
Prepare for Your Interview


Prepare forYour Interview

Article available online at: http://www.therapytimes.com/0202IQ
The job interview is a proving ground for most applicants. Questions are posed and, depending on the answers given, candidates could soon find themselves in a new position or wondering why they didn't get the job. What follows are a few sample interview questions from Carole Martin's new book, Boost Your Interview I.Q. (2004, McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.). Below each question are three different answers. Select the answer that best matches with how you would respond, then read what each answer tells a potential employer about you and record your score after each question. The scenarios may not be healthcare-specific situations, but are meant to determine how interview-savvy you are. Do you project the right image to get the right job?

1. "Let's begin with you telling me about yourself."

Select the strongest answer.

(A) I was born in Cincinnati. My mother was a nurse and my father was a lawyer. I went to the local high school and then attended the state college and graduated with a major in English. I worked for four years at a high-tech company, where I was a customer service rep. Then I moved to a large company and worked there for two years as a help desk rep. I was at my last company for one year as a manager of customer service.

(B) I have a total of seven years in the customer service field. In my last job I managed a team of 14 reps. I have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, and that allows me to work with a broad range of people at various levels. My background includes working in Fortune 500 companies, as well as smaller companies. My strength is my ability to organize and coordinate projects, making sure deadlines are met.

(C) I'd be glad to. Would you like to know about my personal life or my professional life? What would you like me to focus on?


The Strongest Answer
(B) This is the strongest answer because it presents a good summary of what you have to offer. The interviewer knows your total years of experience, the types of companies where you have worked and what you consider your strengths relative to the job. The answer also provides a good blend of knowledge-based skills, transferable skills and some personality traits. You are striving to give the interviewer a good snapshot of yourself.

The Mediocre Answer
(A) This answer is all right but is not as strong an answer as (B). This is basically a "walk-through-the-rŽsumŽ" type of answer: "I was born, attended college and worked at " It would benefit from more detail and specifics, such as the types of companies you worked for or some of your strengths and personal characteristics. The ideal answer contains a well-rounded, current picture of you.

The Weakest Answer
(C) This is a very common reply to this question, but is a weak answer. It does not show any preparation or planning in regard to what the employer would be interested in knowing about you. Your reply to this question is your opportunity to lead the interview and start out by focusing on what you want the interviewer to know about you and your qualifications.

Rate Yourself
If you chose answer (B), give yourself 5 points.
If you chose answer (A), give yourself 3 points.
If you chose answer (C), give yourself 0 points.

2. What is your greatest weakness?

Select the strongest answer.

(A) Weaknesses are not something that I dwell on. I know I could improve upon my patience when working with people who don't work at the same pace as I do. What I have found is that by helping members of the team who are having problems, I can move projects forward instead of being frustrated and doing nothing.

(B) I am a person who likes to get the job done correctly the first time. I become very frustrated when other people's work affects my ability to do my job correctly. I've been working on trying to be more understanding and finding out what the problem is before I pass judgment.

(C) My weakness is working too hard to get the job done. Because of the workload, I have to work many evenings and weekends so that projects meet deadlines. I'm trying to work smarter and not harder.


The Strongest Answer
(A) This answer comes across as being very sincere and honest. Some forethought was put into the answer. It also shows an awareness of your need to improve and what action steps you need to take to work through the issue.

The Mediocre Answer
(B) This is not a bad answer. However, the interviewer could become concerned that you are a bit of a perfectionist, and that could cause a problem. Avoid mentioning personality traits that would be difficult to change. In answering this question it is best to demonstrate something you are working on to improve your weakness: "I'm working on it."

The Weakest Answer
(C) This is a very trite answer and should be avoided. "Working too hard" is a concept that even the cartoons have had fun with. An interviewer may be concerned about whether you are working too hard because of the workload or because of poor work habits.

Rate Yourself
If you chose answer (A), give yourself 5 points.
If you chose answer (B), give yourself 3 points.
If you chose answer (C), give yourself 0 points.

The "weakness" question is the most dreaded question of all. In answering this question it is best to avoid saying that you are weak in any areas that would affect your job performance (as seen in the job posting). For example, "My time management skills need some improving" would be a poor thing to say because you are admitting that you may not be able to do the job.

3. What are your strengths?

Select the strongest answer.

(A) My strength is my people skills. I love working with people and helping them solve problems. My customers are very important to me, and I let them know it. I've had a lot of positive feedback on my skills from my customers.

