#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; int getTotalDays(string&, string&, string&); string& turnHolly(int, string&); int main () { int iCount; cin >> iCount; cout << iCount << endl; string strDayHaab; string strMonthHaab; string strYearHaab; int iTotalDays; while (iCount --) { cin >> strDayHaab >> strMonthHaab >> strYearHaab; strDayHaab = strDayHaab.substr(0, strDayHaab.find(".")); iTotalDays = getTotalDays(strDayHaab, strMonthHaab, strYearHaab); string strResult = ""; cout << turnHolly(iTotalDays, strResult) << endl; } return 0; } int getTotalDays(string& strDayHaab, string& strMonthHaab, string& strYearHaab) { int iTotalDays = atoi(strDayHaab.c_str()); if ("pop" == strMonthHaab) { } else if ("no" == strMonthHaab) { iTotalDays += 1*20; } else if ("zip" == strMonthHaab) { iTotalDays += 2*20; } else if ("zotz" == strMonthHaab) { iTotalDays += 3*20; } else if ("tzec" == strMonthHaab) { iTotalDays += 4*20; } else if ("xul" == strMonthHaab) { iTotalDays += 5*20; } else if ("yoxkin" == strMonthHaab) { iTotalDays += 6*20; } else if ("mol" == strMonthHaab) { iTotalDays += 7*20; } else if ("chen" == strMonthHaab) { iTotalDays += 8*20; } else if ("yax" == strMonthHaab) { iTotalDays += 9*20; } else if ("zac" == strMonthHaab) { iTotalDays += 10*20; } else if ("ceh" == strMonthHaab) { iTotalDays += 11*20; } else if ("mac" == strMonthHaab) { iTotalDays += 12*20; } else if ("kankin" == strMonthHaab) { iTotalDays += 13*20; } else if ("muan" == strMonthHaab) { iTotalDays += 14*20; } else if ("pax" == strMonthHaab) { iTotalDays += 15*20; } else if ("koyab" == strMonthHaab) { iTotalDays += 16*20; } else if ("cumhu" == strMonthHaab) { iTotalDays += 17*20; } else if ("uayet" == strMonthHaab) { iTotalDays += 18*20; } else { cout << "Month count wrong!" << endl; } iTotalDays += 365 * atoi(strYearHaab.c_str()); return iTotalDays; } string& turnHolly(int iTotalDays, string& strR) { char cTemp[32]; sprintf(cTemp, "%d", iTotalDays % 260 % 13 + 1); strR = string(cTemp); switch((iTotalDays % 260) % 20) { case 0: strR.insert(strR.size(), " imix "); break; case 1: strR.insert(strR.size(), " ik "); break; case 2: strR.insert(strR.size(), " akbal "); break; case 3: strR.insert(strR.size(), " kan "); break; case 4: strR.insert(strR.size(), " chicchan "); break; case 5: strR.insert(strR.size(), " cimi "); break; case 6: strR.insert(strR.size(), " manik "); break; case 7: strR.insert(strR.size(), " lamat "); break; case 8: strR.insert(strR.size(), " muluk "); break; case 9: strR.insert(strR.size(), " ok "); break; case 10: strR.insert(strR.size(), " chuen "); break; case 11: strR.insert(strR.size(), " eb "); break; case 12: strR.insert(strR.size(), " ben "); break; case 13: strR.insert(strR.size(), " ix "); break; case 14: strR.insert(strR.size(), " mem "); break; case 15: strR.insert(strR.size(), " cib "); break; case 16: strR.insert(strR.size(), " caban "); break; case 17: strR.insert(strR.size(), " eznab "); break; case 18: strR.insert(strR.size(), " canac "); break; case 19: strR.insert(strR.size(), " ahau "); break; } sprintf(cTemp, "%d", (int)(iTotalDays / 260)); strR += string(cTemp); return strR; }
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For religious purposes, the Maya used another calendar in which the year was called Tzolkin (holly year). The year was divided into thirteen periods, each 20 days long. Each day was denoted by a pair ...
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这个“北大poj解题报告”包含了作者在使用POJ平台解题过程中的学习总结和经验分享,旨在帮助软件工程专业的学生提升编程能力和算法理解。 解题报告通常会涵盖以下几个方面: 1. **基础算法讲解**:解题报告中可能...
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【标题】"80道POJ解题报告"所涉及的知识点主要集中在ACM(国际大学生程序设计竞赛)和POJ(编程Online Judge系统)上。POJ是北京大学主办的一个在线编程竞赛平台,广泛用于训练和提升程序员的算法设计与实现能力。80...
【北大ACM_POJ_解题报告】是北京大学ACM在线评测系统POJ的解题资源集合,这个压缩包包含了对POJ平台上的各种类型ACM竞赛题目的详细解答。ACM,全称国际大学生程序设计竞赛(International Collegiate Programming ...
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