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bestchenwu 写道什么时候用“==”还是“equals ...
操作符“==”与对象的equals()方法 -
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Strategy : choosing the algorithm at run-time
Strategy also adds a “Context” which can be a surrogate class that controls the selection and use of the particular strategy object—just like State ! Here’s what it looks like:
//: strategy:StrategyPattern.java
package strategy;
import com.bruceeckel.util.*; // Arrays2.toString()
import junit.framework.*;
// The strategy interface:
interface FindMinima {
// Line is a sequence of points:
double[] algorithm(double[] line);
// The various strategies:
class LeastSquares implements FindMinima {
public double[] algorithm(double[] line) {
return new double[] { 1.1, 2.2 }; // Dummy
class NewtonsMethod implements FindMinima {
public double[] algorithm(double[] line) {
return new double[] { 3.3, 4.4 }; // Dummy
class Bisection implements FindMinima {
public double[] algorithm(double[] line) {
return new double[] { 5.5, 6.6 }; // Dummy
class ConjugateGradient implements FindMinima {
public double[] algorithm(double[] line) {
return new double[] { 3.3, 4.4 }; // Dummy
// The "Context" controls the strategy:
class MinimaSolver {
private FindMinima strategy;
public MinimaSolver(FindMinima strat) {
strategy = strat;
double[] minima(double[] line) {
return strategy.algorithm(line);
void changeAlgorithm(FindMinima newAlgorithm) {
strategy = newAlgorithm;
public class StrategyPattern extends TestCase {
MinimaSolver solver =
new MinimaSolver(new LeastSquares());
double[] line = {
1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, -1.0,
3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 4.0 };
public void test() {
solver.changeAlgorithm(new Bisection());
public static void main(String args[]) {
} ///:~
//那么该如何理解这些模式之间的区别呢?很多实现的示例是通过继承(http://www.jdon.com/designpatterns/designpattern_Strategy.htm )来实现的,这个比较让人迷惑...但是,有一点//是可以肯定
Strategy Pattern/State Pattern
(1)Strategy Pattern
(ii)结构图:见 4-State (Strategy和State的结构图是一样的)
class Employees{
String height;
String weight;
String diploma;
String role;
short hours;
int bonus;
int earning;
Employees(String role,short hours){
this.role = role;
this.hours = hours;
Employees(String role,int bonus){
this.role = role;
this.bonus = bonus;
Employees(String role,int bonus,int earning){
this.role = role;
this.bonus = bonus;
this.earning = earning;
public String Description(){
String desc="";
desc += "Heighht:"+height+";";
desc += "Weighht:"+weight+";";
desc += "Diploma:"+diploma+";";
return desc;
public double getWage(){
double wage = 0;
wage = 10*hours;
else if("accountant".equals(role)){
wage = 2000+ bonus;
else if("manager".equals(role)){
wage = 5000+bonus+ earning*0.05;
return wage;
public static void main(String[] args){
short s = 10;
Employees e = new Employees("temp",s);
System.out.println("Wage :"+e.getWage());
interface Wage{
double getWage();
public class TempWage implements Wage {
short hours;
TempWage(short hours){
this.hours = hours;
public double getWage() {
return 10*hours;
public class AccountantWage implements Wage {
int bonus;
AccountantWage(int bonus){
this.bonus = bonus;
public double getWage() {
return 2000+bonus;
public class ManagerWage implements Wage {
int bonus;
int earning;
ManagerWage(int bonus,int earning){
this.bonus = bonus;
this.earning = earning;
public double getWage() {
return 5000+bonus+earning*0.5;
class Employees2{
String height;
String weight;
String diploma;
String role;
Wage wage;
Employees2(Wage wage){
this.wage = wage;
