2.2 SGA – The Shared Pool 共享池 (page 53)
The shared pool is one of the most critical memory components particularly when it comes to how SQL executes. The way you write SQL doesn’t just effect the individual SQL statement itself. The combination of all SQL that executes against the database has a tremendous effect on overall performance and scalability due to how it affects the shared pool.
The shared pool is where Oracle caches program data. Every SQL statement executed will have its
parsed form stored in the shared pool.
The area within the shared pool where statements are stored is called the library cache. Even before any statement is parsed, Oracle will check the library cache to see if that same statement already exists there. If it does exist, then Oracle will retrieve and use the cached information instead of going through all the work to parse the same statement again. The same thing goes for any PL/SQL code you run. The really nifty
part is that no matter how many users may want to execute the same SQL statement, Oracle will typically only parse that statement once and share it among all users who want to use it. Maybe you can see where the shared pool gets its name.
SQL statements you write aren’t the only things stored in the shared pool. The system parameters
Oracle uses will be stored in the shared pool as well. In an area called the dictionary cache, Oracle will also store information about all the database objects.
In general, Oracle stores pretty much everything you could think of in the shared pool. As you can imagine, that makes the shared pool a very busy and important memory component.
Since the memory area allocated to the shared pool is finite, statements that originally get loaded
may not stay there for very long as new statements are executed. A Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm regulates how objects in the shared pool are managed.
To borrow an accounting term, it’s similar to a FIFO (First In First Out) system. The basic idea is that statements that are used most frequently and most currently are what are retained. Unlike a straight FIFO method, how frequently the same statements are used will effect how long they remain in the shared pool. If you execute a SELECT statement at 8 A.M.and then execute the same statement again at 4 P.M., the parsed version that was stored in the shared pool at 8 A.M. may not still be there. Depending on the overall size of the shared pool and how much activity it has between 8 A.M. and 4 P.M., as Oracle needs space to store the latest information throughout the day, it will simply reuse older areas and overlay newer information into them. But, if you execute a statement every few seconds throughout the day, the frequent reuse will cause Oracle to retain that information over something else that may have originally been stored later than your statement but hasn’t been executed frequently, or at all, since it was loaded.
One of the things you need to keep in mind as you write SQL is that in order to use the shared pool
most efficiently, statements need to be shareable.
If every statement you write is unique, you basically defeat the purpose of the shared pool. The less shareable it is, the more effect you’ll see to overall response times. I’ll show you exactly how expensive parsing can be in the next section.
2. Oracle进程在向large pool等池中申请内存失败时产生。 本文主要针对出现的“ORA-04031”错误信息进行简单的分析及处理。“ORA-04031”错误主要是由于数据库高速缓冲中的碎片问题导致数据库不能找到足够大的内存...
**Shared Pool** 是Oracle数据库实例内存结构SGA(System Global Area)中的一个重要组成部分,主要用于存储共享的数据结构,如SQL语句、PL/SQL代码、执行计划、数据字典缓存等。它对提升数据库性能至关重要,特别是...
2. **Shared Pool**:用于存储共享SQL区域(如解析过的SQL语句和执行计划),以及数据字典缓存等共享数据结构。 3. **Large Pool**:默认情况下不分配空间,主要用于RMAN备份操作或连接管理器等组件使用。 4. **Java...
2. 共享池(SHARED_POOL_SIZE):包含PL/SQL代码、SQL语句及其解析信息,以及数据库连接信息。 3. 大池(LARGE_POOL_SIZE):用于RMAN备份、大对象(LOB)操作和Oracle Parallel Server等。 4. Java池(JAVA_POOL_...
1. 性能监控:使用Oracle的性能分析工具如V$视图,监控SGA各个组件的使用情况,如DB BUFFER CACHE HIT RATIO、SHARED POOL命中率等,以判断是否需要调整。 2. 资源分配:根据数据库的工作负载,合理分配SGA各组件的...
Oracle SGA(System Global Area)是Oracle数据库管理系统中的核心组成部分,它是一个共享内存区域,用于存储数据库运行时所需的各种数据和信息。理解SGA的结构对于优化数据库性能和日常维护至关重要。 SGA主要包含...
2.2 SGA-共享池 27 2.3 库高速缓存 28 2.4 完全相同的语句 29 2.5 SGA-缓冲区缓存 32 2.6 查询转换 35 2.7 视图合并 36 2.8 子查询解嵌套 39 2.9 谓语前推 42 2.10 使用物化视图进行查询重写 44 2.11 确定执行计划 ...
1. **共享池(Shared Pool)**:用于缓存最近执行的SQL语句和数据定义,包括库缓存和数据字典缓存。 2. **数据缓冲区(Database Buffer Cache)**:缓存从数据文件中检索的数据块,显著提升读写性能。 3. **日志缓冲...
- 使用`DBMS_SHARED_POOL.KEEP`将关键SQL语句保留在Shared Pool中。 - **2.1.25 Library Cache诊断:Lock, Pin以及Load Lock** - Library Cache是Shared Pool的一个重要组成部分。 - 本书详细介绍了如何诊断...
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- **User Global Area (UGA)**: 在共享服务器模式下,如果没有配置large pool,则UGA属于SGA的Shared Pool;在专用连接模式时,UGA属于PGA。 - **Database Buffer Cache**: 用于存储从磁盘数据文件中读取的数据。 -...
同时,也需要对内存使用进行优化,例如给 Oracle 更多内存,SGA 调整、shared_pool 调整等。此外,还需要对 IO 进行优化,例如读性能、写性能等。 3. Oracle SQL 与业务实现 Oracle SQL 是 Oracle 数据库的核心...
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