


IBM doc 全:http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/rsdhelp/v7r0m0/index.jsp?topic=/org.eclipse.gmf.doc/tutorials/diagram/connectionCreationAssistantTutorial.html


八进制 GMF http://www.cnblogs.com/bjzhanghao/category/48143.html


Eclipse GMF Tutorial中文例程 http://blog.csdn.net/mini_snow/article/details/3262349

GMF汇总 http://hi.baidu.com/abigbigman/blog/item/b795ac82a3386e8df603a6bd.html


GMF 官方文档 http://wiki.eclipse.org/Graphical_Modeling_Framework/Tutorial#Get_started


 yiliner 的blog http://yiliner.iteye.com/category/34448?show_full=true


GMF 概述 http://www.4ucode.com/Study/Topic/1058082



The notation model (metamodel image) is used to store visual information necessary for diagram drawing and is independent from the underlying semantic model (instantiated from EMF metamodel). For example, it is used to store the position and size of nodes, bounds of the nodes, link bend point locations, linkcolor styles, etc.
The notation model is mostly based on the following sub-classes of abstract class View: Diagram, Node and Edge. Each of these subclasses is used to store a corresponding set of properties specific for Diagram, Node or Edge visual representation, respectively. The notation model can be extended with some userdefined data by attaching specific Style to the existing View instance. Each opened diagram editor has own notation model instance attached and is actively used by the runtime as an API for storing and loading diagram-specific information.
The unifying force of GMF is the notation meta-model which provides the concrete link between the EMF and GEF. It is the scaffolding around which GMF diagram capability is built. The most important aspect about the notation meta-model is that it is completely domain independent. By having it be generic across domains, this allows the engine to behave in a common way and provide a common feature set that can be absorbed into those domains.The only link to the semantic model is a reference stored on the View element in the hierarchy. The GMF editparts always navigate to the semantic model through this reference.



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