Srinath Perera has put together a strong list of architecture patterns
based on three meta patterns: distribution, caching, and asynchronous
processing. He contends these three are the primal patterns and the
following patterns are but different combinations:
LB (Load Balancers) + Shared nothing Units
. Units
that do not share anything with each other fronted with a load balancer
that routes incoming messages to a unit based on some criteria.
LB + Stateless Nodes + Scalable Storage
. Several stateless nodes talking to a scalable storage, and a load balancer distributes load among the nodes.
Peer to Peer Architectures (Distributed Hash Table (DHT) and Content Addressable Networks (CAN))
. Algorithm for scaling up logarithmically.
Distributed Queues
. Queue implementation (FIFO delivery) implemented as a network service.
Publish/Subscribe Paradigm
. Network publish subscribe brokers that route messages to each other.
Gossip and Nature-inspired Architectures
. Each node randomly pick and exchange information with follow nodes.
Map Reduce/ Data flows
. Scalable pattern to describe and execute Jobs.
Tree of responsibility
. Break the problem down recursively and assign to a tree, each parent node delegating work to children nodes.
Stream processing
. Process data streams, data that is keeps coming.
Scalable Storages
. Ranges from Databases, NoSQL storages, Service Registries, to File systems.
Chapter 10—Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) 10.1 General 10.2 Discovering The Cluster Structure 10.3 Vector Quantization 10.3.1 VQ Example 1 10.3.2 VQ Example 2 10.3.3 VQ Example 3 ...
Chapter 10. Performance Considerations Section 10.1. Processor-Level Parallelism Section 10.2. Instruction-Level Parallelism Section 10.3. Explicit Parallelism in the Itanium Processors ...
《变分法》是数学中的一个重要分支,主要研究如何找到函数的最优解,这些函数使得某个泛函(函数的函数)取到极值。这本书由I. M. Gelfand和S. V. Fomin合著,是莫斯科国立大学的一门基础入门课程,由Richard A....
The discussion below delves into the core concepts of STAP, the challenges it addresses, the introduction of LBSTAP, its advantages over traditional STAP, and the potential for combining both methods...
Calculus of Variations - Gelfand。盖尔方德的经典名著之一。djvu格式。
24. Using Trait Variations to Design Adaptive iOS 10 User Interfaces 25. Using Storyboards in Xcode 8 26. Organizing Scenes over Multiple Storyboard Files 27. Using Xcode 8 Storyboards to Create an ...
A software product line is a family of systems that shares a common set of core technical assets with preplanned extensions and variations to address the needs of specific customers or market ...
Calculus Of Variations - With Applications To Physics And Engineering
A software product line is a family of systems that shares a common set of core technical assets with preplanned extensions and variations to address the needs of specific customers or market ...
Computer Architecture And Organization Mcqs
在这份名为《Calculus of Variations.pdf》的文件中,提供了变分法的基础概念和应用实例。首先,文件以《Shortest Path Problem》为例,讨论了如何找到空间中两点之间的最短路径。通过引入路径函数Y=Y(x),利用基本...
This book contains a rigorous description of the theory of optimal transport and of some neglected variants and explains the most important connections that it has with many topics in evolution PDEs, ...
W-CDMA and cdma2000 for 3G Mobile Networks WCDMA,CDMA2000入门好书,推荐 CONTENTS Preface xi Acknowledgments xiii Foreword xv Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Early Systems 2 The Cellular System 4 TDMA ...
There are numerous variations in SIEM product architecture and deployment options, and wide variation in capabilities for log management, SEM and user monitoring. Evaluation Criteria Market ...
标题《计算机组成原理(workbook)—Alan Clements》和描述“计算机组成原理(workbook)—Alan Clements,是该教材的实验指导书籍。”,结合给出的部分内容,我们可以提炼出以下知识点: 1. 实验指导书籍内容 ...