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[u][i][b][flash=200,200][url][i ...
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JDK:查看版本 java –version
ANT:查看版本 ant –version
3.运行ant命令(C:\mash_activiti-5.6\setup):ant demo.start
This ant target will start a tomcat and a H2 database if you didn't change the default setings.(如果你再启动时候不更改相关的配置文件信息,ant将帮助你启动tomcat和H2数据库) The first time when the script is executed, it will also perform following installations: (第一次执行这个命令需要执行一下步骤)
· (*) Build the webapps. All libraries are stored in ${actviti.home}/setup/files/dependencies/libs The webapps without the libs are stored in ${actviti.home}/setup/files/webapps. Building the webapps means that webapps are combined with the necessary libraries in ${actviti.home}/setup/build/webapps (activiti的WebApp工具在 ${actviti.home}/setup/build/webapps )
· (*) Install the H2 in ${activiti.home}/apps/h2. This only happens if you're using h2 as your database. H2 is the default database.(H2的安装位置为 ${activiti.home}/apps/h2)
· Start the H2 database. Again, this is only done if using h2 as the database. If you're using a different database it is assumed that it is already up and running.(启动H2数据库)
· (*) Create the Activiti tables in the database(创建activiti相关的表结构)
· (*) Insert the demo users and groups in the Activiti identity tables (向activiti对象的数据库中插入默认的用户和用户组)
· (*) Deploy the example processes to the Activiti Engine DB(将实例demo中流程信息部署到activiti引擎对应的数据库)
· (*) Download Tomcat if not available in the ${downloads.dir}(如果在build.properties文件中downloads.dir下Tomcat不可用用或者不存在自动下载Tomcat)
· (*) Install Tomcat in ${activiti.home}/apps/apache-tomcat-${tomcat.version}(安装Tomcat)
· (*) Create an Activiti configuration jar (创建Activiti的配置文件activiti.cfg.xml等信息)
· (*) Deploy the REST interface webapp into tomcat(部署REST接口的webapp信息到tomcat中)
· (*) Download the Activiti Modeler webapp to ${activiti.home}/webapps. The license for the Activiti Modeler is MIT.(下载activiti-Modeler对象到目录)
· (*) Deploy the Probe, Explorer and Modeler webapps into tomcat.(部署activiti的相关的webapp tools)
· Start tomcat
(*) only performed the first time when running ant demo.start
After running this target H2 and Tomcat will be running in the background. To stop those processes run ant demo.stop.
The other targets in that build script can also be called individually and they will take the configurable properties into account. Run ant -p for more details.
讲述安装的目的:1.向拷贝依赖jar和activiti webapp工具文件信息
Table 2.1. The demo users
UserId |
Password |
Security roles |
kermit |
kermit |
admin |
gonzo |
gonzo |
manager |
fozzie |
fozzie |
user |
Webapp Name |
Description |
Activiti Probe |
http://ip:8080/activiti-probe |
The admin management console. Use this tool to see if the configured process engine is correctly initialized, DB tables contents. |
Activiti Explorer |
http://ip:8080/activiti-explorer (用于查看流程和任务,以及流程详细信息和启动流程) |
The process engine user console. Use this tool to view your personal and candidate task lists and to complete tasks. |
Activiti Cycle |
The Activiti collabotation tool. Use this to browse repositories and execute transformations between model formats. |
Activiti Modeler powered by Signavio |
The web based process designer tool. Use this tool to graphically author BPMN 2.0 compliant process definitions files. |
Activiti KickStart |
Allows to specify processes quickly and efficiently in an adhoc way. Simple processes, quick prototypes and adhoc workflow are created in no time using KickStart. |
Activiti Administrator |
A webapp to administer the users and groups. Currently this is realized as a seperate app, but we plan to unify some of the webapps into a single webapp with authorization. |
Note that the Activiti demo setup is a way of showing the capabilities and functionality of Activiti as easy and as fast as possible. This does however, not mean that it is the only way of using Activiti. As Activiti is 'just a jar', it can be embedded in any Java environment: with swing or on a Tomcat, JBoss, WebSphere, etc. Or you could very well choose to run Activiti as a typical, standalone BPM server. If it is possible in Java, it is possible with Activiti!
activiti-engine-examples: This set of examples show the most common usage of Activiti: BPMN process definitions and process executions are stored in a DB and the examples make use of the persistent API.()
This project contains the eclipse project files, an ant build file and a maven pom file. The ant build file is independent of the maven pom. Both are there to show how you can use ant and maven respectively for building and deploying processes as part of your build.
activiti-spring-examples: These examples show how you can use the Activiti Engine in a Spring environment. (activiti和Spring的整合实例demo)
activiti-groovy-examples: These examples show the library dependencies for groovy and an example process with groovy scripting.
activiti-jpa-examples: These examples show library dependencies and how you can work with JPA in Activiti.
activiti-cxf-examples: These examples show library dependencies and how you can work with web services in Activiti.
activiti-cycle-examples: This is a project containing an demo example project for Activiti Cycle
activiti-modeler-examples: This is a file based model repository to which the Activiti Modeler is configured in the demo setup.
· libs.engine.runtime.txt: The library runtime dependencies to run the Activiti Engine.
