
Why is Android laggy, while iOS, Windows Phone 7, QNX, and WebOS are fluid?


The Root Cause

It’s not GC pauses. It’s not because Android runs bytecode and iOS runs native code. It’s because on iOS all UI rendering occurs in a dedicated UI thread with real-time priority . On the other hand, Android follows the traditional PC model of rendering occurring on the main thread with normal priority.

This is a not an abstract or academic difference. You can see it for yourself. Grab your closest iPad or iPhone and open Safari. Start loading a complex web page like Facebook. Half way through loading, put your finger on the screen and move it around. All rendering instantly stops. The website will literally never load until you remove your finger. This is because the UI thread is intercepting all events and rendering the UI at real-time priority.

If you repeat this exercise on Android, you’ll notice that the browser will attempt to both animate the page and render the HTML, and do an ‘ok’ job at both. On Android, this a case where an efficient dual core processor really helps, which is why the Galaxy S II is famous for its smoothness.

On iOS when an app is installing from the app store and you put your finger on the screen, the installation instantly pauses until all rendering is finished. Android tries to do both at the same priority, so the frame rate suffers. Once you notice this happening, you’ll see it everywhere on an Android phone. Why is scrolling in the Movies app slow? Because movie cover thumbnails are dynamically added to the movie list as you scroll down, while on iOS they are lazily added after all scrolling stops.


Other Reasons

The fundamental reason Android is laggy is UI rendering threading and priority, but it’s not the only reason. First, hardware acceleration, despite Dianna’s reservations, does help. My Nexus S has never been snappier since upgrading to ICS. Hardware acceleration makes a huge difference in apps like the home screen and Android market. Offloading rendering to the GPU also increases battery life, because GPUs are fixed-function hardware, so they operate at a lower power envelope.

Second, contrary to what I claimed earlier, garbage collection is still a problem, even with the work on concurrent GC in Dalvik. For example, if you’ve ever used the photo gallery app in Honeycomb or ICS you may wonder why the frame rate is low. It turns out the frame rate is capped at 30 FPS because without the cap, swiping through photos proceeds at 60 FPS most of the time, but occasionally a GC pause causes a noticeable “hiccup”. Capping the frame rate at 30 fixes the hiccup problem at the expense of buttery smooth animations at all times.

Third, there are the hardware problems that Dianne discussed. The Tegra 2, despite Nvidia’s grandiose marketing claims, is hurt by low memory bandwidth and no NEON instruction set support (NEON instructions are the ARM equivalent of Intel’s SSE, which allow for faster matrix math on CPUs). Honeycomb tablets would be better off with a different GPU, even if it was theoretically less powerful in some respects than the Tegra 2. For example, the Samsung Hummingbird in the Nexus S or Apple A4. It’s telling that the fastest released Honeycomb tablet, the Galaxy Tab 7.7, is running the Exynos CPU from the Galaxy S II.

Fourth, Android has a ways to go toward more efficient UI compositing. On iOS, each UI view is rendered separately and stored in memory, so many animations only require the GPU to recomposite UI views. GPUs are extremely good at this. Unfortunately, on Android, the UI hierarchy is flattened before rendering, so animations require every animating section of the screen to be redrawn.

Fifth, the Dalvik VM is not as mature as a desktop class JVM. Java is notorious for terrible GUI performance on desktop. However, many of the issues don’t carry over to the Dalvik implementation. Swing was terrible because it was a cross platform layer on top of native APIs. It is interesting to note that Windows Phone 7’s core UI is built in native code, even though the original plan was to base it entirely on Silverlight. Microsoft ultimately decided that to get the kind of UI performance required, the code would have to be native. It’s easy to see the difference between native and bytecode on Windows Phone 7, because third party apps are written in Silverlight and have inferior performance (NoDo and Mango have alleviated this problem and the Silverlight UIs are generally very smooth now).




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    内容概要:本文主要探讨了电子电气架构中的网络管理策略,尤其是针对汽车中多个ECU(Electronic Control Unit)的协同管理和低功耗设计。通过引入网络管理状态机的概念,详细介绍了各状态(如常规运行状态、重复报文状态、准备睡眠模式、预睡眠模式、深度睡眠模式等)的具体运作机制及其在汽车电子系统中的重要性。文中还讨论了网络管理报文的设计与传输规则,特别是控制位向量CBV的定义,强调了网络管理在节能降耗方面的关键作用。 适用人群:具备一定汽车电子工程背景的专业人士或研究者,尤其对网络管理及低功耗设计感兴趣的工程师。 使用场景及目标:适用于汽车设计与制造企业的研发部门,帮助其优化电子控制系统,提升产品能效比,降低维护成本,提高用户体验。通过对网络管理策略的理解与应用,达到降低车载电子系统功耗的目的,进而延长电动车的续航能力和降低传统燃油车的油耗。 其他说明:文章不仅提供了理论上的阐述,还包括了具体的操作指南和技术细节,有助于从业者深入理解和实施网络管理方案。同时提醒在现代信息化社会中保持屏蔽力的重要性,鼓励读者专注于自己的发展目标,避免无效的精力分散。







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    内容概要:文章详细讨论了汽车行业正经历的重大变革,尤其是电动汽车(EV)和软件定义汽车(SDV)对行业的深远影响。随着技术的进步,汽车的差异化优势不再仅限于机械硬件,而是越来越多地取决于软件和服务。这一转型要求汽车制造商重新评估现有的解决方案堆栈,加大在电气化和连接性等领域的投资,以实现车型的电气化并支持可扩展性和全生命周期更新。同时,汽车的开发重点已经从机电领域转向了芯片和软件领域,强调基于云计算的协作开发方法。 适合人群:汽车行业专业人士、汽车电子工程师、技术研发人员及政策制定者。 使用场景及目标:帮助读者理解和把握汽车行业数字化转型的趋势,指导他们在电动汽车和软件定义汽车领域做出正确的技术投资和战略调整。 其他说明:本文不仅讨论了技术变革,还深入剖析了由此带来的商业和运营模式的变化,为汽车行业的未来发展方向提供了洞见。

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