


Fast Code Eclipse plugin is a free eclipse plugin designed to help write code faster in spring based applications. But it can be configured to work with many other kinds of applications as well.

In a typical multi tiered application, there are lot of similar code. E.g in a struts application with spring hibernate backend, you have to create FooAction, FooService and FooDAO for every domain object Foo. Besides this, there will be quite a few configuration files and their test classes. Typing them all manually takes time, gives you carpal tunnel , and can be error prone.

This is where this plugin can help. It can help one generate similar boiler plate classes and their associated configuration files. It can also generate the junit tests as well.

As an example, it can generate from  FooDAO interface FooService andFooServiceImpl and then FooAction. It can then also generate spring configuration files for FooService and FooAction.

It can also generate struts config file, faces config file, application resource files for any number of locales, struts validation file, dozer mapping file, bare bone jsp, etc.

One can also create FooService and FooServiceImpl and the configuration files just by typing foo in a text box.

This plugin is highly configurable. One can generate any other kind of files by simply modifying a master configuration file used by the plugin. In addition, this plugin can help you navigate between different kind of files easily, it can create working set containing these similar classes only, and much more.




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