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ubuntu 下安装FTP服务器VSFTPD


           File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a TCP protocol for uploading and downloading files between computers. FTP works on a client/server model. The server component is called an FTP daemon. It continuously listens for FTP requests from remote clients. When a request is received, it manages the login and sets up the connection. For the duration of the session it executes any of commands sent by the FTP client.

Access to an FTP server can be managed in two ways:

  • Anonymous

  • Authenticated

In the Anonymous mode, remote clients can access the FTP server by using the default user account called "anonymous" or "ftp" and sending an email address as the password. In the Authenticated mode a user must have an account and a password. User access to the FTP server directories and files is dependent on the permissions defined for the account used at login. As a general rule, the FTP daemon will hide the root directory of the FTP server and change it to the FTP Home directory. This hides the rest of the file system from remote sessions.

vsftpd - FTP Server Installation

vsftpd is an FTP daemon available in Ubuntu. It is easy to install, set up, and maintain. To install vsftpd you can run the following command:

sudo apt-get install vsftpd

Anonymous FTP Configuration

By default vsftpd is configured to only allow anonymous download. During installation a ftp user is created with a home directory of /home/ftp. This is the default FTP directory.

If you wish to change this location, to /srv/ftp for example, simply create a directory in another location and change the ftp user's home directory:

sudo mkdir /srv/ftp
sudo usermod -d /srv/ftp ftp 

After making the change restart vsftpd:

sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart

Finally, copy any files and directories you would like to make available through anonymous FTP to /srv/ftp.

User Authenticated FTP Configuration

To configure vsftpd to authenticate system users and allow them to upload files edit /etc/vsftpd.conf:


Now restart vsftpd:

sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart

Now when system users login to FTP they will start in their home directories where they can download, upload, create directories, etc.

Similarly, by default, the anonymous users are not allowed to upload files to FTP server. To change this setting, you should uncomment the following line, and restart vsftpd:


Enabling anonymous FTP upload can be an extreme security risk. It is best to not enable anonymous upload on servers accessed directly from the Internet.

The configuration file consists of many configuration parameters. The information about each parameter is available in the configuration file. Alternatively, you can refer to the man page, man 5 vsftpd.conf for details of each parameter.

Securing FTP

There are options in /etc/vsftpd.conf to help make vsftpd more secure. For example users can be limited to their home directories by uncommenting:


You can also limit a specific list of users to just their home directories:


After uncommenting the above options, create a /etc/vsftpd.chroot_list containing a list of users one per line. Then restart vsftpd:

sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart

Also, the /etc/ftpusers file is a list of users that are disallowed FTP access. The default list includes root, daemon, nobody, etc. To disable FTP access for additional users simply add them to the list.

FTP can also be encrypted using FTPS. Different from SFTP, FTPS is FTP over Secure Socket Layer (SSL). SFTP is a FTP like session over an encrypted SSH connection. A major difference is that users of SFTP need to have a shell account on the system, instead of a nologin shell. Providing all users with a shell may not be ideal for some environments, such as a shared web host.

To configure FTPS, edit /etc/vsftpd.conf and at the bottom add:


Also, notice the certificate and key related options:


By default these options are set the certificate and key provided by the ssl-cert package. In a production environment these should be replaced with a certificate and key generated for the specific host. For more information on certificates see the section called “Certificates”.

Now restart vsftpd, and non-anonymous users will be forced to use FTPS:

sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart

To allow users with a shell of /usr/sbin/nologin access to FTP, but have no shell access, edit /etc/shells adding the nologin shell:

# /etc/shells: valid login shells

This is necessary because, by default vsftpd uses PAM for authentication, and the /etc/pam.d/vsftpd configuration file contains:

auth    required        pam_shells.so

The shells PAM module restricts access to shells listed in the /etc/shells file.

Most popular FTP clients can be configured connect using FTPS. The lftp command line FTP client has the ability to use FTPS as well.                  




use root to login ftp

vi /etc/ftpusers

then remove root from the file






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    通过以上步骤,你应该能够成功地在Ubuntu上配置和管理一个安全的vsftpd FTP服务器。记住,安全性和稳定性是首要考虑的因素,因此在设置过程中要谨慎处理每一个细节。持续学习和实践,以优化你的FTP服务器配置。

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    总结来说,这个Shell脚本提供了一种自动化搭建FTP服务器(使用vsftpd)的方法,包括安装必要的软件、创建用户数据库、配置PAM和vsftpd服务,以及设定用户权限。这个脚本适用于Ubuntu 13和Linux Mint 15,但对于其他...


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    Ubuntu系统自带的FTP服务器软件是vsftpd(Very Secure FTP Daemon)。下面将详细介绍如何在Ubuntu上安装和配置vsftpd服务器。 首先,安装vsftpd非常简单,只需在终端中输入以下命令: ``` sudo apt-get install ...

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