public static double Evaluate(string expression)
return (double)new System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument
(new System.IO.StringReader("<r/>")).CreateNavigator().Evaluate
(string.Format("number({0})", new
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"([\+\-\*])").Replace(expression, " ${1} ")
.Replace("/", " div ").Replace("%", " mod ")));
In Method 1 System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex helps in giving space between operator and also to replace "/" operator to div and "%" operator to mod. XPathNavigator.Evaluate method evaluates the string representing an XPath expression and returns the typed result.
Method 2 :
public static double Evaluate(string expression)
System.Data.DataTable table = new System.Data.DataTable();
table.Columns.Add("expression", string.Empty.GetType(), expression);
System.Data.DataRow row = table.NewRow();
return double.Parse((string)row["expression"]);
In Method 2 DataColumn.Expression in System.Data.DataTable is used to create a default row with required expression. Thereby DataTable calculate the values in a column and gives the evaluated result. Resultant datatype for Evaluate function in method 2 can changed to evaluate boolean expression and to get boolean results.
System.Console.WriteLine(Evaluate("2 * 4"));
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This book will help you learn how to choose a model for your problem, how to evaluate the performance of your models, and how you can use C# to build machine learning models for your future projects....
Excel2021中Evaluate函数介绍 Evaluate函数是Excel2021中一个非常有用的函数,它可以将一个字符串形式的表达式转换为实际值。下面我们来详细介绍Evaluate函数的使用方法和应用场景。 Evaluate函数的语法是EVALUATE...
EVALUATE宏表函数是Excel中的一个强大工具,它允许在VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)环境中执行Excel公式和表达式。这个函数对于那些需要在编程环境中动态计算或处理Excel公式的场景非常有用。本篇文章将深入...
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The interpreter extends standard of C# language with extra features which simplify the use of C# for scripting needs (more...). paxScript.NET is implemented as a .NET component ( paxscript-net.dll) ...
how to build the same app, two different ways, so you can compare and contrast and evaluate what’s best for you and your team. After that, we’ll discuss how to write complex, advanced components ...
然而,在实际应用中,我们可能需要将MATLAB的功能集成到其他编程环境中,比如C#。本文将详细探讨如何在C#中使用引擎调用MATLAB神经网络工具箱,并提供一个示例。 首先,我们需要理解C#与MATLAB交互的基本原理。...
how to build the same app, two different ways, so you can compare and contrast and evaluate what’s best for you and your team. After that, we’ll discuss how to write complex, advanced components ...
IDL evaluate
label1.Text = conR.Evaluate("dayOfWeek(timeDate(Sys.time()+M2))[[1]]").ToString(); ``` 这个代码示例了如何传参数、调用R语言包、执行语句、返回值。点击button1后,可以发现label1的位置显示明天是星期几。 ...
lineSeries.Points.Add(new DataPoint(t, poly.Evaluate(t, coefficients))); plotModel.Series.Add(lineSeries); // 显示或保存图表 var plotView = new OxyPlot.WindowsForms.PlotView(); plotView.Model = ...
在本项目中,我们讨论的是一个使用C#编程语言编写的简单计算器程序。这个计算器能够执行基本的数学运算,包括加法、减法、乘法和除法,为初学者提供了一个良好的学习平台,帮助他们理解和掌握C#编程的基础知识。 ...