现在你已经安装了Membase并且可能已经创建了Membase服务器集群,现在就可以安装客户端库 spymemcached, 并且开始存储数据了。
下载Java Membase客户端库,spymemcached.
创建一个功能层,并且将Membase客户端库设置为引用库(referenced library).
清单1: Main.java
import java.io.IOException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import net.spy.memcached.AddrUtil; import net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClient; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { MemcachedClient client; try { client = new MemcachedClient(AddrUtil.getAddresses(args[0])); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } Object spoon = client.get("spoon"); if (spoon == null) { System.out.println("There is no spoon."); client.set("spoon", 10, "Hello World!"); } else { System.out.println((String)spoon); } client.waitForQueues(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); System.exit(0); } }
$ javac -cp memcached-2.6.jar Main.java $ java -cp .;memcached-2.6.jar Main
2011-05-12 22:11:56.281 INFO net.spy.memcached.MemcachedConnection: Added {QA sa=/, #Rops=0, #Wops=0, #iq=0, topRop=null, topWop=null, toWrite=0, interested=0} to connect queue 2011-05-12 22:11:56.284 INFO net.spy.memcached.MemcachedConnection: Connection state changed for sun.nio.ch.SelectionKeyImpl @15dfd77 There is no spoon.
这个输出的大部分内容都是客户端库产生的日志,告诉你客户端内部进行到哪一步,可以帮助你分析问题。这儿说的是一个Membase连接已经添加,并且连接状态已经改变。然后代码显示键 spoon 没有在Membase中存在。
2011-05-12 22:14:15.800 INFO net.spy.memcached.MemcachedConnection: Added {QA sa=/, #Rops=0, #Wops=0, #iq=0, topRop=null, topWop=null, toWrite=0, interested=0} to connect queue 2011-05-12 22:14:15.803 INFO net.spy.memcached.MemcachedConnection: Connection state changed for sun.nio.ch.SelectionKeyImpl @15dfd77 Hello World!
你再一次看到日志信息,根据这次的指示,键 spoon 的值“Hello World”在Membase中被找到了。恭喜,你已经在一个更大的世界中迈出了一小步。
表1. 同步方法(Synchronous Methods)
decr |
减少键并返回值Decrement a key and return the value. |
get |
从缓存中获得一个特定值Gets a particular value from the cache. |
getBulk |
同时获得多个值Gets many values at the same time. |
gets |
获得一个值以及检查和设置支持Gets a particular value with Check And Set support. |
incr |
增加一个键的值Increment the value of a key. |
表3. 异步方法(Asynchronous Methods)
add |
在缓存中增加一个对象,如果taAdds an object to the cache if it does not exist already. |
delete |
从缓存中删除一个值Deletes a value from the cache. |
flush |
将所有服务器上的缓存清空Clears the cache on all servers. |
表4.异步检查和设置( Asynchronous Check And Set)
append |
Append to an existing value in the cache. |
asyncCAS |
Check and set values of particular keys. |
asyncDecr |
Decrement a value. |
asyncGet |
Get a particular value. |
asyncGetBulk |
Get many values at the same time. |
asyncGets |
Get a value with CAS support. |
asyncIncr |
Increment a value. |
表5. 状态方法(Status Methods)
addObserver |
Adds an observer to watch the connection status. |
getAvailableServers |
Returns a list of, shocker, available servers. |
getNodeLocator |
Returns a read only instance of the node locator. |
getStats |
Returns connection statistics. |
getTranscoder |
Returns the default transcoder instance. |
getUnavailableServers |
Returns a list of the servers that are not available. |
getVersions |
Returns the versions of all connected servers. |
清单2. 连接到一系列的Membase服务器:
65: MemcachedClient client = new MemcachedClient( 66: AddrUtil.getAddresses(addresses));
host-or-ip:port host-or-ip:port
String addresses = "";
清单 3 is an abridged excerpt that shows the creation of an IntegerTranscoder, which is a useful class for converting objects in Membase back to integers when needed. This is for convenience and reduces type casting. You can then see a line 82 that a the gets() method is called. This returns a CASValue<T> of type integer which is useful for checking and setting a value. If the value is null it means that membase hasn't been given a value for this key. The code then sets a value. Otherwise, we can get its value and do something with it.