· libs.engine.runtime.test.txt: The libraries that need to be added to the ones in libs.engine.runtime.txt to run the tests
· libs.engine.runtime.feature.groovy.txt: The libraries that need to be added to the ones in libs.engine.runtime.txt to use the groovy scripting capabilities.
· libs.engine.runtime.txt: The libraries that need to be added to the ones in libs.engine.runtime.txt to use the JPA variable reference capabilities.
· libs.spring.runtime.txt: The library runtime dependencies to run the Activiti Engine in a Spring environment. (This list includes the libs in libs.engine.runtime.txt)
· libs.spring.runtime.test.txt: The libraries that need to be added to the ones in libs.spring.runtime.txt to run tests in a Spring environment (Spring和activiti整合需要的所有lib文件)
· libs.cycle.runtime.test.txt, libs.webapp.rest.txt and libs.webapp.ui.txt: The full list of libraries dependencies for the respective components cycle, the rest webapp and the UI webapps like Activiti Explorer, Activiti Probe and Activiti Cycle (activiti REST整合,activiti-explorer需要的所有lib文件)
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Activiti 是一个开源的工作流引擎,它被广泛用于企业级应用中来实现业务流程自动化。这个"activiti5工作流demo"是专为初学者设计的,尤其适用于那些对工作流概念还不太熟悉的开发者。在这个实例中,我们将深入探讨...
Activiti 是一个开源的工作流和业务自动化引擎,它被广泛用于构建企业级的应用程序,特别是那些需要流程管理和工作流的系统。在Java开发环境中,为了使用Activiti,我们需要确保引入了所有必要的jar包。这些jar包包...
Activiti 是一个开源的工作流引擎,它主要用于自动化业务流程。在企业级应用中,Activiti 提供了强大的工作流管理、流程建模和执行的能力。这个6.0版本的汉化包是针对英文原版的Activiti进行了全面的中文翻译,以...
本文将深入探讨如何在Oracle数据库环境下安装与配置Activiti 5.4,这一过程涉及到多个步骤,包括环境搭建、配置修改以及部署等关键环节。 ### 环境准备 首先,确保以下软件的正确安装: - JDK 1.6:这是Activiti...
首先,搭建Activiti环境需要以下几个步骤: 1. 从官方网站下载Activiti的框架包。 2. 集成Activiti到你的工程中。这通常涉及到导入必要的jar包,这些包可以从Activiti提供的wars目录下的示例项目中获取,如`...
Activiti 是一个开源的工作流和业务自动化引擎,它在企业级应用中被广泛用于实现复杂的业务流程管理。在这个“activiti做的请假流程”项目中,我们看到的是如何使用 Activiti 来构建一个请假申请的流程实例。源码和...
Activiti是一款开源的工作流引擎,它为业务流程自动化提供了强大的支持。这个压缩包"Activiti开发Jar"显然是针对开发者设计的,包含了进行Activiti开发和测试所需的全部JAR库。在Java开发环境中,JAR(Java Archive...
Activiti6.0是一个强大且灵活的企业级工作流引擎,广泛应用于业务流程管理(BPM)系统。本文将详细介绍如何在Activiti6.0环境中搭建、绘制流程图以及执行流程实例。 一、环境搭建 1.1 新建Maven工程 首先,我们需要...
Activiti 是一个开源的工作流引擎,它主要用于自动化业务流程,特别是在企业级应用中。这个5.22.0版本的源码提供了深入了解Activiti内部工作原理的机会,这对于开发者来说是宝贵的资源,特别是对于想要定制或者扩展...
Activiti是一个开源的工作流引擎,用于管理业务流程。它基于流程建模(BPMN 2.0标准),支持流程实例的执行、监控等操作,广泛应用于各种Java应用中。 #### 二、Activiti学习路径 对于初学者而言,理解Activiti的...
Activiti 是一个开源的工作流引擎,它被广泛用于企业级应用程序中来管理业务流程。5.17.0 版本是 Activiti 的一个重要里程碑,提供了丰富的功能和稳定性改进。这个压缩包文件的"第二卷"可能指的是该版本的一个部分...
在Java开发环境中,Activiti以jar包的形式提供服务,使得开发者能够轻松地将工作流管理功能集成到他们的应用程序中。以下是对Activiti及其相关jar包的详细解释: 1. **什么是Activiti?** Activiti 是一个轻量级、...
- Activiti插件:集成了Activiti工作流引擎到Eclipse中,支持通过Eclipse进行流程设计。 3. **验证插件安装**:对于propedit插件,可以通过新建一个`.properties`文件并输入中文来测试是否能够成功保存。对于Maven...
Activity7.0是一个广泛使用的流程引擎,主要用于实现工作流管理和业务自动化。而达梦8(Dameng 8)是中国自主研发的一款高性能、安全可靠的数据库产品,尤其适合大数据处理和企业级应用。当我们谈到"activity7.0集成...
OpenWebFlow是一款基于Activiti的工作流引擎,它针对Activiti进行了深度定制和扩展,旨在提供更为灵活、强大的业务流程管理解决方案。Activiti本身是一个支持BPMN 2.0标准的开源业务流程管理软件,以其轻量级、易于...