> db.things.getIndexes()
"name" : "_id_",
"ns" : "test.things",
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
> db.things.ensureIndex({i:1});
> db.things.getIndexes()
"name" : "_id_",
"ns" : "test.things",
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"_id" : ObjectId("4ee86f3d9027000000001ba5"),
"ns" : "test.things",
"key" : {
"i" : 1
"name" : "i_1"
The name of an index is generated by concatenating the names of the indexed fields and their direction (i.e., 1 or -1 for ascending or descending). Index names (including their namespace/database), are limited to 128 characters.
db.things.ensureIndex(keypattern,options) - options should be an object with these possible fields: name, unique, dropDups
option values default
background true/false false
dropDups true/false false
unique true/false false
sparse true/false false
v index version. 0 = pre-v2.0, 1 = smaller/faster (current) 1 in v2.0. Default is used except in unusual situations.
db.factories.insert( { name: "xyz", metro: { city: "New York", state: "NY" } } );
db.factories.ensureIndex( { "metro.city" : 1, "metro.state" : 1 } );
// these queries can use the above index:
db.factories.find( { "metro.city" : "New York", "metro.state" : "NY" } );
db.factories.find( { "metro.city" : "New York" } );
db.factories.find().sort( { "metro.city" : 1, "metro.state" : 1 } );
db.factories.find().sort( { "metro.city" : 1 } )
*创建稀疏索引Sparse Indexes@
> db.people.ensureIndex({title : 1}, {sparse : true})
> db.people.save({name:"Jim"})
> db.people.save({name:"Sarah", title:"Princess"})
> db.people.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4de6abd5da558a49fc5eef29"), "name" : "Jim" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4de6abdbda558a49fc5eef2a"), "name" : "Sarah", "title" : "Princess" }
> db.people.find().sort({title:1}) // only 1 doc returned because sparse
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4de6abdbda558a49fc5eef2a"), "name" : "Sarah", "title" : "Princess" }
> db.people.dropIndex({title : 1})
{ "nIndexesWas" : 2, "ok" : 1 }
> db.people.find().sort({title:1}) // no more index, returns all documents
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4de6abd5da558a49fc5eef29"), "name" : "Jim" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4de6abdbda558a49fc5eef2a"), "name" : "Sarah", "title" : "Princess" }
当使用Sparse Index的时候,某个没有title域的文档将不能被检索出。
db.things.ensureIndex({firstname: 1}, {unique: true});
db.things.save({lastname: "Smith"});
// Next operation will fail because of the unique index on firstname.
db.things.save({lastname: "Jones"});
A unique index cannot be created on a key that has pre-existing duplicate values. If you would like to create the index anyway, keeping the first document the database indexes and deleting all subsequent documents that have duplicate values, add the dropDups option.
db.things.ensureIndex({firstname : 1}, {unique : true, dropDups : true})
例如db.things.ensureIndex({i: 1,i2: 1});与db.things.ensureIndex({i: 1});db.things.ensureIndex({i2: 1});是完全不同的!
db.collection.dropIndex({i: 1})
// remove index with key pattern {y:1} from collection foo
db.runCommand({dropIndexes:'foo', index : {y:1}})
// remove all indexes:
db.runCommand({dropIndexes:'foo', index : '*'})
> use admin;
> db.runCommand("shutdown");
> db._adminCommand("shutdown");
> db.shutdownServer();
> db.copyDatabase("mydb", "test", "localhost");
{ "ok" : 1 }
> m = function() { emit(this.user_id, 1); }
> r = function(k,vals) { return 1; }
> res = db.events.mapReduce(m, r, { query : {type:'sale'} });
> // or in v1.8+:
> // res = db.events.mapReduce(m, r, { query : {type:'sale'}, out : 'example1' });
> db[res.result].find().limit(2)
{ "_id" : 8321073716060 , "value" : 1 }
{ "_id" : 7921232311289 , "value" : 1 }
> r = function(k,vals) {
... var sum=0;
... for(var i in vals) sum += vals[i];
... return sum;
... }
$ ./mongo
> db.things.insert( { _id : 1, tags : ['dog', 'cat'] } );
> db.things.insert( { _id : 2, tags : ['cat'] } );
> db.things.insert( { _id : 3, tags : ['mouse', 'cat', 'dog'] } );
> db.things.insert( { _id : 4, tags : [] } );
> // map function
> m = function(){
... this.tags.forEach(
... function(z){
... emit( z , { count : 1 } );
... }
... );
> // reduce function
> r = function( key , values ){
... var total = 0;
... for ( var i=0; i<values.length; i++ )
... total += values[i].count;
... return { count : total };
> res = db.things.mapReduce(m, r, { out : "myoutput" } );
> res
"result" : "myoutput",
"timeMillis" : 12,
"counts" : {
"input" : 4,
"emit" : 6,
"output" : 3
"ok" : 1,
> db.myoutput.find()
{"_id" : "cat" , "value" : {"count" : 3}}
{"_id" : "dog" , "value" : {"count" : 2}}
{"_id" : "mouse" , "value" : {"count" : 1}}
> db.myoutput.drop()
3. 主流NoSQL分类: NoSQL数据库主要分为以下几类:面向文档的存储、Key-value的存储、列存储/列族。 4. MongoDB介绍: MongoDB是一种面向文档(Document)的NoSQL数据库,支持多平台如Windows、Linux、Mac OS X、...
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3. **脚本支持**:支持JavaScript和MongoDB Shell命令,方便执行脚本和命令操作。 4. **数据导入导出**:支持CSV、JSON、XML等多种格式的数据导入和导出,便于数据迁移和备份。 5. **性能监控**:提供实时的性能指标...
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-涵盖了将数据从RDBMS移至MongoDB时的最佳实践和注意事项 MongoDB现代化记分卡 -使用它来确定哪些现有的旧版应用程序适合迁移到MongoDB 实践Medical_Claims_RDBMS_ERD和Medical_Claims_MongoDB -此方案适用于...
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在使用 MongoDB 构建高性能应用时,了解并实践性能优化策略至关重要。本篇文章将深入探讨 MongoDB 的性能最佳实践,旨在帮助你充分利用其潜力。 1. **数据模型设计** - **合适的文档结构**:设计紧凑且逻辑清晰的...
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记住,实践是掌握任何技术的关键,尤其是像MongoDB这样的数据库管理系统。 总的来说,“mongodb-测试数据”这个压缩包为MongoDB的学习和测试提供了一个宝贵的资源库。通过深入研究和操作这些数据,你可以增强对...
3. 启动 MongoDB 服务 4. 将 MongoDB 作为 Windows 服务随机启动 5. 安装 MongoDB VUE 在 Windows 环境下安装 MongoDB 需要下载 MongoDB Windows 版,设置数据文件和日志文件的存放目录,启动 MongoDB 服务,并将其...
#### 四、MongoDB实践效果 ##### 选择MongoDB的原因: - **读写性能适中**:虽然不如Redis出色,但足够满足需求。 - **文档模型**:MongoDB的文档模型非常适合处理复杂的、变化的数据结构。 - **集群机制**:...
### MongoDB简介与实践 #### MongoDB概述 MongoDB是一款先进的、基于分布式文件存储的数据库系统,其核心编程语言为C++。这款数据库系统的设计初衷是为了满足Web应用对高性能、可扩展数据存储方案的需求。MongoDB...