1. Use Iterator instead of the for-each construct when you need to:
a. Remove the current element. The for-each construct hides the iterator, so you cannot call remove. Therefore, the for-each construct is not usable for filtering.
b. Iterate over multiple collections in parallel.
for (Iterator<String> i = c.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
if (i.next().length() == 4)
2. bulk operation
a. removeAll()
More specifically, suppose you want to remove all of the null
elements from a Collection
3. Map Interface
a. Comparison to Hashtable
provides Collection
views instead of direct support for iteration via Enumeration
objects. Collection
views greatly enhance the expressiveness of the interface, as discussed later in this section.
allows you to iterate over keys, values, or key-value pairs; Hashtable
does not provide the third option.
provides a safe way to remove entries in the midst of iteration; Hashtable
did not.
Hashtable has method contains, but Map has containsValue parallels containsKey.
4. Implementations
General-purpose Implementations
Hash table Implementations
Resizable array Implementations
Tree Implementations
Linked list Implementations
Hash table + Linked list Implementations
Set |
HashSet |
TreeSet |
LinkedHashSet |
List |
ArrayList |
LinkedList |
Queue |
Map |
HashMap |
TreeMap |
LinkedHashMap |
Queue implementation include LinkedList
and PriorityQueue
5. Convenience Implementations
a. Arrays.asList
b. Immutable Multiple-Copy List
c. Immutable Singleton Set
d.Empty Set, List, and Map Constants
The Collections
, Collections
, and Collections
### Collection Framework 学习笔记知识点概述 #### 一、Java5 Collection Framework 概览 - **数组类 Array**:在 Java 中,数组是最基础的数据结构之一,用于存储一系列连续的对象或基本类型的数据。数组的特点...
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#### Java集合框架(Collection Framework) Java集合框架提供了一组用于存储和操作对象的接口和类。主要包括`Collection`和`Map`两个顶级接口。 1. **Collection**:这是一个顶级接口,表示一组对象,这些对象...
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在【压缩包子文件的文件名称列表】中,有一个名为"C#.doc"的文件,这可能是一个包含详细教程或者笔记的Microsoft Word文档,涵盖了C#.net的基本概念、语法和实践案例,对学习者来说是一份宝贵的资料。
【标题】: "YuanGoLearnSomething:个人知识...综上所述,YuanGoLearnSomething项目很可能包含了关于C#语言的各种学习笔记,涵盖了从基础知识到高级特性的全面讲解,对于学习和巩固C#知识的用户来说是一份宝贵的资源。