这一部分包含了Java编码和性能方面的问题, 这个guidelines不是专门针对应用服务器的,但这是一些在很多情况下的偶通用的规则,如需了解Java coding最佳实践的完整分析探讨,请参考 Java Blueprints.
序列化和反序列化一个对象都是非常消耗CPU (CPU-intensive) 的过程,很有可能会减缓你的系统运行速度,使用 transient 关键字来减少数据的序列化。另外,定制(customized)你的readObject() and writeOjbect()方法在一些情况下也会多系统性能有好处。
应用程序如果不释放对象的引用可能会带来内存泄漏, 也可能阻碍Java垃圾回收器回收这些对象造成过多的内存被占用。在用完一个对象之后明确的赋空值会让垃圾回收器更好的回收内存。
检测内存泄漏的一个方法是使用Profiling Tools在每个一Transaction运行完以后打一个内存快照(memory snapshots), 一个没有内存泄漏的应用在稳定状态下进行垃圾回收后会显示稳定的动态内存堆(Active heap memory)。
比较新的动态优化编译器能进行内部的或者程序交互的优化, 就算是Java方法没有定义成Final的时候。使用Final关键字的初衷:为了程序架构和可维护性。
把常量定义成Static Final
如果你把常量定义成static final的,动态编译器能非常容易的进行一些常量折叠(constant folding)的优化。
不要同步你的代码段或者方法,除非这是必需的。为了避免可测性瓶颈,请保证你的同步代码段或者同步方法尽可能短,如果是非同步的数据结构,请使用Java collections 框架,而不要用更加昂贵的选择 如java.util.HashTable.
使用DataHandlers for SOAP Attachment
使用一个javax.activation.DataHandler for 一个 SOAP attachment 会提高性能。本段暂时没有接触过,略过,等用到了再翻译。
JAX-RPC specifies:
■ A mapping of certain MIME types to Java types.
■ Any MIME type is mappable to a javax.activation.DataHandler .
As a result, send an attachment (.gif or XML document) as a SOAP attachment to an RPC style
web service by utilizing the Java type mappings. When passing in any of the mandated Java type
mappings (appropriate for the attachment’s MIME type) as an argument for the web service, the
JAX-RPC runtime handles these as SOAP attachments.
For example, to send out an image/gif attachment, use java.awt.Image, or create a
DataHandler wrapper over your image. The advantages of using the wrapper are:
■ Reduced coding: You can reuse generic attachment code to handle the attachments because
theDataHandler determines the content type of the contained data automatically. This
feature is especially useful when using a document style service. Since the content is known
at runtime, there is no need to make calls to attachment.setContent(stringContent,
“image/gif”), for example.
■ Improved Performance: Informal tests have shown that usingDataHandler wrappers
doubles throughput for image/gif MIME types, and multiplies throughput by
approximately 1.5 for text/xml or java.awt.Image for image/* types.
java源码编程指南 我固执己见的编程指南。 一、简介 关于这个自述文件 我出生于 1976 年。我在 13 岁时开始使用基本代码和汇编程序进行编码。后来是 turbo pascal。 从 1996 年到 2001 年,我在 HTW-Dresden(德国)...
java官方规范 最全的,,,,,,,,,,
4 Java Coding Style Guidelines 5 Creating Desktop Shortcuts for Java Applications on Windows 6 Using Packages to Organize the Classes in the Text Part II -- IDE Supplements and IDE VideoNotes 1 ...
该项目源自于原始的阿里Java开发规范,即P3C(Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines)。P3C是“Programming for Clean Code”的缩写,它包含了丰富的编码规范和检查规则,旨在帮助开发者遵循最佳实践,写出更清晰、可维护...
"JavaScript and Ajax Tools for.."、"Cutting Edge Java Game Programming"和"Java 程序设计 EJB.XML与数据库"讨论了JavaScript、游戏开发和企业级Java应用中的XML和数据库交互。"Java技术教程.基础篇 +源代码"、...
7、General programming guidelines 8、How and when to use Exceptions 9、Concurrency best practices 10、Built-in Serialization techniques 11、How to use Reflection effectively 12、Dynamic languages ...
PDF文件“restful-api-guidelines@www.java1234.com.pdf”很可能是这样一份详细的指南,包含上述原则的深入解释和具体实现示例。 遵循这些RESTful API设计指南,可以构建出优雅、易于理解和维护的API,促进开发者...
Secure Programming for Linux and Unix HOWTO by David A. Wheeler v3.010 Edition Published v3.010, 3 March 2003 Copyright ? 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 by David A. Wheeler This book provides a set of ...
Chapter 2 delves into the core principles of object-oriented programming in Java. Topics covered include: - **Inheritance**: How to create a hierarchy of classes by inheriting properties and ...
这个名为“p3c-idea-2.1.0.zip”的压缩包包含了一个适用于IntelliJ IDEA的插件,名为"P3C",全称是"Programming with three constraints",它是对"Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines"的一种实现,帮助开发者遵循这些...
- **Microsoft C++ Coding Guidelines**:微软公司的C++编码规范。 - **Stroustrup C++ Style and Technique FAQ**:由C++之父Bjarne Stroustrup撰写的一份FAQ。 #### 18. C++在线文档 在线文档是学习和参考C++的...
不同编程语言有自己的最佳实践和社区约定,例如Python有PEP 8,Java有Oracle的Java Code Conventions,JavaScript有Airbnb的JavaScript Style Guide等。这些规范覆盖了语言特性的使用、代码格式化、模块结构、测试...
The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for efficient programming practices that can help developers create applications that run smoothly and efficiently on devices with limited ...
By following these guidelines and exploring the integration techniques discussed in the webinar, Delphi developers can effectively leverage Python to enhance their applications and tap into its rich ...
阿里规范插件,全称为P3C(Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines Plug-in),P3C是“Programming in 3 C’s”的缩写,代表着Clean、Correct、Consistent,强调代码的整洁、正确和一致性。该插件基于阿里巴巴内部的编码...