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HTTP Request
Published in: JavaScript
Generic global code for managing XMLHttpRequest objects.
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// ----------------------------------------
// Wrapper function for constructing a request object.
// Parameters:
// reqType: The HTTP request type, such as GET or POST.
// url: The URL of the server program.
// asynch: Whether to send the request asynchronously or not.
// ----------------------------------------
function httpRequest(reqType,url,asynch) {
// Mozilla-based browsers
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
request = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
if (!request) {
request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
// Request could still be null if neither ActiveXObject
// initialization succeeded
if (request) {
// If the reqType param is POST, then the fifth arg is the POSTed data
if (reqType.toLowerCase() != "post") {
initReq(reqType, url, asynch, respHandle);
} else {
// The POSTed data
var args = arguments[4];
if (args != null && args.length > 0) {
initReq(reqType, url, asynch, respHandle, args);
} else {
alert("Your browser does not permit the use of all " +
"of this application's features!");
// ----------------------------------------
// Initialize a request object that is already constructed
// ----------------------------------------
function initReq(reqType, url, bool, respHandle) {
try {
// Specify the function that will handle the HTTP response
request.onreadystatechange = handleResponse;
request.open(reqType, url, bool);
// If the reqType param is POST, then the
// fifth argument to the function is the POSTed data
if (reqType.toLowerCase() == "post") {
// Set the Content-Type header for a POST request
request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-ww-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");
} else {
} catch (errv) {
alert("The application cannot contact the server at the moment. " +
"Please try again in a few seconds.\n" +
"Error detail: " errv.message);
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HTTP Request Editor是一款强大的工具,专为开发者和网络爱好者设计,用于HTTP抓包和编辑。它允许用户捕获、查看并修改HTTP请求,这对于调试Web应用、理解网络通信过程以及优化API交互具有极大的价值。 首先,我们...
IBM Rational HTTP Request Editor 是一款强大的工具,主要用于调试和构建HTTP请求。它允许用户直观地创建、编辑和发送HTTP请求,并查看响应数据,是IT专业人员进行Web服务测试和API调试时的重要助手。以下是对该...
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一个好用的HTTP REQUEST 调试工具 http request
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SendHTTPRequest 我需要的代码
Using it, you can easily create an asynchronous HTTP request and receive event callback. It can be applied to MFC and ATL projects. This code mainly consists of two classes: class FCHttpRequest and ...
在“Laravel开发-guzzle-http-request”项目中,`ghr`(可能代表Guzzle HTTP Request的简写)是一个专门针对Guzzle的轻量级包装器,旨在进一步提升在Laravel应用中的使用体验,特别是在处理多个并发请求和DOM解析...
微信小程序 WePy 工具集整合并封装了常用的小程序 API 和 HTTP Request微信小程序 WePy Utils微信小程序 WePy 工具集整合并封装了常用的小程序 API 和 HTTP Request安装npm install wepy-utils按需引入import { ...
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标题中的"The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port"错误在Nginx服务器配置中是一个常见的问题,通常发生在尝试通过HTTPS(安全的HTTP协议)访问网站时,但Nginx却接收到一个非加密的HTTP请求。这通常是由于...
在使用Jenkins时经常需要通过http请求去操作service API。其中HTTP Request Plugin插件就可以满足。
这是最后一个支持Basic 认证的 HTTP Request 版本 Jenkins HTTP Request插件是一个用于Jenkins持续集成/持续交付(CI/CD)平台的开源插件。该插件通过发送HTTP请求到指定的URL,并根据响应结果来触发相应的Jenkins...
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在Laravel框架中,HTTP Request服务是核心组件之一,它为开发者提供了处理HTTP请求的强大工具。这个主题“Laravel开发-laravel-http-request-service”聚焦于如何有效地利用Laravel中的HttpRequest服务来增强应用的...