清单 3. 检查和设置操作
67: IntegerTranscoder intTranscoder = new IntegerTranscoder(); 68: 82: CASValue<Integer> value = client.gets(key, 83: intTranscoder); 84: 85: if (value == null) { 86: // The value doesn't exist in Membase 87: client.set(key, 15, rand.nextInt(), intTranscoder); 88: 89: // Simulate the value taking time to create. 90: Thread.sleep(100); 91: 92: created++; 93: 94: } else { 95: 99: int v = value.getValue(); 100: 107: }
Setting values in Membase are done asynchronously, and the application does not have to wait for these to be completed. Sometimes, though, you may want to ensure that Membase has been sent some values, and you can do this by calling client.waitForQueues()
and giving it a timeout for waiting for this to occur, as shown in Listing 4.
清单4. 等待数据设置进Membase。
109: client.waitForQueues(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
In order to build and run the sample application, you should unzip the attached sample to a directory on your hard drive. The sample application comes with an Eclipse project file and can easily be imported into Eclipse using the following:
Choose File | Import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace.
In the Import Project dialog, click the Browse button next to the Select root directory text field and navigate to where you unzipped the sample application.
Make sure that the GettingStarted project is selected, and hit the Finish button.
You should now have the project imported into your project explorer in Eclipse. Next you will want to run the application.
Right click the GettingStarted project and select Run As | Run Configurations
Double click the "Java Application" node to create a new configuration.
Name this "Membase Client".
Click the "Main" tab.
Click the Search button and choose the
class to run. -
Click the "Arguments" tab.
In the "Program Arguments" tab type something like: "" 5
Click the "Apply" button.
Click the "Run" button.
Running this program generates the following output the first time:
Client-2 took 37.2500 ms per key. Created 35. Retrieved 65 from cache. Client-3 took 37.7800 ms per key. Created 35. Retrieved 65 from cache. Client-4 took 37.7100 ms per key. Created 35. Retrieved 65 from cache. Client-0 took 37.8300 ms per key. Created 35. Retrieved 65 from cache. Client-1 took 37.8400 ms per key. Created 35. Retrieved 65 from cache.
Running the program a second time before 15 seconds elapses, produces this output instead:
Client-1 took 4.6700 ms per key. Created 0. Retrieved 100 from cache. Client-3 took 4.6000 ms per key. Created 0. Retrieved 100 from cache. Client-4 took 4.7500 ms per key. Created 0. Retrieved 100 from cache. Client-2 took 4.7900 ms per key. Created 0. Retrieved 100 from cache. Client-0 took 4.8400 ms per key. Created 0. Retrieved 100 from cache.
There are a few things that are interesting about the output. In the first scenario, the five threads collaborate to produce the sequence of random numbers such that the average time per key is significantly less than 100ms. Each thread is creating 35 numbers, but reading 65 from the cache.
In the second run, because the 15 second timeout has not elapsed yet, all of the random numbers were retrieved from the cache by all of the threads. Notice that reading these values from Membase only takes a few milliseconds.
You now know how to obtain the Membase Java client library, and write small Java programs to connect with your Membase cluster and interact with it. Congratulations, you will be able to save your servers from burning down, and impress your users with the blazing fast response that your application will be able to achieve.
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couchbase是一个非关系型数据库,它实际上是由couchdb+membase组成,所以它既能像couchdb那样存储json文档,也能像membase那样高速存储键值对。主要有以下几个特点: 速度快 由于是放在内存中的数据库,所有的读写...
而在NoSQL领域,例如MongoDB和MemBase,数据存储方式更灵活,如键值对,适合大数据和分布式环境。 数据库(DB)是存储数据的仓库,而表(table)是数据的具体容器,每张表包含多个行(record)和列(field)。行...
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它起源于Membase Server 1.7,并在1.8版本中加入了一些修复和改进。Couchbase的设计目的是为了能够提供高性能、可扩展性和易于管理的数据存储,它特别适合用于构建大型的Web应用。 ### Couchbase Server简介 ...
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2. 继承Membase的特性,支持数据集群和持久化存储,确保即使在服务器故障时也能保持数据完整性。 3. 引入了CouchDB的文档模型,通过View功能对数据进行复杂查询和操作,弥补了Memcache在数据处理能力上的不足,但...