

  • PHP
   * This class for execute the external program of svn
   * @auth Seven Yang <qineer@gmail.com>
class SvnPeer

   * List directory entries in the repository
   * @param string a specific project repository path
   * @return bool true, if validated successfully, otherwise false
  static public function ls($repository)
    $command = "svn ls " . $repository;
    $output  = SvnPeer::runCmd($command);
    $output  = implode("<br>", $output);
    if (strpos($output, 'non-existent in that revision')) {
      return false;

    return "<br>" . $command . "<br>" . $output;

   * Duplicate something in working copy or repository, remembering history
   * @param $src
   * @param $dst
   * @param $comment string specify log message
   * @return bool true, if copy successfully, otherwise return the error message
   * @todo comment need addslashes for svn commit
  static public function copy($src, $dst, $comment)
    $command = "svn cp $src $dst -m '$comment'";
    $output  = SvnPeer::runCmd($command);
    $output  = implode("<br>", $output);

    if (strpos($output, 'Committed revision')) {
      return true;

    return "<br>" . $command . "<br>" . $output;

   * Remove files and directories from version control
   * @param $url
   * @return bool true, if delete successfully, otherwise return the error message
   * @todo comment need addslashes for svn commit
  static public function delete($url, $comment)
    $command = "svn del $url -m '$comment'";
    $output  = SvnPeer::runCmd($command);
    $output  = implode('<br>', $output);
    if (strpos($output, 'Committed revision')) {
      return true;

    return "<br>" . $command . "<br>" . $output;

   * Move and/or rename something in working copy or repository
   * @param $src string trunk path
   * @param $dst string new branch path
   * @param $comment string specify log message
   * @return bool true, if move successfully, otherwise return the error message
   * @todo comment need addslashes for svn commit
  static public function move($src, $dst, $comment)
    $command = "svn mv $src $dst -m '$comment'";
    $output  = SvnPeer::runCmd($command);
    $output  = implode('<br>', $output);

    if (strpos($output, 'Committed revision')) {
      return true;

    return "<br>" . $command . "<br>" . $output;

   * Create a new directory under version control
   * @param $url string 
   * @param $comment string the svn message
   * @return bool true, if create successfully, otherwise return the error message
   * @todo comment need addslashes for svn commit
  static public function mkdir($url, $comment)
    $command = "svn mkdir $url -m '$comment'";
    $output  = SvnPeer::runCmd($command);
    $output  = implode('<br>', $output);

    if (strpos($output, 'Committed revision')) {
      return true;

    return "<br>" . $command . "<br>" . $output;

  static public function diff($pathA, $pathB)
    $output = SvnPeer::runCmd("svn diff $pathA $pathB");
    return implode('<br>', $output);

  static public function checkout($url, $dir)
    $command = "cd $dir && svn co $url";
    $output  = SvnPeer::runCmd($command);
    $output  = implode('<br>', $output);
    if (strstr($output, 'Checked out revision')) {
      return true;

    return "<br>" . $command . "<br>" . $output;

  static public function update($path)
    $command = "cd $path && svn up";
    $output  = SvnPeer::runCmd($command);
    $output  = implode('<br>', $output);

    preg_match_all("/[0-9]+/", $output, $ret);
    if (!$ret[0][0]){
      return "<br>" . $command . "<br>" . $output;

    return $ret[0][0];

  static public function merge($revision, $url, $dir)
    $command = "cd $dir && svn merge -r1:$revision $url";
    $output  = implode('<br>', SvnPeer::runCmd($command));
    if (strstr($output, 'Text conflicts')) {
      return 'Command: ' . $command .'<br>'. $output;

    return true;

  static public function commit($dir, $comment)
    $command = "cd $dir && svn commit -m'$comment'";
    $output  = implode('<br>', SvnPeer::runCmd($command));

    if (strpos($output, 'Committed revision') || empty($output)) {
      return true;
    return $output;

  static public function getStatus($dir)
    $command = "cd $dir && svn st";
    return SvnPeer::runCmd($command);

  static public function hasConflict($dir)
    $output = SvnPeer::getStatus($dir);
    foreach ($output as $line){
      if ('C' == substr(trim($line), 0, 1) || ('!' == substr(trim($line), 0, 1))){
        return true;

    return false;

   * Show the log messages for a set of path with XML
   * @param path string 
   * @return log message string 
  static public function getLog($path)
    $command = "svn log $path --xml";
    $output  = SvnPeer::runCmd($command);
    return implode('', $output);

  static public function getPathRevision($path)
    $command = "svn info $path --xml";
    $output  = SvnPeer::runCmd($command);
    $string  = implode('', $output);
    $xml     = new SimpleXMLElement($string);
    foreach ($xml->entry[0]->attributes() as $key=>$value){
      if ('revision' == $key) {
        return $value;

  static public function getHeadRevision($path)
    $command = "cd $path && svn up";
    $output  = SvnPeer::runCmd($command);
    $output  = implode('<br>', $output);

    preg_match_all("/[0-9]+/", $output, $ret);
    if (!$ret[0][0]){
      return "<br>" . $command . "<br>" . $output;

    return $ret[0][0];

  * Run a cmd and return result
  * @param string command line
  * @param boolen true need add the svn authentication
  * @return array the contents of the output that svn execute
  static protected function runCmd($command)
    $authCommand = ' --username ' . SVN_USERNAME . ' --password ' . SVN_PASSWORD . ' --no-auth-cache --non-interactive --config-dir '.SVN_CONFIG_DIR.'.subversion';
    exec($command . $authCommand . " 2>&1", $output);

    return $output;



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    这个模块使得Apache能够支持SVN,让开发者可以通过Web浏览器进行版本控制操作。安装完毕后,你需要在Apache的配置文件(如httpd.conf或sites-available目录下的站点配置文件)中启用该模块,并配置SVN仓库的路径。 ...



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    7. **后续操作**:删除`.svn`后,如果你还需要继续使用SVN,你需要重新将目录加入到SVN控制之下,这通常通过`svn add`和`svn commit`命令完成。 总之,SVN_Deleter提供了一个便捷的方法来批量删除`.svn`目录,这...


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    Linux Fedora下的Subversion(简称svn)是一个版本控制系统,用于跟踪文件和目录的...在实际工作中,根据团队的需求和工作流程,可能会有更复杂的用法,比如解决冲突、分支管理等,但这些基本命令构成了svn操作的基础。


    该软件基于 SVN 核心,结合 Apache 和 PHP,提供了一个完整的 SVN 管理解决方案。 在本文档中,我们将介绍 SVNManager 的配置详细说明,包括安装环境、软件需求、安装过程、配置说明等方面的内容。 首先,让我们...


    使用`svn delete`、`svn del`或`svn rm`删除文件,并提交删除操作: ``` svn delete test.php svn ci -m "delete test file" ``` 8. **Log(日志查看)**: `svn log`查看文件或目录的修改历史记录: ``` ...


    ### SVN常用操作命令详解 #### 1、将文件CHECKOUT到本地目录 - **命令**: `svn checkout &lt;路径&gt;` (其中 `&lt;路径&gt;` 是服务器上的目录) - **示例**: `svn checkout svn://` - **简写**: `svn co...

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    - 删除操作必须通过 `svn commit` 提交才能生效。 #### 八、Log (日志) **命令格式**: ``` svn log [文件或目录] ``` **示例**: ``` svn log test.php ``` **功能说明**: - `svn log` 命令用于显示文件或目录...







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