public String Description(){
String desc="";
desc += "Heighht:"+height+";";
desc += "Weighht:"+weight+";";
desc += "Diploma:"+diploma+";";
return desc;
public double getWage(){
//double wage = 0;
return wage.getWage();
public static void main(String[] args){
short s = 12;
Wage wage = new TempWage(s);
double d = new Employees2(wage).getWage();
System.out.println("Wage = "+d);
(i) 定义:允许对象在内部状态改变的时候改变其行为,使得对象看起来好像改变了它的类。
(ii) 结构图:见 4-State (Strategy和State的结构图是一样的)
(iii) 意图:把与对象状态相关的行为放入状态组成的类中,使对象状态的行为能够随着状态的改变而该变。
(iv) 用到的OO原则:和Strategy Pattern一样。
(v) 具体样例:
这里我们用TCP连接来举例,TCP连接有三个状态:Open,Lisening, Close,初步实现如下:
package com.xforward.test.state;
enum StateFlag{
public class TCPConnection {
StateFlag state = StateFlag.CLOSED;
public String Open(){
if(state == StateFlag.OPEN){
return "TCP has been opened";
}else if(state == StateFlag.CLOSED){
state = StateFlag.OPEN;
return "open successfully";
}else if(state == StateFlag.LISTENING){
return "TCP is listening";
return null;
public String Close(){
if(state == StateFlag.OPEN){
state =StateFlag.CLOSED;
return "Closed Successfully";
}else if(state == StateFlag.CLOSED){
return "TCP has been closed";
}else if(state == StateFlag.LISTENING){
state =StateFlag.CLOSED;
return "Closed Successfully";
return null;
public String Listening(){
if(state == StateFlag.OPEN){
state =StateFlag.LISTENING;
return "Listen Successfully";
}else if(state == StateFlag.CLOSED){
return "TCP has been closed";
}else if(state == StateFlag.LISTENING){
return "TCP is listening";
return null;
这样,如果我们每加一个State的话,要为每个函数都加一条实现语句,不仅麻烦还很容易出现bug.于是我们就想到了State Pattern。(这个例子需要后续完善一下,尤其是测试部分,不是很自然)
package com.xforward.test.state;
public interface State {
String open();
String close();
String listening();
package com.xforward.test.state;
public class OpenState implements State {
TCPConnection2 tcp;//用于记录状态
OpenState(TCPConnection2 tcp){
this.tcp = tcp;
public String open() {
return "TCP has been opened";
public String close() {
tcp.state1 = tcp.closeState;
return "Closed Successfully";
public String listening() {
tcp.state1 = tcp.listenState;
return "Listen Successfully";
package com.xforward.test.state;
public class ListenState implements State {
TCPConnection2 tcp;//用于记录状态
ListenState(TCPConnection2 tcp){
this.tcp = tcp;
public String open() {
return "TCP is listening";
public String close() {
tcp.state1 = tcp.closeState;
return "Closed Successfully";
public String listening() {
return "TCP is listening";
package com.xforward.test.state;
public class CloseState implements State {
TCPConnection2 tcp;//用于记录状态
CloseState(TCPConnection2 tcp){
this.tcp = tcp;
public String open() {
tcp.state1 = tcp.openState;
return "Open Successfully";
public String close() {
return "TCP has been Closed";
public String listening() {
tcp.state1 = tcp.listenState;
return "Listen Successfully";
package com.xforward.test.state;
public class TCPConnection2 {
OpenState openState = new OpenState(this);
CloseState closeState = new CloseState(this);
ListenState listenState = new ListenState(this);
State state1 = closeState ;
public static void main(String[] args){
TCPConnection2 t = new TCPConnection2();
使用State Pattern后如果加入新的状态,我们只需要加入新状态的一个State子类就可以了。
(3)Strategy Pattern和State Pattern 异同点:
(i)相同点:两种模式的结构图一样,做法都是用接口或者抽象类来封装变化的方法。一般来说在类中有许多判断语句的时候就可以考虑使用这两种模式。(当然模式使用 时基于变化的,如果判断语句的条件是定死的,那么不用设计模式也没有问题)
(ii) 不同点:意图不一样:State Pattern中很显著的特点就是有状态和行为,并且行为随着状态的改变而改变,相当于判断语句中的条件是一种种状态。State Pattern中实现的状态子类中是有耦合的。而Strategy Pattern,我个人认为判断语句中的条件是类别,不同的类型实现的操作不一样,这样就可以把操作抽象出来。抽象出来的操作子类之间是解耦的。
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