To start developing Java EE applications with AppFuse 2.x, please following the instructions below:
Table of Contents
- Create a new project.
- Run it.
- Have Fun.
Create a project
- Download
and install JDK 5+.
- Download
and install MySQL 5.x.
- Setup a local SMTP server or change (in src/main/resources) to use a different host name - it defaults to "localhost".
- Download
and install
Maven 2.0.6.
If you'd prefer to create your project from Eclipse rather than from the command-line, checkout Candy for AppFuse . |
- AppFuse comes in a number of different flavors. To optimize and simplify your experience as a user, we've created a number of different archetypes (a.k.a. starter projects). There are currently two types of AppFuse Archetypes: basic and modular. The basic archetypes are ideal for creating projects that will serve as web applications. The modular archetypes contain "core" and "web" modules and are ideal for creating projects that have a re-usable backend. The list of commands to produce these projects is below. You should change the groupId to match your preferred package name and the artifactId to match your project's name.
The warnings you see when creating an archetype are expected. If you see BUILD SUCCESSFUL at the end, your project was created successfully. |
MySQL Security
Running MySQL using root with no password is not the most secure thing to do. Once your database is created, you can change the root password using the command below:
AppFuse uses the username "root" and a blank password by default. To change these values, modify the <jdbc.username> and <jdbc.password> properties in your project's pom.xml (at the bottom).
Run your application
Running AppFuse is easy now. Once the archetype project is created, Maven will create and populate your database using the hibernate3
and dbunit
plugins, respectively. All you have to do is use Maven to run the Jetty container and view your application.
- Check your new project into source control, unless you have a good reason not to. Google Code
has free Subversion hosting, as do many others.
- From the command line, cd into your new project's directory and run mvn to download JARs, Tomcat and run the integration tests in your project. Now is a good time to take a coffee break or grab a beer - downloading everything and running the tests can take 5-10 minutes.
- To view your application run mvn jetty:run-war from your project's directory (for a modular project, you'll need to run mvn jetty:run-war from your project's web directory). Maven will start Jetty and you should be able to view your application in your browser at http://localhost:8080
The default username/password for an admin user is admin/admin. For a regular user, use user/user. |
- To override files from AppFuse, run mvn war:inplace. This will extract the dependent WARs into src/main/webapp, where you can change files to your heart's content. When you have the war expanded in your source tree, you can run mvn jetty:run. This will allow you to change files on-the-fly and Jetty will reload them as needed. The only problem with this approach is you end up with an "exploded AppFuse" in your project, which won't bode well for upgrading. We recommend you check your project into source control before running mvn war:inplace. That way, it'll be easier for you to decide what needs to be checked in (over written) and what can be deleted.
If you receive OutOfMemory errors when using jetty:run, see this mailing list thread
You can change AppFuse from its "embedded mode" to full-source mode by running mvn appfuse:full-source from your project's root directory.
Development Environment
See development environment for detailed instructions on how to setup your computer to develop AppFuse-based applications. |
Changing database settings
To change your MySQL database settings, simply change the <jdbc.*> properties at the bottom of your pom.xml. See Database Profiles to use a database other than MySQL. |
Develop your application
You can develop your application using Eclipse, IDEA or NetBeans. For Eclipse, run mvn install eclipse:eclipse to generate project files. For IDEA, use mvn idea:idea. Further instructions can be found in the IDE Reference Guide.
The Tutorials should help you get started developing your application.
- 访问AppFuse的QuickStart页面,选择所需框架。此处以SpringMVC框架为例(默认为SpringMVC+Hibernate),指定GroupId(例如:`net.dagong`)和ArtifactId(例如:`demo`)。 2. **生成Maven命令**: - 官网会...
此外,还需要访问AppFuse官方网站获取更多关于快速启动的信息:[]( #### 三、搭建...
5. **资源与文档**:AppFuse提供详尽的文档,包括QuickStart指南、教程、幻灯片和在线论坛,方便开发者学习和解决问题。 6. **社区支持**:AppFuse的开发主页位于,开发者可以通过邮件...
文档提到的生成地址为``。AppFuse是一个快速开发平台,可以用来生成基于多种框架(包括Struts2)的Web应用程序。首先需要访问这个网址,获取相关的配置信息。 ##...
internal->appfuse-basic-jsf 该骨架用于创建一个基于Hibernate、Spring和JSF的Web应用程序原型。它包含了Web开发所需的主要技术栈,适用于希望快速启动一个企业级Web应用的开发者。 #### 2. internal->appfuse-...