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Thank you very much. I don't mean to sound ungracious by correcting you, but given that our PR people are probably watching this on webcast, I'd catch heck if I went home and didn't say that it was 100 million units for The Sims. Not that big numbers matter to Electronic Arts. [laughter]I don’t see any empty seats anywhere, which is a good thing, which means I just won a bet from Randy as a matter of fact. Depending upon who’s version of the story you hear, he either owes me 20 dollars or his new Volkswagen. [laughter] So, I'll take the car.

谢谢。我不想显得很粗鲁地纠正您, 但是我们公关人员可能正在看网络直播, 如果我没有说"模拟人生"销售额是一亿套, 那我回去后要吃不了兜着走。当然艺电公司并不在意大数字[笑声] 我看不到任何空座位, 这很好, 这就意味着我和兰迪打赌赢了。根据你听谁说了, 他要么欠我20美元,要么欠我他的新大众汽车[笑声] 好吧, 我要汽车。

It's a pleasure to be here, thank you very much. I'm going to start by covering Randy's academic credentials. It's a little bizarre for me to be standing here at Carnegie Mellon, which is a school I couldn't get into no matter how much I contributed to this institution. [laughter] But, no really, I'm not kidding! You all think, oh gosh he's humble. Really, no, I'm not humble at all. Very average SAT scores, you know, right in the middle of my high school class of 900. Anyway, Randy. Randy earned – it really pisses me off that Randy's so smart—actually I called him, we decided about, what, four weeks, ago and we heard the news went from bad to horrific. It was on a Wednesday night and I said look – we have two choices. We can play this really straight and very emotional , or we can go to dark humor. And for those of you who know Randy well, he was like oh, dark humor! So I called him the next day and I was like, dude you can't die. And he's like, what do you mean? And I said, well, when you die, the average of IQ of Seabolt's friends is going to like drop 50 points. [laughter] To which he responded, we need to find you some smarter friends. [laughter] So you're all smart because you're here, so if you want to be my friend, I'll be over in a corner of the reception room.

很高兴能来到这里, 非常感谢。我将从兰迪的学术履历说起。我站在这里其实是有点怪异, 因为无论我为这个学校资助了多少钱,卡内基梅隆是个我上不了的大学[ 笑声] 但, 没有, 我不开玩笑! 你们想, 哎呀,他真谦逊。不是的, 没有, 我根本不是谦逊。非常一般的学测考试(SAT)成绩, 就是说, 在我的高中那一届 900人的正中间。好, 兰迪。兰迪得到了- 兰迪太聪明了,这真让我懊恼-实际上大约,嗯,四周前, 我们了解到消息从坏变可怕,我打电话给他。那是个星期三晚上, 我对他说, 你看-我们有二个选择。我们可以把这个搞的非常直接和非常情绪化, 或者我们能来黑色幽默。对你们那些了解兰迪的人, 他就,呵, 黑色幽默! 我第二天打电话给他,说, 活计, 你不能死。他说,什么意思? 我说, 你死了, 西伯特的朋友的平均智商就要下坠 50点.[笑声] 他的反应是, 我们需要给你找一些更聪明的朋友[ 笑声] 因为你们能在这里,你们都很聪明; 如果你们想要做我的朋友, (演讲结束后)我会呆在招待厅的角落里。

Randy earned his undergraduate degree in Computer Science at Brown in 1982. His Ph.D. in CS from Carnegie Mellon in 1988 and taught at the University of Virginia where he was granted tenure a year early. He joined the Carnegie Mellon faculty in 1997 with appointments in the CS, HCI and Design departments. He has authored or co-authored five books and over 60 reviewed journal and conference proceeding articles, none of which I would understand. With Don Marinelli, he founded the Entertainment Technology Center, which quickly became the gold standard organization for training artists and engineers to work together. It is my view and the view of our company, Electronic Arts, that the ETC is the interactive program by which all others in the world are judged.

兰迪于 1982年在布朗大学获得计算机学本科学位。1988年在卡内基梅隆大学获得博士学位。然后他执教于弗吉尼亚大学并提前一年拿到终身教职。1997年他到卡内基梅隆大学任职于计算机科学系、人机界面和设计系。他单独或与人合作著有五本专著和超过 60篇经专家评阅的期刊和会刊文章, 我对那些是一窍不通。与唐.麦瑞乃里一起, 他创立了娱乐技术中心, 迅速成为训练艺术家和工程师共同工作的样板机构。本人和所在的艺电公司都认为, 娱技中心是裁判世界上其它交互项目的标准。

I met Randy in the spring of 2004, and when I look back it's sort of hard to imagine it's only been three years given the depth of our friendship. The ETC already had a very strong relationship with EA and with Randy. And Randy as he always does, for those of you who know him well, wanted to learn more, with his own eyes, about how the games business works, and how games really got made. So he spent a summer in residence at EA, and I was his primary contact point. We were in my view the odd couple. Randy the brilliant, charming, Carnegie educated CS professor. And me who went to the University of Iowa on a wing and a prayer. We spent a lot of time together that semester and for those of you who know Randy well, that's a lot of turkey sandwiches on white bread with mayo. [laughter, clapping] My kids tease me about being “white.” There’s nobody more “white” than Randy. [laughter] We spent an enormous amount of time together. We taught each other about each other's very interesting, strange cultures to the other. Academic versus the corporate world. And we developed a deep friendship woven together with stories about our kids, our wives, our parents, as well as deep discussions about the paramount of integrity in everything you do, family first, religion, our shared joy in connecting people and ideas, and deploying money and influence to do good. And the importance of having a lot of laughs along the way.

我在2004 年的春天遇见兰迪, 回首往事, 很难想象在短短三年之间,我们能有如此深厚的友谊。那时, 艺电公司已与娱技中心和兰迪建立了非常牢固的合作关系。兰迪,了解他的人都知道, 他一贯喜欢亲身调研,了解游戏行业的运作, 游戏是如何被推出的。所以他在艺电公司蹲点住了一个夏天, 而我是他的主要联系人。在我看来,我们是古怪的一对。兰迪聪慧,迷人, 卡内基毕业的计算机学教授。我是侥幸上了衣阿华大学。我们那学期一起度过了很多时光。了解他的人知道,那意味着很多白面包加蛋黄酱的火鸡肉三明治. [鼓掌] 我的孩子取笑我"白"。没人比兰迪更"白"了[笑声]. 我们一起共处了很多时间。我们相互教对方各自的有趣的,奇怪的文化, 学界对商界。我们建立了深厚的友谊,它交织着我们的孩子,妻子, 父母的故事,关于做任何事都以诚信为纲,家庭第一, 宗教信仰的深刻讨论、还有我们让人才和思想能各得其所,运用金钱和影响力去做好事的共同喜悦。以及在这过程中有很多欢笑的重要性。

Randy's dedication to making the world a better place is self evident to anyone who has crossed paths with him. Whether it's directly influencing students, creating organizations like the ETC, building tools like Alice or doing what he probably does best, which is bridging cultures. As Ben Gordon, EA's Chief Creative Officer, says of Randy, even more important than Randy's academic, philanthropic, and entrepreneurial accomplishments has been his humanity and the enthusiasm he brings to students, coworkers on a daily basis.

不管是直接地影响学生, 创建象娱技中心那样的机构, 发明象爱丽斯那样的工具或做他最拿手的,链接文化, 对任何有缘遇见兰迪的人来说, 他对建立一个更好世界的奉献是不言而喻的。如本.高登, 艺电公司的首席创意官, 所说, 比兰迪的学术, 慈善, 和创业成就跟重要的是他的博爱和每天给学生和同事带来的热忱。

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