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Fucking The Year 2011

When everything comes to the end, we will give our summary to that part, so as the year 2011 is coming to the end, I will make a summary of my life in 2011.
This year is the second year since I graduate from CIT, and it is very important to me. On one hand, I still keep on learning and have learned a lot of programming skills and theoretic, it is in the extreme important to a programmer. On the other hand, I get a lot of practical experiences from working in CEO Softcenters. What’s more, I learned how to deal with the relationship with our customers. In addition to work, I gain a lot which are very valuable in my life, though I met something upset. I played basketball with my classmates or colleagues and attended my colleagues’ weekend’s party almost every week. These happiness things make me more open-minded and enthusiastic to my life. But my mother and my grand mother’s disease make me very sad. Fortunately, they are getting better and better.
There is no doubt, every guy has his dreams, and I want to be a software project manager, who can lead his team developing some helpful software for people’s life. But everything has its steps; my dream has no exception.  In my case, I need to make low aim first, work hard to reach that aim. Then, make another higher aim. Don't rush, step by step, I will reach my dream! Confidence is also very important. All of us should face tomorrow happily. For the year 2012, I will hope for the best but prepare for the worst. I still need to struggle on. To fight down all the difficulties I may face. I believe I can overcome the difficulties that are in front of me, because I’m an optimistic person.
Best wishes for the year to come. Happy New Year and Good Luck to you my friends.
py New
Year and Good Luck to you my friends.




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