(B) My strengths are a combination of my technical skills and my ability to work with a variety of customers. I consider myself a data-mining expert, but what makes me stand out from the competition is my ability to work directly with customers and get to the root of the problem. I can break down complex issues into simple, understandable concepts and language so that the customers can understand what I am saying. I have received customer service awards in the technical area for the last two years.

(C) I have a strong background in customer service. Whether the customer is internal or external, I pride myself on my ability to work with people on problems and solutions. I've been chosen for the "Customer Service of the Month" award every quarter for the last two years.


The Strongest Answer
(B) This is the strongest answer because it brings a broader picture of what you bring to the position: not only what is required – technical skills – but also the added value of being able to work directly with the customers, as well as a strong ability to communicate technical information in simple terms. In today's competitive market it will be necessary for you to think of your strengths beyond meeting the qualifications. What else can you offer that other candidates cannot? The more skills you can include in your answer, the more information the interviewer will have to judge whether you have what it takes to do the job – and beyond.

The Mediocre Answer
(C) This is not as strong an answer as (B). It is good in that it lets the interviewer know that you have a strong ability to work with internal and external customers and work with problems and solutions. This answer could be stronger if you blended in some of the skills that come from your experience or knowledge, such as your industry or product knowledge.

The Weakest Answer
(A) This is a very general answer that could be used for any position. "I love working with people" and "I am a people person" are overused phrases. Helping people solve problems is too general a concept to make a good impression on the interviewer.

Rate Yourself
If you chose answer (B), give yourself 5 points.
If you chose answer (C), give yourself 3 points.
If you chose answer (A), give yourself 0 points.

A good way to prepare for the "strengths" question is to do an assessment of what you have to offer. This means not only your knowledge-based skills (experience and education) but also the skills that are used in almost any job – transferable or portable skills (communication skills, time management skills, problem-solving skills).

4. Why do you want to work here?

Select the strongest answer.

(A) I did some research and selected the companies I am most interested in working for, and yours is at the top of my list. I conducted my research on the basis of the company's reputation, product reliability and industry stability, as well as how current employees would rate working for the company. I work best when my goals and values are in sync with the company's goals and values. I know that I would be a good fit in this company's culture and that I have a lot to contribute.

(B) I found the job posting on the Internet. The job is a perfect match for my skills and abilities. I see this as a real opportunity to find a challenge. I want to work for a company where I can grow and develop and be challenged. I am looking for a company with a solid financial record and industry standing – like yours. I know I would fit in here and be able to "put down roots."

(C) When I saw the ad in the paper, I knew this was the job for me. I have always been a fan of your clothing line and I buy at your stores all the time. I would really like to be able to say I work for this company. It's important to me that the company I work for has a good reputation and good products. I see this as a great opportunity for me to be with a top-notch company that I really feel good about.


The Strongest Answer
(A) This is the strongest answer because it demonstrates planning and control on your part, not just an attitude of "there was an opening and I thought I would apply." You demonstrate that you have given some thought to what you want and how to go about getting it. You selected this company by doing research and checking out how employees rate the company. This answer shows confidence in your skills and ability to fit into the culture. A caution would involve the way this answer is delivered. Overconfidence can be as big a turnoff as a lack of confidence.

The Mediocre Answer
(C) This is a very mediocre answer. It emphasizes "you" and what you can get from the opportunity. While being a fan or a customer of a company is good from the consumer point of view, the answer would be stronger if you looked at the business side of the situation, for instance, by talking about one of your favorite ads or marketing campaigns used by the company or how the company is doing against its competitors – something that indicates how your role as a consumer relates to the job you are applying for. Simply being a fan or customer of a company does not get you any extra points in the interview process. A little flattery goes a long way, but make sure you are looking at the business side of the picture, not the consumer side.

The Weakest Answer
(B) This is the weakest answer. The emphasis is on "what's in it for you – finding a challenge and growing and developing." The bottom line of the interview process is "What can you do for this company?" and not "What can the company do for you?"

Rate Yourself
If you chose answer (A), give yourself 5 points.
If you chose answer (C), give yourself 3 points.
If you chose answer (B), give yourself 0 points.

5. How would you describe your personality?

Select the strongest answer.

(A) I am a high-energy person who is a hard worker. I learn very quickly and adapt well. I am very responsible about deadlines. I have the ability to get along with people. I have a very upbeat attitude that helps keep the department's morale up. I have the ability to get along well with everyone.

