
Create Vendor or Customer_master Data

  • ABAP
To Create or Change Vendor_master date(XK01,XK02) or Customer Master date (XD01,XD02)

* Below ECC 2005 (6.00), the only solution was batch input and DEBMAS idocs. See note 384462

* Starting with ECC 2005 (6.00) and above: a synchronisation tool has been introduce. See class CMD_EI_API (Customer) and VMD_EI_API (Vendor)


SD_CUSTOMER_MAINTAIN_ALL is used in standard during the maintenance of a consumer using the standard customer_master data transaction XD01 & XD02.

It is not intended to be used out o[size=x-small][/size]f the transaction and in no case it should be used out of its original context. Due to the specificity of the function module, out of the original context we may face limitations and data inconsistencies.

For the maintenance of customers, there is NO BAPI and NO direct function module.
There are some functions modules like the one above where the name is looking nice. But these should not be used.
BAPI_CUSTOMER_CREATEFROMDATA1 is part of them. This one uses SD_CUSTOMER_MAINTAIN_ALL, so the above remark is still valid. Moreover, this BAPI is to be used only from process SAP Product Catalog. Out of it and due to its limitation, a lot of troubles are expected. See note 390045




    - 示例:`SELECT DISTINCT vendor_code FROM vendor_master;` - **说明**:此命令用于从表中选择不重复的记录。 #### 20. 转换日期格式 - **使用TO_CHAR**: `SELECT TO_CHAR(日期表达式, '格式字符串') FROM ...


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