Check Your Internet Connection With C#
By Simohamed Attahri
How to check if your computer is connected to the internet with C#. It's much more easier that other tutorials I've seen in other sites. In deed, we're going to use a simple API function InternetGetConnectedState, to return a boolean variable.
怎么用C#来检测你的计算机是否连接到互联网呢?这可能是我见过最简单的教程了。其实我们就是使用一个简单的InternetGetConnectedState API函数,结果是返回一个boolean类型的变量。
This function takes two arguments :
The first one is an integer used with out keyword, that means that after calling the function, the variable will contain an interger that describes the connection state ( use of a modem, use of a proxy, offline mode...). Note that you must refer to for more information about that.
The second one is a reserved variable that must be set to 0.
In this tutorial, we'll create a class with a static function that returns true if connected and false if not, using our API function in private state.
Check this out :
using System ; using System.Runtime ; using System.Runtime.InteropServices ;
public class InternetCS {
//Creating the extern function... [DllImport("wininet.dll")] private extern static bool InternetGetConnectedState( int out Description, int ReservedValue ) ;
//Creating a function that uses the API function... public static bool IsConnectedToInternet( ) {
int Desc ; return InternetGetConnectedState( out Desc, 0 ) ;
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Please check your internet connection. This can happen if your antivirus software blocks the download of this file. You can install manually by following these steps: 1. Download this file: ...