I’ve seen a number of blog posts and tweets lately asking some version of the question Why is OSGi important? If you’re one of the many people looking around at the increasing usage of OSGi and wondering whether it matters to you, here’s my answer.
I’m going to start by making a pretty audacious claim, which is that OSGi is one of the most important technologies to have arisen in the last 20 years. This does not mean, however, that OSGi is a revolutionary technology. In fact, OSGi is so important because it represents the logical next step in the long-term evolution of software development.
Where we’re coming from
To understand what I mean, let’s go back 20 to 30 years to the time when object oriented languages first became popular. One of the main reasons we adopted OO at that time was because it allowed us to hide many of the implementation details of our code.
Moving from procedural languages to OO languages allowed us to develop classes exposing a contract defined by a set of public methods.
The result was that much of our code was invisible outside of its class, and this had profound implications for the way we develop software. By accepting the apparent restriction of visibility we gained immense freedom. We gained the freedom to reuse classes without knowing their implementation details. We gained the freedom to refactor our code without worrying about the consumers of a class.
Can you imagine what a pain it would be if you had to develop software without information hiding?
Where we’re headed
Now imagine what it would be like if you could hide not only the methods within a class but entire sets of classes within a JAR. Imagine that JARs could define public contracts the same way classes do, and that these contracts would be enforced both during development and at runtime. Imagine that we could achieve all of the benefits of information hiding (managing complexity, code reuse, testability, refactoring, etc.) at an entirely new level.
OSGi makes this possible by offering up the standard Java package as a new unit of information hiding. When our code is running inside of an OSGi framework, each package in a JAR can be either exposed or hidden from consumers of that JAR.
Just as a class has a small set of public methods representing its contract with consumers, a modularized JAR (a bundle in OSGi terms) has a small set of exported packages representing its public contract. The bulk of our code lives in internal packages hidden from other JARs.
Imagine being able to rename classes, split or combine classes, move classes from one package to another, move entire packages from one JAR to another, all without having to worry about impacting the consumers of a JAR. So many of these types of refactorings are skipped now out of fear. Package level information hiding gives us the confidence we need to perform these refactorings, allowing us to react with agility to the changing needs of our users.
Modularity is inevitable
Whether OSGi in particular succeeds or not, JAR level information hiding is inevitable. The benefits are simply too great to ignore, and in 5 or 10 years we’ll all be wondering how we could have possibly lived without it.
Currently, OSGi is the only tool we have to accomplish this. Luckily for us it’s a well thought-out, well tested, standards-based solution. I can’t think of one reason (besides perhaps its name) to develop an alternative to OSGi. It’s here. It works. Let’s use it.
It’s time for OSGi
Steve McConnell has a great quote that really gets at the heart of what OSGi is trying to achieve.
In Code Complete, he writes:
Software development has advanced in large part by increasing the granularity of the aggregations that we have to work with.
Because this granularity of aggregation is so critical, the move from unmodular to modular practices is as important as the move from procedural to object-oriented practices. For 20 years we’ve been limited to using the class as our unit of abstraction. As successful as that has been, it’s time to move on to modules. Its time for OSGi.
DESCRIPTION What is OSGi? Simply put, OSGi is a standardized technology that allows developers to create the highly modular Java applications that are required for enterprise development. OSGi lets ...
Kettle插件基于Java语言开发,遵循OSGI(Open Service Gateway Initiative)规范,确保插件的可插拔性和互操作性。OSGI框架允许动态加载和卸载服务,使插件在运行时可以自由地添加或移除。 2. **插件类型** ...
赠送jar包:osgi-resource-locator-1.0.1.jar; 赠送原API文档:osgi-resource-locator-1.0.1-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:osgi-resource-locator-1.0.1-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:osgi-resource-locator...
The Java™ programming language is one of the most popular languages today ...That module system is called OSGi. OSGi is nothing more nor less than the way to build modular applications in Java.
OSGI(Open Services Gateway Initiative)是一种开放标准,用于创建可模块化的Java应用程序。它提供了一种灵活的框架,使得开发者可以构建、部署和管理模块化组件,这些组件被称为服务或bundle。OSGI的核心理念是将...
OSGI(Open Services Gateway Initiative)是一种模块化系统和Java服务框架,它允许应用程序由一系列可独立更新和替换的模块组成,这些模块称为“bundle”。在本实例中,我们将探讨如何利用OSGI技术来开发Eclipse...
OSGi(Open Services Gateway Initiative)是一种Java模块化系统,它为开发人员提供了一种动态、模块化的运行时环境。在OSGi中,应用程序被分解为称为“bundle”的独立单元,这些bundle可以相互依赖并独立地加载、...
OSGi规范中文版是一本全面介绍OSGi技术的书籍,它不仅涵盖了OSGi技术的基础知识,还详细介绍了OSGi的内部结构和工作原理,对于想要深入学习和应用OSGi技术的开发者而言,是一本非常有价值的参考书。 ### OSGi规范的...
OSGi(Open Services Gateway Initiative)是一种Java平台上的模块化服务框架,它定义了一种标准,使得开发者能够构建可互操作的、动态的、模块化的软件系统。OSGi的核心概念是基于Java的模块化,它的主要目标是为...
OSGI(Open Services Gateway Initiative)是一种开放标准,用于创建模块化和动态的Java应用程序。它为Java开发人员提供了一个框架,使他们能够构建可热插拔的组件,从而实现更灵活、可扩展和可维护的软件系统。在本...
Spring OSGi是Spring框架与OSGi(Open Service Gateway Initiative)规范相结合的一种技术,它允许在OSGi容器中运行和管理Spring应用。OSGi是一种模块化系统,为Java应用程序提供了动态部署、版本控制和依赖管理的...
OSGi(Open Services Gateway Initiative)学习笔记(一) 在IT领域,OSGi是一种模块化系统和Java服务平台,它提供了一种动态管理软件组件的能力。本文将深入探讨OSGi的基本概念、架构以及如何使用它来构建可扩展和...
OSGI,全称为Open Service Gateway Initiative,中文名为开放服务网关倡议,是一个为Java平台设计的模块化系统和动态服务框架。它定义了一种标准的模块化体系结构,允许Java应用程序由可独立更新和替换的模块(称为...
利用R-OSGi实现分布式OSGi应用 本文通过介绍传统 OSGi 应用程序及 R-OSGi 的实现方式入手,阐述了 R-OSGi 对于 OSGi 规范的实现方式。然后通过一个简单的功能实现由浅入深地讲述传统 OSGi 和 R-OSGi 上的两种不同...
OSGI(Open Services Gateway Initiative)是一种开放标准,用于创建模块化和可扩展的Java应用程序。它提供了一种灵活的框架,允许开发人员将应用程序分解为独立的模块,这些模块称为服务。OSGI的核心是它的模块系统...
标题中的“tomcat嵌入OSGI容器”是指在Apache Tomcat服务器中集成OSGI(Open Service Gateway Initiative)框架,使得Tomcat能够支持模块化的应用程序部署和管理。OSGI是一种Java平台上的服务导向架构,它允许动态地...