今天在部署BAM视图时遇到如下错误,找了很久终于找到原因,原来是数据库用户角色设置的问题,BAMStarSchema数据库的用户没有”db_datareader”角色导致无法读取该数据库当中的数据。 英文错误描述信息
Deploying Activity... Done.
Deploying View... ERROR: The BAM deployment failed.
Internal error: The operation terminated unsuccessfully.
OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Cannot open database "BAMStarSchema" request
ed by the login. The login failed.; 42000.
Errors in the high-level relational engine. A connection could not be made to th
e data source with the DataSourceID of 'bam_ExcByApplication', Name of 'bam_ExcB
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the dimension, with t
he ID of 'ExcByApplication_ExcDatetime', Name of 'ExcByApplication_ExcDatetime'
was being processed.
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'Month' attribute
of the 'ExcByApplication_ExcDatetime' dimension from the 'BAMAnalysis' database
was being processed.
Server: The operation has been cancelled.
OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Cannot open database "BAMStarSchema" request
ed by the login. The login failed.; 42000.
Errors in the high-level relational engine. A connection could not be made to th
e data source with the DataSourceID of 'bam_ExcByApplication', Name of 'bam_ExcB
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the dimension, with t
he ID of 'ExcByApplication_Application', Name of 'ExcByApplication_Application'
was being processed.
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'Application' att
ribute of the 'ExcByApplication_Application' dimension from the 'BAMAnalysis' da
tabase was being processed.
OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Cannot open database "BAMStarSchema" request
ed by the login. The login failed.; 42000.
Errors in the high-level relational engine. A connection could not be made to th
e data source with the DataSourceID of 'bam_ExcByApplication', Name of 'bam_ExcB
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the dimension, with t
he ID of 'ExcByApplication_ExcFaultDescription', Name of 'ExcByApplication_ExcFa
ultDescription' was being processed.
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'FaultDescription
' attribute of the 'ExcByApplication_ExcFaultDescription' dimension from the 'BA
MAnalysis' database was being processed.
OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Cannot open database "BAMStarSchema" request
ed by the login. The login failed.; 42000.
Errors in the high-level relational engine. A connection could not be made to th
e data source with the DataSourceID of 'bam_ExcByApplication', Name of 'bam_ExcB
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the dimension, with t
he ID of 'ExcByApplication_ExcDatetime', Name of 'ExcByApplication_ExcDatetime'
was being processed.
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'Year' attribute
of the 'ExcByApplication_ExcDatetime' dimension from the 'BAMAnalysis' database
was being processed.
OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Cannot open database "BAMStarSchema" request
ed by the login. The login failed.; 42000.
Errors in the high-level relational engine. A connection could not be made to th
e data source with the DataSourceID of 'bam_ExcByApplication', Name of 'bam_ExcB
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the dimension, with t
he ID of 'ExcByApplication_ExcDatetime', Name of 'ExcByApplication_ExcDatetime'
was being processed.
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'Day' attribute o
f the 'ExcByApplication_ExcDatetime' dimension from the 'BAMAnalysis' database w
as being processed.
我们可以使用T-SQL语句来修复该数据库中的用户角色设置,为该用户添加对其数据库的“db_datareader”角色。在我的机器上,数据库是运行在DemoDomain/SQL_Service这个账户下的,使用如下脚本启用该用户的'db_datareader'角色,另外你也可以通过SQL Management Studio用鼠标点击配置的方式做同样的操作。
"BAM----ANN" 这个标题中,“BAM”可能是“Binary Alignment Map”的缩写,这是生物信息学中用于存储高通量测序数据(如DNA序列比对结果)的一种高效格式。而“ANN”则代表“Artificial Neural Network”,即人工...
E-BAM-9800 REV M This document is organized with the most important information toward the front of the manual, such as site selection, installation, setups, and field calibrations, which all E-BAM ...
Oracle SOA Suite(Service-Oriented Architecture Suite)是一套全面且可热插拔的软件集合,用于构建、部署和服务导向架构(SOA)的管理。它支持服务导向应用的开发、应用和服务导向集成以及系统服务和人工流程的...
- **bidirectional associative memory (BAM)**:双向关联记忆。一种神经网络模型,能够存储和检索输入输出对。 - **biengineering**:生物工程。结合生物学和工程技术的学科,用于解决医学、生物技术等领域的问题...
《BAM-readcount 0.8.0:深入解析与应用》 在生物信息学领域,BAM-readcount 是一个非常实用的工具,用于从排序的 BAM 文件中提取读取计数,这对于转录组学分析,特别是基因表达定量、差异表达分析等方面具有重要...
- **特点**: 直接将关联测试应用于BAM文件的基因结构变异。 - **应用场景**: 基因组学研究。 #### 六、压缩 **6.1 bzip2** - **特点**: 完全免费、无专利限制的数据压缩工具。 - **应用场景**: 数据存储和传输。 *...
BAM(项目有点混乱,我稍后会清理代码) 该项目是根据IDN建立的,感谢所有其他使代码易于访问的研究人员的贡献。 要求 PyTorch> = 1.0.0 脾气暴躁的1.15.4 枕头5.4.1 h5py 2.8.0 tqdm 4.30.0 ##结果 火车 该...
- **BAM (Business Activity Monitoring)**:业务活动监控,一种跟踪和分析业务流程执行的技术,帮助企业实时了解其业务状态。 - **BMP (bean-managed persistence)**:由Bean自身管理的持久性,一种对象持久化机制...
mpc55xx-bam-loader-g1 使用 BAM 串行协议将二进制文件上传到 Freescale MPC55xx 或 MPC56xx 阅读手册 doc/install_mpc55xx_bam_01.html 执行源码: pyhton3 src/mpc55xx/mpc55xx_bam_01.pyusage: mpc55xx_bam_01.py...
《HLR9820V9 BAM操作维护介绍》 华为HLR9820V9是一款高效能、高容量的移动交换系统的核心组件,主要负责管理移动用户的数据信息,如用户位置信息、通话记录、话费信息等。BAM(Business Activity Monitoring)则是...
bam-readcount bam-readcount在BAM或CRAM文件上运行,并在单个核苷酸位置生成指标。 这些指标可用于滤除误报变异调用。 对于支持,请上尽可能多的关于最常见的问题bam-readcount已经有回答。建造需要 C++ 工具链和...
《PyPI官网下载:bam2fpkc-0.1.0.tar.gz——探索Python库的构建与使用》 PyPI(Python Package Index)是Python开发者的重要资源库,它提供了丰富的Python库供全球开发者下载和使用。本文将深入探讨标题中的"bam2...
BAM1020 粒子监测仪 操作手册 说明书,中文版,操作手册,Met One 仪器型号BAM-1020 利用β-射线衰减原理自动测量并记录空气中微粒的浓度, 这种方法提供了一种简单测定浓度的方法,微粒的单位是毫克或微克每立方米...
### SAM与BAM文件详解 #### 一、引言 在生物信息学领域,特别是针对高通量测序数据的处理过程中,SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map) 和 BAM (Binary SAM) 文件格式是不可或缺的一部分。这两种文件格式主要用于存储序列...
- AM/CM(应用管理/通讯管理):包括时钟框、通讯控制框、传输接口框、CDB、BAM和告警箱。 - BM(基础管理):包含BIE框和主控框。 - 负荷分担单板:如MCCS、OPT、MC2、FBI。 - 主备用单板:CTN、SNT、CKS、MCCM...