> <!-- [#FFFFFF] 提示文字颜色(hex color code) -->
<bullet>round</bullet> <!-- [] 节点显示的方式,例:square(方型),round(圆型) (square, round, square_outlined, round_outlined, filename.swf) can be used predefined bullets or loaded custom bullets. Leave empty if you don't want to have bullets at all. Outlined bullets use plot area color for outline color -->
<!-- The chart will look for this file in amline_path folder (amline_path is set in HTML) -->
<bullet_size>0</bullet_size> <!-- [6] 节点显示方式大小渐变 (Number) affects only predefined (square and round) bullets, does not change size of custom loaded bullets -->
<bullet_color>#0000FF</bullet_color> <!-- [graph color] 节点显示颜色 (hex color code) affects only predefined (square and round) bullets, does not change color of custom loaded bullets. Leave empty to use the same color as graph -->
<bullet_alpha>100</bullet_alpha> <!-- [graph alpha] 节点显示大小渐变,跟上面的差不多啊 (hex color code) Leave empty to use the same alpha as graph -->
<hidden></hidden> <!-- [false] 线条是否隐藏 (true / false) vill not be visible until you check corresponding checkbox in the legend -->
<selected>true</selected> <!-- [true] (true / false) if true, balloon indicating value will be visible then roll over plot area -->
<!--[CDATA[<b>{value}</b> (个)用户注册 <b>{description}</b>]]--> <!-- [<b>{value}</b><br>{description}] ({title} {value} {series} {description} {percents}) You can format any balloon text: {title} will be replaced with real title, {value} - with value and so on. You can add your own text or html code too. -->
</balloon_text> <!-- 提示信息:可以显示你想要的任何提示信息,前提是registerGenre.php 将值放了进来! 动态的获得数据-->
<!-- [] 节点处显示信息 ({title} {value} {series} {description} {percents}) Data labels can display value (and more) near your point on the plot area. -->
<!-- to avoid overlapping, data labels, the same as bullets are not visible if there are more then hide_bullets_count data points on plot area. -->
<data_labels_text_color></data_labels_text_color> <!-- [text_color] 节点颜色 (hex color code) -->
<data_labels_text_size>10</data_labels_text_size> <!-- [text_size] 节点字体大小 (Number) -->
<data_labels_position></data_labels_position> <!-- [above] 节点数量为0时如何显示 below在X轴下面;above在X轴上面 (below / above) -->
<vertical_lines></vertical_lines> <!-- [false] 是否显示节点垂直线 (true / false) whether to draw vertical lines or not. If you want to show vertical lines only (without the graph, set line_alpha to 0 -->
<visible_in_legend></visible_in_legend> <!-- [true] (true / false) whether to show legend entry for this graph or not -->
2011-06-20 9:42
<graphs> <!-- GRAPHS SETTINGS. These settings can also be specified in data file, as attributes of <graph>, in this case you can delete everything from <graphs> to </graphs> (including) -->
<graph gid="registerall"> <!-- if you are using XML data file, graph "gid" must match graph "gid" in data file -->
<axis></axis> <!-- [left] (left/ right) indicates which y axis should be used -->
<title>registerall</title> <!-- [] (graph title) -->
<color>#0000FF</color> <!-- [] 线条颜色 (hex color code) if not defined, uses colors from this array: #FF0000, #0000FF, #00FF00, #FF9900, #CC00CC, #00CCCC, #33FF00, #990000, #000066 -->
<color_hover>#FF0000</color_hover> <!-- [#BBBB00] 链接颜色 (hex color code) -->
<line_alpha>100</line_alpha> <!-- [100] (0 - 100) 是否显示线条, 0-100越大越清晰; 0浓度为0-->
<line_width>0</line_width> <!-- [0] 线条宽度,不是长度 ..(Number) 0 for hairline -->
<fill_alpha></fill_alpha> <!-- [0] 线条内填充 (0 - 100) if you want the chart to be area chart, use bigger than 0 value -->
<fill_color></fill_color> <!-- [grpah.color] 填充颜色渐变 (hex color code) Separate color codes with comas for gradient -->
<balloon_color></balloon_color> <!-- [graph color] 线条提示颜色, 例:鼠标放在某个节点上,弹出提示背景颜色 (hex color code) leave empty to use the same color as graph -->
<balloon_alpha>90</balloon_alpha> <!-- [100] 提示背景色渐变 (0 - 100) -->
<balloon_text_color></balloon_text_color> <!-- [#FFFFFF] 提示文字颜色(hex color code) -->