(B) I am a high-energy person who is motivated by new challenges and problems. I can hit the ground running and come up to speed faster than anyone I know. I have a proven record of success and a reputation for meeting deadlines on time. My attitude about work is "Whatever it takes to get the job done." Anyone in my department would tell you that I am someone who really supports the team spirit.

(C) I am a problem solver who is a whiz at analyzing data and transforming it into useful information. My strength is my ability to convert complex details into simple, understandable language. I have been able to save companies time and money by coming up with solutions.


The Strongest Answer
(B) This is the strongest answer because of the energy it demonstrates. This answer describes your personality in a unique manner: not just a hard worker with a good attitude but an adaptable person with a "whatever it takes to get the job done" attitude. This is followed by an endorsement from your fellow workers of your ability to be a "team player."

The Mediocre Answer
(A) There is nothing in this answer that makes you unique. If you compare the words in answer (B) with those in answer (A), you will notice they basically say the same thing. The difference is the added "zip." The terms used in this answer are trite. A high percentage of people would answer with "hard worker." If you do say you are a hard worker, it would be a stronger answer if you referred to a time when you worked above and beyond what was called for. "I often work 10-hour days." Overall, this answer needs some punch.

The Weakest Answer
(C) This answer refers more to skills than your personality. It has a strong focus on analytical problem solving but is one-dimensional. By adding some personality traits that are more transferable, such as communication skills, you would give a better, well-rounded picture of yourself.

Rate Yourself
If you chose answer (B), give yourself 5 points.
If you chose answer (A), give yourself 3 points.
If you chose answer (C), give yourself 0 points.

Describing your personality is like writing an ad for a product. What makes you unique? Making a list of your specific personality traits is a good exercise to prepare for an interview.

6. What are the most important things for you in any job/company?

Select the strongest answer.

(A) I look for a company that is growth-oriented, a place that is secure, where I can grow with the company. There are so many changes going on in the industry that I am seeking a company that has a solid reputation and foundation. I look for jobs where there has been low turnover because that usually is an indicator of the way people are treated and the benefits they are given.

(B) The No. 1 thing I look for in a job is the opportunity it allows. To have a chance to work on something really interesting that might make a difference in people's personal or professional lives is my idea of job satisfaction. I don't mean that I want to save the world, but if I can contribute to a company and the goal of that company, I know I can find satisfaction.

(C) The first thing I look for is job satisfaction. What I mean by that is a feeling that my work is of importance in some way to the bottom line or the bigger scheme of things. I also look for jobs that have advancement opportunities. I want to grow with the company. Lastly, I would like to enjoy my coworkers and have some fun. I spend a lot of time at my job and want it to be a good experience.


The Strongest Answer
(C) This is the strongest answer because it offers a broader sweep of values than the others do. Job satisfaction is among the top values of most candidates. Because you explain what job satisfaction means to you, the interviewer has a better idea of your career interests. Read through the job ads and determine what values are important at this company. If your values are in line with the company's values, this is an opportunity to let the interviewer know that you will "fit in" and enjoy working there.

The Mediocre Answer
(B) This is not a bad answer, but it may come across as a bit too ideal or "canned." It's like answering that you want world peace. It is a good idea to be interested in the company's bigger picture and to be part of that picture, but you would sound better rounded and more realistic if you mentioned a few values that were broader-based, such as teamwork, authenticity, balance or the need for a challenge.

The Weakest Answer
(A) This is the weakest answer because it is focused too much on your benefits. This answer might be seen as an indicator of your insecurity, presenting you as someone looking for security in a company. No company can guarantee security in today's world of change; that is an unrealistic goal. Asking about turnover is a good idea, but don't state it as one of your criteria in an interview.

Rate Yourself
If you chose answer (C), give yourself 5 points.
If you chose answer (B), give yourself 3 points.
If you chose answer (A), give yourself 0 points.

Job ads/postings are gifts given to you by the employer. This is a wish list of qualities for the job. If you do a comparison between what they are looking for and what you want in a job, you will have an idea of whether this is a good match for you. If the job is not a good match, you might want to reconsider applying for it. Would you really want this job?

So how did you do? If your total score was 30 points, then you're ready to start sending out resumes. If you scored closer to zero, then you may want to rethink how you answer the questions on your next job interview.

原文地址 http://www.therapytimes.com/content=5601J64C485E54841


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