1054:The Troublesome Frog

Your rice paddy has plants arranged on the intersection points of a grid as shown in Figure-1, and the troublesome frogs hop completely through your paddy, starting outside the paddy on one side and ending outside the paddy on the other side as shown in Figure-2:

Many frogs can jump through the paddy, hopping from rice plant to rice plant. Every hop lands on a plant and flattens it, as in Figure-3. Note that some plants may be landed on by more than one frog during the night. Of course, you can not see the lines showing the paths of the frogs or any of their hops outside of your paddy ?for the situation in Figure-3, what you can see is shown in Figure-4:

From Figure-4, you can reconstruct all the possible paths which the frogs may have followed across your paddy. You are only interested in frogs which have landed on at least 3 of your rice plants in their voyage through the paddy. Such a path is said to be a frog path. In this case, that means that the three paths shown in Figure-3 are frog paths (there are also other possible frog paths). The vertical path down column 1 might have been a frog path with hop length 4 except there are only 2 plants flattened so we are not interested; and the diagonal path including the plants on row 2 col. 3, row 3 col. 4, and row 6 col. 7 has three flat plants but there is no regular hop length which could have spaced the hops in this way while still landing on at least 3 plants, and hence it is not a frog path. Note also that along the line a frog path follows there may be additional flattened plants which do not need to be landed on by that path (see the plant at (2, 6) on the horizontal path across row 2 in Figure-4), and in fact some flattened plants may not be explained by any frog path at all.
Your task is to write a program to determine the maximum number of landings in any single frog path (where the maximum is taken over all possible frog paths). In Figure-4 the answer is 7, obtained from the frog path across row 6.
6 7 14 2 1 6 6 4 2 2 5 2 6 2 7 3 4 6 1 6 2 2 3 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 7
后续N行,每行两个整数i,j为被 踩坏的作物的行和列的位置: 1<=i<=R, 1<=j<=C。
-- 表示最长可能蛙路上踩坏的作物数目
函数名: bsearch 功 能: 二分法搜索 用 法: void *bsearch(const void *key, const void *base, size_t nelem, size_t width, int(*fcmp)(const void *, const *)); 语法: #include <stdlib.h> void *bsearch( const void *key, const void *buf, size_t num, size_t size, int (*compare)(const void *, const void *) ); 参数:第一个:要查找的关键字。第二个:要查找的数组。第三个:指定数组中元素的数目。第四个:每个元素的长度(以字符为单位)。第五个:指向比较函数的指针。 功能: 函数用折半查找法在从数组元素buf[0]到buf[num-1] 匹配参数key。如果函数compare 的第一个参数小于第二个参数,返回负值;如果等于返回零值;如果大于返回正值。数组buf 中的元素应以升序排列。函数bsearch()的返回值是指向匹配项,如果没有发现匹配项,返回NULL
#include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> using namespace std ; int r,c,n ; struct PLANT{ int x,y ; }; PLANT plants[5001] ; PLANT plant ; int myCompare(const void*x,const void*y) { //按照x值由小到大排序 //x相同时,按照y值由小到大到排列 PLANT *a,*b; a=(PLANT*)x; b=(PLANT*)y; if(a->x==b->x) return (a->y-b->y) ; return a->x-b->x ; } int searchPath(PLANT secPlant,int dx,int dy) { //从secPlant点开始,步长为dx,dy,最多能走几步 int steps ; plant.x = secPlant.x + dx ; plant.y = secPlant.y + dy ; steps = 2 ; while(plant.x<=r&&plant.x>=1&&plant.y<=c&&plant.y>=1) { if(!bsearch(&plant,plants,n,sizeof(PLANT),myCompare))//调用二分查找 { //每一步必须踩到水稻 steps = 0 ; break ; } plant.x += dx ; plant.y += dy ; steps++ ; } return steps ; } int main() { int i,j,dX,dY,pX,pY,steps,max=2; scanf("%d%d",&r,&c);//稻田的长和宽 scanf("%d",&n);//共有多少水稻被踩踏 for(i=0;i<n;i++) scanf("%d%d",&plants[i].x,&plants[i].y) ; qsort(plants,n,sizeof(PLANT),myCompare) ; for(i=0;i<n-2;i++)//plants[i]是第一个点 for(j=i+1;j<n-1;j++){//plants[j]是第二个点 dX = plants[j].x - plants[i].x ; dY = plants[j].y - plants[i].y ; pX = plants[i].x - dX ; pY = plants[i].y - dY ; if(pX<=r&&pX>=1&&pY<=c&&pY>=1) continue ;//第一点的前一点还在稻田里,说明本次选的第二点不合理 //再选择另外的点在作为第二个点 if(plants[j].x+(max-1)*dX>r) break ; //x方向过早越界,第二点选择不成立 //如果继续选择下一个点作为第二点,x步长方面的增长 //只会更大,所以果断要换第一个点 pY = plants[j].y + (max-1)*dY ; if(pY>c||pY<1) continue ;//越界 steps = searchPath(plants[j],dX,dY);//看看从这两点出发能走几步 if(steps>max) max = steps ; } if(max==2) max = 0 ; printf("%d\n",max) ; return 0 ; }
package dsa; import java.util.Scanner; public class Demo14 { int r,c,n; Plant plants[] = new Plant[5001]; public static void main(String[] args) { new Demo14().test() ; } public void test() { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); int i,j,dX,dY,pX,pY,steps,max=2; r = sc.nextInt() ; c = sc.nextInt() ; n = sc.nextInt() ; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { plants[i] = new Plant() ; plants[i].x = sc.nextInt() ; plants[i].y = sc.nextInt() ; } Qsort() ; // for(i=0;i<n;i++) // { // System.out.println(plants[i].x+"-----"+plants[i].y); // } for(i=0;i<n-2;i++){ for(j=i+1;j<n-1;j++) { dX = plants[j].x - plants[i].x ; dY = plants[j].y - plants[i].y ; pX = plants[i].x - dX ; pY = plants[i].y - dY ; if(pX<=r&&pX>=1&&pY<=c&&pY>=1) continue ; if(plants[j].x+(max-1)*dX>r) break ; pY = plants[j].y + (max-1)*dY ; if(pY>c||pY<1) continue ; steps = searchPath(plants[j],dX,dY) ; // System.out.println(steps) ; if(steps>max) max = steps ; } } if(max==2) max = 0 ; System.out.println(max); } public int searchPath(Plant secPlant,int dX,int dY) { //从secPlant点开始,步长为dx,dy,最多能走几步 int steps ; Plant plant = new Plant(); plant.x = secPlant.x + dX ; plant.y = secPlant.y + dY ; steps = 2 ; boolean b ; while(plant.x<=r&&plant.x>=1&&plant.y<=c&&plant.y>=1) { b = bsearch(plant); //System.out.println(b) ; if(!b) { //每一步必须踩到水稻 steps = 0 ; break ; } plant.x += dX ; plant.y += dY ; steps++ ; } // System.out.println(steps) ; return steps ; } /** * 二分查找 */ public boolean bsearch(Plant plant) { int low = 0; int high = n-1 ; int mid ; //System.out.println("开始二分查找") ; while(low<=high) { mid = (low+high)/2 ; if(plant.x==plants[mid].x) { if(plant.y==plants[mid].y) { return true ; }else if(plant.y<plants[mid].y) high = mid -1 ; else low = mid +1 ; }else if(plant.x<plants[mid].x) high = mid -1 ; else low = mid +1 ; } return false ; } public void Qsort() { int i,j; for(i=0;i<n;i++) for(j=i+1;j<n;j++) { if( plants[i].x==plants[j].x) { if(plants[i].y>plants[j].y) { Plant temp = new Plant(); temp = plants[i] ; plants[i] = plants[j] ; plants[j] = temp ; } } if( plants[i].x>plants[j].x) { Plant temp = new Plant(); temp = plants[i] ; plants[i] = plants[j] ; plants[j] = temp ; } } // System.out.println("排序成功") ; } class Plant{ int x ; int y ; } }
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