mojax is not a browser
mojax, conversely, is one of the worlds first Mobile AJAX Application Frameworks. Unlike traditional AJAX Web Frameworks, mojax Moblets do not run within a browser and are not subject to the availability and quality of a network connection. Also, unlike a web application running on a mobile device, a mojax moblet has access to lower level device features such as Camera API, Push Messaging, Bluetooth, Location Services, Contacts and more. mojax enables an AJAX savvy developer to produce an true mobile application that will run on most J2ME, Symbian, Windows Mobile, Palm, and BREW devices without any need to port or test across the devices they wish to deploy.
Moblets are applications … not web sites
In fact, because mojax runs as an application and not a website, an mojax Moblet offers distinct advantages over a Mobile AJAX application running within a browser:
1. Local Data Storage (Caching)
All Moblets have access to a global object called Cache. Via this object, Moblets can persist state across application sessions. It can be used to store simple string values, large XML data models, or even images.
2. Offline capabilities
Unlike a browser based application, Moblets can be written to work offline. All the application logic is cached upon install and unless the application requires access to an internet resource (e.g. Web Service) then it is fully capable of running offline and without a network connection of any kind.
3. Access to device specific features
Browsers running on a mobile device are strickly limited to rendering a web page. Granted, in concept AJAX provides a very rich experience, but it doesn’t provide access to device specific features like Audio and Video playback, camera, LBS, and Bluetooth. These are all things that a Moblet running on mojax can access.
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JAVA快速开发框架源码 企业通用开发平台框架源码 系统说明如下: 1、系统源码导入Eclipse、MyEclipse等IDE发布到应用服务器,例如Tomcat上即可运行。 2、导入系统后请将系统编码设置为UTF-8,不是GBK。SQL导入也是UTF8编码。 3、导入后如果出现感叹号,请修改实际的Java Build Path。 4、登录页面:4.1、Hibernate版本访问地址:http://localhost:8080/jeefw/login.jsp 4.2、Mybatis版本访问地址:MySQL版本和Oracle版本都是http://localhost:8080/ + 项目名,账号:admin 密码:1 5、系统默认数据库是mysql。Hibernate版本的applicationContext.xml配置文件里的mysql用户名是root,密码是123456; Mybatis版本在 dbconfig.properties修改。如果和您的不一样,请修改即可运行。 6、基于Bootstrap的Java企业通用开发平台框架只引用了一个第三方jar包
Springboot博客网站源码 运行环境:idea+mysql5.7+jdk1.8+maven3 项目技术:SpringBoot MyBatis MySQL JQuery html 源码描述:游客可以浏览文章, 游客可以登录注册成用户,发布文章 管理自己的文章,评论和回复, 点赞评论回复文章等 管理员可以对整个系统用户管理,文章管理,分类管理,角色权限管理,评论管理等等
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# 基于Spring Boot和MyBatis Plus的帖子管理系统 ## 项目简介 本项目是一个基于Spring Boot和MyBatis Plus的帖子管理系统,旨在提供一个高效、易用的平台来管理帖子内容。系统整合了多种主流框架和技术,包括Spring MVC、MyBatis Plus、Redis、Elasticsearch等,支持用户登录、帖子发布、点赞、收藏、搜索等功能。 ## 项目的主要特性和功能 ### 主流框架 特性 Spring Boot 2.7.x快速开发框架,简化配置。 Spring MVC用于构建Web应用程序。 MyBatis Plus简化MyBatis操作,支持分页、自动生成SQL等。 Spring AOP面向切面编程,用于日志记录、权限校验等。 Spring Scheduler定时任务调度。 Spring 事务注解简化事务管理。 ### 数据存储
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