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Shortcuts for the Edit menu


Default shortcuts

Below is the list of predefined keyboard and mouse shortcuts for Notepad++. They can be freely configured using the shortcut mapper, as well as all the commands which were not bound to shortcuts by default. This list does not include standard shortcuts provided by Notepad++-related plugins.

Edit menu Shortcut Action
Ctrl-C Copy
Ctrl-Insert Copy
Ctrl-Shift-T Copy current line to clipboard
Ctrl-X Cut
Shift-Delete Cut
Ctrl-V Paste
Shift-Insert Paste
Ctrl-Z Undo
Alt-Backspace Undo
Ctrl-Y Redo
Ctrl-A Select All
Alt-Shift-Arrow keys, or Alt + Left mouse click Column Mode Select
Ctrl + Left mouse click Start new selected area. Only multiple stream areas ca be selected this way.
ALT-C Column Editor
Ctrl-D Duplicate Current Line
Ctrl-T Switch the current line position with the previous line position
Ctrl-Shift-Up Move Current Line, or current selection if a single stream, Up
Ctrl-Shift-Down Move Current Line, or current selection if a single stream, Down
Ctrl-L Delete Current Line
Ctrl-I Split Lines
Ctrl-J Join Lines
Ctrl-G Launch GoToLine Dialog
Ctrl-Q Block comment/uncomment
Ctrl-Shift-Q Stream comment
Tab (selection of one or more full lines) Insert Tabulation or Space (Indent)
Shift-Tab (selection of one or more full lines) Remove Tabulation or Space (outdent)
Ctrl-BackSpace Delete to start of word
Ctrl-Delete Delete to end of word
Ctrl-Shift-BackSpace Delete to start of line
Ctrl-Shift-Delete Delete to end of line
Ctrl-U Convert to lower case
Ctrl-Shift-U Convert to UPPER CASE
Ctrl-B Go to matching brace
Ctrl-Space Launch CallTip ListBox
Ctrl-Shift-Space Launch Function Completion ListBox
Ctrl-Enter Launch Word Completion ListBox
Ctrl-Alt-R Text Direction RTL
Ctrl-Alt-L Text Direction LTR
Enter Split line downwards, or create new line
Shift-Enter Split line downwards, or create new line



    See Bookmarks on the Edit menu. You can create new keyboard shortcuts. To do so, choose Customise... from the View menu, then click the Keyboard tab. Select the Command you want to change in the ...


    is now available for writing (during the writing, the standard grid object TFlexGrid is released, and a user's one is set). - ADD: In the class TFlexGrid added the properties HOffset and VOffset - ...


    This tutorial will show you how to access the information you need in your browser by simply highlighting your text in the edit window and clicking your toolbar button How to install UE3 UE3 is the ...


    Please choose the most appropiate newsgroup for your question. Do not cross post to them all. Before posting to the newsgroups, I suggest you try to search for an answer on the Google (DejaNews) ...

    plsqldev13.0.1.1893x32主程序+ v12中文包+keygen

    Regular expression popup menu had a double entry for the Tab character (\t) and no entry for the Newline character (\n) Insert column value highlighting did not work when using a RETURNING INTO clause...


    The Edit Menu OLE and the Clipboard Copying and Cutting OLE Objects Links Drag-and-drop Getting Started with Drag-and-drop Take a Drag On the Clipboard OnDragEnter() OnDragOver() OnDragLeave...

    plsqldev13.0.1.1893x64主程序+ v12中文包+keygen

    Regular expression popup menu had a double entry for the Tab character (\t) and no entry for the Newline character (\n) Insert column value highlighting did not work when using a RETURNING INTO clause...


    1、程序功能和使用环境介绍 2、程序操作方法介绍 3、登录信息文件RadminM.txt介绍 4、登录信息文件RadminM.txt的转换和编制 5、v3.0版新增解锁远程桌面功能 6、相关配置和多种语言支持介绍 ...


    1、程序功能和使用环境介绍 2、程序操作方法介绍 3、登录信息文件RadminM.txt介绍 4、登录信息文件RadminM.txt的转换和编制 5、v3.0版新增解锁 远程桌面功能 6、相关配置和多种语言支持介绍 ...


    Extend the addMenuLink method in the PolyGerrit plugin API to allow plugins to specify a capability that users must have in order to view a top menu item provided by the plugin. Utility script remove...

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    - **Properties**: Allows you to edit the properties of selected objects, such as dimensions, materials, and colors. - **Keyboard Shortcuts**: Enhances productivity by enabling quick access to ...


    The plugin also adds some items to the Edit menu to insert colors and to disable color highlighting temporarily. These menu items have no keyboard shortcuts by default, but you can set them via the ...


    + Added popup menu for selecting years and monthes in the TsMonthCalendar component + Many TMS controls was added in the SkinManager.ThirdParty list design-time editor + In the TsFileNameEdit ...


    5)....Fixed: Windows 8+ App Menu shortcuts 6)....Fixed: Unmangling on x64 EurekaLog 7.2 Hotfix 3 (, 20-May-2015 1)....Added: Support for token auth in Bugzilla (latest 4.x builds) 2)....Added...


    RemBuilderplus.zip ActiveX that allows the ability to add comment blocks with ease.<END><br>5,VertMenu.zip This is a free active ocx with full source code for a vertical menu with the look and ...


    5. **菜单栏和快捷键 (Menu Bar and Shortcuts)**:创建菜单项,如“文件”、“编辑”等,并绑定对应的事件处理函数。同时,为常用功能设置快捷键。 6. **错误处理 (Error Handling)**:在可能出现错误的地方,如...


    90. "revitWAWW+KeyboardShortcuts.txtRevit": 这部分文本可能是指与Revit相关的键盘快捷键文档,可能包含更多快捷键的详细信息。 需要注意的是,上述解释是基于当前提供的文件内容进行推断的,实际的Revit快捷键...


    通过“Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts”可以自定义编辑器中的快捷键。 #### 29. 如何让Flash 5兼容Flash 4的选择模式? 在“Edit > Preferences”中选择“Flash 4 Selection Style”,然后在“Flash 4”选项卡下选择...


    11. **在多行文字中使用Word97编辑**:在`MTEXT`命令中,选择`Edit in External Application`,选择Word97编辑器。 12. **导入Photoshop**:使用`EXPORT`命令导出为支持的图像格式,如BMP或JPEG。 13. **立即加载...


    Shortcuts 2 Whar's lew L How to-y GUIDE FLEAR E] CLOSE ALL S BOR Currenl Dirurluiy-C-WHATLAB7Iwwurk p x Cultu wfildluw [朝马 山Fit F 当A|Dl DCOLMUNCATIONS IconO GUIDe Se presenta el siguiente cuadro ...

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