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Dear Jason R. Karp
Hello,I’m a Chinese student who is keen on athletics.My ambition is to be a coach for the middle and long-distance running.My English is so poor,so can you forgive me?
Did you remember that you have written an article called”The science of endurance” and published it on the IAAF” New Studies in Athletics”(NSA,)frome page9-14 in 2009?the Volume Issue is 24:4;9-14,2009. You said that the main physical factors that influence endurance is cardiovascular, muscular, metabolic, and neuromuscular.The article has enlightened me so much.But the only thing I can’t comprehend is that in the second part of the article, you talked about the ways for training endurance.In”Neuromuscular factors”, the last paragraph you said that “ When strength training,coaches should make sure that athletes use a very high intensity and very few reps to focus on neural adaptation rather than muscle hypertrophy(which would decrease running economy by adding muscle mass)”.In China,however, we think that if you want to avoid muscle hypertrophy, a low intensity and many reps is necessary.
In our opinion,short distance running should use a very high intensity and very few reps, because they mainly use fast-twitch muscle fibers which can contract quickly and forcefully. On the other hand, middle and long distance runners should use a low intensity and many reps because slow-twitch muscle fibers can’t contract like fast-twitch muscle fibers, so that to endurance athletes, we should focus on their staying power instead of the ability to contract quickly and forcefully. So we think that high intensity and few reps will add muscle mass, but low intensity and many reps won’t.
In the article, you have taken some examples of the training means used by middle- and long-distance runners.To improve neuromuscular factors, we can use explosive strength training with heavy weights and plyometric training(Strength training:3-4 sets of 3-5 reps at>85% 1-rep max with 3 minutes rest; Plyometrics(box jumps,squat jumps,leg bounds,bleacher hops,etc)).We use plyometrics regularly.For endurance athletes, we will do squat jumps for more than 100 meters each set to train the staying power, but we rarely use explosive strength training with heavy weights because we think this is fit for short-distance runners.Do you think this difference is caused by the different physical condition between Chinese and American?
What’s your opinion? Best regard! Thank you!
Thanks for writing. The reason for high-intensity strength training
for distance runners is to increase power and possibly running economy
though focusing on the neural aspect of strength. Lots of reps with a
light weight doesn't do much for distance runners over and above what
they already achieve from running lots of miles. Check out the
research on strength training for distance runners, which have used
either very heavy weights or explosive movements like plyometrics.
OH,I'm so glad that you can give the response, because this is my first letter to send abroad. I hardly can imagine you can answer it.My English is not so well. "Lots of reps with a light weight doesn't do much for distance runners over and above what they already achieve from running lots of miles." Does it mean that lots of reps with a light isn't necessary for long-distance runners because we can get the same effect turough running a lot of miles?
Another question: you know that east Asians don't have the powerful muscles like Americans, so in China, most coaches think that we should focus on the stride frequency, not the strided distance. In Olympic games, IAAF World Championships, and some International marathon games, you can see that Chinese athletics have a high frequency, not a high stride like black and white people(if suce appellation caused racialism problem because of my English ability, I'm sorry for it). Because of this, Chinese coaches think the strength is not important, but the frequency is. We really do high intensity strength training. For example, we need athletes to do low intensity with lots of reps training to improve the staying power, the movement speed is what we always insist on during the strength training.
Do you think heavy weights training is necessary for Chinese? And how much proportion of it during the training is suitable for athletes?(If necessary, how much for China?) Thank you!
By the way, I'm not sure, what's the most suitable way to add muscle mass?Very high intensity and very few reps(3-5 reps) or high intensity and few reps(about 10 reps) or low intensity and lots of reps?
Thanks to your response again.
Research does not support that lifting light weights many reps does
anything for distance running performance. You may be able to get some
beneficial power effect from lifting light weights if you lift them
quickly, but you can also improve power by doing sprints and
The key to increasing speed is stride length, not stride rate. Stride
rate increases only slightly as runners increase speed. Stride length
increases much more. The increase in stride rate comes from
increasing power production at take-off.
The best way to increase muscle mass is to lift at least 80% of the
one-rep max 8-10 times. However, for a distance runner, you don't
want to increase muscle mass, as that would decrease running economy.
You want to get stronger without adding muscle mass. So for a
distance runner, it's better to lift very heavy for only a few reps to
focus on the neuromuscular component of strength.
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