<bullet>round</bullet> <!-- [] 节点显示的方式,例:square(方型),round(圆型) (square, round, square_outlined, round_outlined, filename.swf) can be used predefined bullets or loaded custom bullets. Leave empty if you don't want to have bullets at all. Outlined bullets use plot area color for outline color -->
<!-- The chart will look for this file in amline_path folder (amline_path is set in HTML) -->
<bullet_size>0</bullet_size> <!-- [6] 节点显示方式大小渐变 (Number) affects only predefined (square and round) bullets, does not change size of custom loaded bullets -->
<bullet_color>#0000FF</bullet_color> <!-- [graph color] 节点显示颜色 (hex color code) affects only predefined (square and round) bullets, does not change color of custom loaded bullets. Leave empty to use the same color as graph -->
<bullet_alpha>100</bullet_alpha> <!-- [graph alpha] 节点显示大小渐变,跟上面的差不多啊 (hex color code) Leave empty to use the same alpha as graph -->
<hidden></hidden> <!-- [false] 线条是否隐藏 (true / false) vill not be visible until you check corresponding checkbox in the legend -->
<selected>true</selected> <!-- [true] (true / false) if true, balloon indicating value will be visible then roll over plot area -->
<!--[CDATA[<b>{value}</b> (个)用户注册 <b>{description}</b>]]--> <!-- [<b>{value}</b><br>{description}] ({title} {value} {series} {description} {percents}) You can format any balloon text: {title} will be replaced with real title, {value} - with value and so on. You can add your own text or html code too. -->
</balloon_text> <!-- 提示信息:可以显示你想要的任何提示信息,前提是registerGenre.php 将值放了进来! 动态的获得数据-->
<!-- [] 节点处显示信息 ({title} {value} {series} {description} {percents}) Data labels can display value (and more) near your point on the plot area. -->
<!-- to avoid overlapping, data labels, the same as bullets are not visible if there are more then hide_bullets_count data points on plot area. -->
<data_labels_text_color></data_labels_text_color> <!-- [text_color] 节点颜色 (hex color code) -->
<data_labels_text_size>10</data_labels_text_size> <!-- [text_size] 节点字体大小 (Number) -->
<data_labels_position></data_labels_position> <!-- [above] 节点数量为0时如何显示 below在X轴下面;above在X轴上面 (below / above) -->
<vertical_lines></vertical_lines> <!-- [false] 是否显示节点垂直线 (true / false) whether to draw vertical lines or not. If you want to show vertical lines only (without the graph, set line_alpha to 0 -->
<visible_in_legend></visible_in_legend> <!-- [true] (true / false) whether to show legend entry for this graph or not -->
在本学习笔记中,我们将深入探讨如何使用AmCharts来生成统计报表,并了解其核心组件和工作原理。 首先,AmCharts的数据展示依赖于三个主要文件: 1. **配置文件(Setting.xml)**:这个文件定义了图表的样式、颜色...
文档是学习和优化 amChart 实现的关键资源。 **Build** `Build` 文件夹通常包含预编译的库文件,这些文件可以被引入到 Flex 项目中,使得开发者能够快速集成 amChart 功能。这可能包括 SWC(Adobe Flash Builder ...
AmChart 是一款强大的数据可视化工具,它主要使用Flash技术来创建动态、交互式的图表和图形。在.NET环境中,开发者可以通过集成AmChart与XML数据结合,为应用程序增添极具吸引力的视觉表现,以直观地展示复杂数据。 ...
c#用来做图表的免费插件代码amchart插件 图表文件
AmChart的实例帮助文档 amcharts 要一个“配置文件”(setting.xml),一个数据文件(amile_data.xml), 一个 SWFObject.js,一个对应的 SWF 就可以生成漂亮的统计报表了 1 SWFObject v1.5的对象结构 view ...
**标题:“amchart -5 Radar & Polar(flash chart 图表)”** ...通过上述文件和描述,我们可以学习如何使用amchart -5库创建和自定义Radar及Polar图表,以及如何将它们集成到Web项目中,以有效地展示和分析多维度数据。
amchart破解版 javascript脚本库,具有强大的画图功能,经过破解处理可以直接使用
### Amchart技术详解 #### 一、Amchart概述 Amchart是一种基于Flash的图表组件,由Admir Kolendarev创建,旨在为用户提供灵活且视觉吸引力强的数据可视化解决方案。Amchart不仅提供了丰富的图表类型,包括折线图、...
虽然压缩包中没有直接包含这些,但你可以通过访问AMCHART的官方网站获取更多学习资源。 通过这个压缩包中的示例,你可以逐步掌握AMCHART的基本用法,进一步提升你的前端数据可视化能力。同时,也可以借鉴示例中的...
amchart破解版本 图表,很好用amchart破解版本 图表,很好用amchart破解版本 图表,很好用
### Amchart 使用方法详解 #### 一、Amchart 概述 Amcharts 是一组功能强大的 Flash 图表组件,被广泛应用于网站和各种基于 Web 的应用中。这些图表不仅外观美观,而且具有高度的定制性和灵活性。Amcharts 支持从 ...
amcharts去水印 破解和amserieschart破解的应用demo此实例为amcharts的最新版本 1.8.3 2011年版。能够实现多种图标,动态加载数据。动态添加数据,在此demo种都有展示。
"amchart饼图 asp.net版" 指的是将amcharts图表库中的饼图功能应用于ASP.NET开发环境。Amcharts是一个强大的JavaScript图表库,提供了多种类型的图表,包括饼图、柱状图、线图等,用于数据可视化。ASP.NET是微软公司...
【Amchart技术说明】 Amchart 是一套基于Flash的图表组件,用于创建丰富的、交互式的可视化图表。这些图表组件本身并不包含任何数据,它们通过指定配置文件和数据文件的路径来获取并显示数据。配置文件主要定义图表...
10. **社区支持**:AmCharts 拥有活跃的开发者社区,提供了许多示例、教程和插件,方便开发者学习和解决问题。 总之,AmCharts 是一个功能强大且易于使用的图表库,对于需要数据可视化的项目来说,是一个理想的选择...