download :jboss,wrapper
First we will copy the following files into the JBoss bin directory:
{WRAPPER_HOME}\bin\Wrapper.exe {WRAPPER_HOME}\src\bin\App.bat.in {WRAPPER_HOME}\src\bin\InstallApp-NT.bat.in {WRAPPER_HOME}\src\bin\UninstallApp-NT.bat.in
Rename the three batch files as follows. Be sure to remove the .in extensions so that the files all end in .bat. Depending on how your file explorer is configured, you may not be able to see the extensions.
Copy the following two files into the JBoss lib directory:
Be sure to remove the .in extension so that the file is named wrapper.conf. Depending on how your file explorer is configured, you may not be able to see the extension. You should now have:
JBoss.bat:add file end
ECHO %JAVA% %JAVA_OPTS% -classpath "%JBOSS_CLASSPATH%" org.jboss.Main %ARGS%
wrapper.ntservice.displayname=JBoss Application Server
wrapper.ntservice.description=JBoss Application Server
另一个基于librabbitmq-c的RabbitMQ C ++客户端包装。 已经在生产环境中使用。 尚无文档,请阅读示例以供参考,但我真的向您推荐!...Setting tags for user " tibank " to [administrator] ... [nicol
AJAX .Net Wrapper usage guide 1 Background 1 How it works - Overview 2 Initial Setup 2 Setting up the HttpHandler 2 Setting up the Page 3 Creating the Server-Side Functions 4 Making our client-side ...
<setting name="autoMappingBehavior" value="PARTIAL"/> ``` 在上面的示例中,我们设置了自动映射模式为PARTIAL,即只对非嵌套的resultMap进行自动映射。 3. 拓展自动映射 在sql查询结果中,如果只有部分字段与...
+ setting of the number of decoded channels is now done through a new function call (SetCodecChannels(), GetCodecChannels()). + small header files cleanup/changes. * What's new in 3.0.7 + Added ...
This module is a Python wrapper of Android uiautomator testing framework. It works on Android 4.1 simply with Android device attached via adb, no need to install anything on Android device. from ...
在MyBatis中,可以在`mybatis-config.xml`配置文件中开启驼峰命名转换,通过设置`<setting name="mapUnderscoreToCamelCase" value="true" />`来实现。然而,MyBatisPlus的配置略有不同,它需要在全局配置中进行设置...
cloudflow-api 描述 这是Cloudflow API的node.js包装器。 它有异步和同步版本。 用法 var cloudflowAPI = require('cloudflow-api'); // Create a Cloudflow API wrapper for http://localhost:9090 ...// Setting th
Wrapper Classes and Collections 81 Macro Projects 88 Custom Rules 89 Additional Macros 100 Running and Distributing Macros 108 Running Macros 108 Distributing the VBA Project 109 Distributing ...
Wrapper Classes and Collections 81 Macro Projects 88 Custom Rules 89 Additional Macros 100 Running and Distributing Macros 108 Running Macros 108 Distributing the VBA Project 109 Distributing ...
SettingContent-ms包装器 最近,各种装入程序已使用SettingContent-ms文件来感染端点: 仅在启用Windows搜索的情况下,SettingContent-ms才能在Windows 10上运行。 SettingContent-ms包装器消除了这些... 内部Setting
1. **更新Gradle Wrapper**:在项目的根目录下找到`gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties`文件,将`distributionUrl`指向更高的Gradle版本,如: ``` distributionUrl=...
Allow java.time types for setting the Last-Modified header [SPR-17571] #22103 StringHttpMessageConverter should assume charset UTF-8 for application/json [SPR-17568] #22100 NettyDataBufferFactory.join...
- IMPROVED: GoWrapper now supports multiple materials. - FIXED: Correct cleanup action for RemovePackage. 3.0.0 From this version, we change package data format to binary. Editor version 3.9.0 with '...
Python wrapper for SMBus access over i2c-dev. Not installed by default. * stub A helper script to use with the i2c-stub kernel driver. Installed by default. * tools I2C device detection and ...
<div class="swiper-wrapper"> <a href=""><img :src="item.img" alt=""> ``` 此外,还可以在组件中定义Swiper的配置选项,例如在`data()`中声明一个`swiperOption`对象,然后在模板中传递给`swiper`组件: ``...
Turning on this setting and managing its maximum buffer size can yield some ; interesting side-effects depending on your application and web server. ; You may be able to send headers and cookies ...
很奇怪,我的maven仓库配置了私有库,,并且在maven setting.xml中配置了mirror(阿里云的镜像),但是,经常会遇到执行mvn命令的时候,会提醒,下载不下来。 解决方式:在项目的pom.xml中添加如下一段代码: ...
cursor: 'pointer', // cursor css setting for side bar areas hash: false, // enables navigation using a hash string, ex: #/page/1 for page 1, will affect all booklets with 'hash' enabled keyboard: ...