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Here’s a list of common errors/problems in SAP XI and their possible resolutions. This Guide will help you troubleshoot your integration scenarios in SAP XI/PI. This is in no way an exhaustive list. You can add your points/ideas to this list. Please feel free to post your inputs using the comments form at the end of this article.
Cache Update Problems
Use transaction SXI_CACHE to update the Integration Directory cache. Alternatively, you can use the following URLs to update the CPA cache. Use XIDIRUSER to refresh the cache.
For complete cache refresh - http://<hostname>:<port>/CPACache/refresh?mode=full
For delta cache refresh - http://<hostname>:<port>/CPACache/refresh?mode=delta
If this does not solve the issue, check transaction SLDCHECK to ensure that connection to SLD is available. If the connection fails, check the configuration in the transaction SLDAPICUST. Make sure that the password maintained is correct and the maintained service user is not locked.
Now in the Integration Repository go to Environment → Clear SLD Data Cache. Also go to Integration Directoy and clear the cache using menu Environment → Clear SLD Data Cache.
Open the XI Start Page and click on Administration. On the Repository tab, choose Cache Overview. Refresh the cache using the buttons/icons on the right. Use XIDIRUSER to refresh the cache. Carry out cache refresh in the same way on the Directory and Runtime tabs.
If you are facing cache update problems in your BPM (say you have modified the BPM, but when executed old version of the BPM is picked up instead of the new one), run the transaction SWF_XI_CUSTOMIZING and press F9 carry out automatic BPM/Workflow Customizing.
Routing Errors
This means no receiver could be found. Check your Receiver Determination. Activate and update cache. Asysnchronous messages can be manually restarted.
More than one receiver found. Check your ID configuration to ensure that there is exactly one receiver for the synchronous message. Multiple receivers for synchronous interfaces are not permitted.
Mapping Errors
Check whether RFC destination AI_RUNTIME_JCOSERVER is correctly configured
Ensure that mapping program exists and is activated. If it exists then update the cache.
This error occurs due to erroneous XML formatting. Check your mapping program and ensure that you supply valid input data.
Messages stuck in queues
Check the queues using transactions SMQ1 (outbound)/SMQ2 (inbound). Resolve the displayed errors. You can cancel the messages from SXMB_MONI. Execute LUW if necessary and avoid deleting entries manually.
Conversion Errors
•Unable to convert the sender service XXXX to an ALE logical system
This error occurs in case of scenarios with IDoc adapters. Whenever you use business systems, make sure that the corresponding logical system name is maintained in the SLD.
Open your business system in the Integration Directory. Switch to Change mode. Access the menu path Service → Adapter Specific Identifiers. Click the button that says ‘Compare with System Landscape Directory’ and chose Apply. Save and activate your change list.
In case of business services, you can manually type a logical system name in the Adapter Specific Identifiers if required. This name should match the corresponding logical system name defined in the partner SAP system’s partner profiles.
Errors on the outbound side
Sometimes the link between SAP XI and the target system (say ERP) goes down and messages fail on the outbound side. It may not be possible to restart them from using RWB or the transactions like SXI_MONITOR/SXMB_MONI. In such cases, you can follow the procedure outlined in the following article - Dealing with errors on the outbound side.
As I said, this is not an exhaustive list. Feel free to add troubleshooting tips that you may have encountered while working with SAP XI. Use the comments form below to add your ideas.
Cache Update Problems
Use transaction SXI_CACHE to update the Integration Directory cache. Alternatively, you can use the following URLs to update the CPA cache. Use XIDIRUSER to refresh the cache.
For complete cache refresh - http://<hostname>:<port>/CPACache/refresh?mode=full
For delta cache refresh - http://<hostname>:<port>/CPACache/refresh?mode=delta
If this does not solve the issue, check transaction SLDCHECK to ensure that connection to SLD is available. If the connection fails, check the configuration in the transaction SLDAPICUST. Make sure that the password maintained is correct and the maintained service user is not locked.
Now in the Integration Repository go to Environment → Clear SLD Data Cache. Also go to Integration Directoy and clear the cache using menu Environment → Clear SLD Data Cache.
Open the XI Start Page and click on Administration. On the Repository tab, choose Cache Overview. Refresh the cache using the buttons/icons on the right. Use XIDIRUSER to refresh the cache. Carry out cache refresh in the same way on the Directory and Runtime tabs.
If you are facing cache update problems in your BPM (say you have modified the BPM, but when executed old version of the BPM is picked up instead of the new one), run the transaction SWF_XI_CUSTOMIZING and press F9 carry out automatic BPM/Workflow Customizing.
Routing Errors
This means no receiver could be found. Check your Receiver Determination. Activate and update cache. Asysnchronous messages can be manually restarted.
More than one receiver found. Check your ID configuration to ensure that there is exactly one receiver for the synchronous message. Multiple receivers for synchronous interfaces are not permitted.
Mapping Errors
Check whether RFC destination AI_RUNTIME_JCOSERVER is correctly configured
Ensure that mapping program exists and is activated. If it exists then update the cache.
This error occurs due to erroneous XML formatting. Check your mapping program and ensure that you supply valid input data.
Messages stuck in queues
Check the queues using transactions SMQ1 (outbound)/SMQ2 (inbound). Resolve the displayed errors. You can cancel the messages from SXMB_MONI. Execute LUW if necessary and avoid deleting entries manually.
Conversion Errors
•Unable to convert the sender service XXXX to an ALE logical system
This error occurs in case of scenarios with IDoc adapters. Whenever you use business systems, make sure that the corresponding logical system name is maintained in the SLD.
Open your business system in the Integration Directory. Switch to Change mode. Access the menu path Service → Adapter Specific Identifiers. Click the button that says ‘Compare with System Landscape Directory’ and chose Apply. Save and activate your change list.
In case of business services, you can manually type a logical system name in the Adapter Specific Identifiers if required. This name should match the corresponding logical system name defined in the partner SAP system’s partner profiles.
Errors on the outbound side
Sometimes the link between SAP XI and the target system (say ERP) goes down and messages fail on the outbound side. It may not be possible to restart them from using RWB or the transactions like SXI_MONITOR/SXMB_MONI. In such cases, you can follow the procedure outlined in the following article - Dealing with errors on the outbound side.
As I said, this is not an exhaustive list. Feel free to add troubleshooting tips that you may have encountered while working with SAP XI. Use the comments form below to add your ideas.
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在升级 SAP CIM (Common Information Model) 至版本 1.5 的过程中,可能会遇到几种常见的错误。本文档旨在帮助您理解这些错误的原因,并提供相应的解决措施。以下是更新过程中可能遇到的主要问题: 1. **MaxLen ...
"The list of Nastran errors"显然是一份详尽的Nastran错误代码和解释的文档,对于理解和解决Nastran在运行过程中可能出现的问题至关重要。 Nastran错误信息通常分为几类,包括语法错误、数据错误、计算错误和系统...
If you want to know how... 1. Improve Your Punctuation & Grammar.... How to improve your performance in coursework and examinations Write with Confidence Solutions and examples for everyday writing needs
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### 《The A-Z of Correct English》:常见英语错误纠正指南 #### 一、书籍概述 本书名为《The A-Z of Correct English》,是一本专为学生及非母语英语学习者设计的英语语言纠错指南。它旨在帮助读者纠正日常学习...
"C-99-common-errors.zip" 包含了一个名为 "C 99个常见错误.pdf" 的文件,该文件详细阐述了99个C语言初学者可能会遇到的问题。以下是对这些常见错误的概述: 1. **语法错误**:这是最常见的错误类型,包括拼写错误...
For a list of common errors, exceptions and pitfalls that you are likely to run into when coding see: http://docs.python.org/release/3.1.3/library/exceptions.html#bltin-exceptions ...
本资源"Common Errors"是一个针对C++编程中的常见错误进行汇集的文档,旨在帮助读者更好地理解和解决这些问题。下面将详细讨论一些C++编程中常见的错误类型及其解决方案。 1. **语法错误**:这是编程中最直观的错误...
(Geophys Res Lett 34:<BR>L13302, 2007), for reducing the correlated errors in the Stokes coefficients (SCs) of the spherical harmonic expansion<BR>of the GRACE determined monthly geopotential ...
The information in this presentation is confidential and proprietary to SAP and may not be disclosed without the permission of SAP. Except for your obligation to protect confidential information, this...
SAP assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document. SAP does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links, or other items contained within ...
OK, this is a long list but in my own defense, this code // has undergone two major rewrites. Many of the improvements became // necessary after I rewrote the code as a template. Others helped me /...
The information in this presentation is confidential and proprietary to SAP and may not be disclosed without the permission of SAP. Except for your obligation to protect confidential information, this...
这将将 404 错误重定向到 "/errors/{statusCode}" URL,其中 {statusCode} 是错误状态码。 在 MVC Controller 中,我们可以创建一个 ErrorsController 来处理自定义错误页面。例如: ``` public class ...
The information in this presentation is confidential and proprietary to SAP and may not be disclosed without the permission of SAP. Except for your obligation to protect confidential information, this...
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"前端开源库-common-errors" 就是一个专注于处理前端开发过程中常见错误的库,它包含了一系列错误处理类和实用的工具函数。这个库旨在帮助开发者更好地识别、预防和解决在开发过程中遇到的问题,提升代码质量和稳定...
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