java 代码
- package test;
- public class Test {
- public static void main(String args[]) {
- Integer interger1, interger2;
- int i, j;
- interger1 = new Integer(10);
- interger2 = new Integer(50);
- i = 5;
- j = 9;
- System.out.println("Before Swap, Interger1 is " + interger1);
- System.out.println("Before Swap, Interger2 is " + interger2);
- swap(interger1, interger2);
- System.out.println("After Swap Interger1 is " + interger1);
- System.out.println("After Swap Interger2 is " + interger2);
- System.out.println("Before Swap i is " + i);
- System.out.println("Before Swap j is " + j);
- swap(i, j);
- System.out.println("After Swap i is " + i);
- System.out.println("After Swap j is " + j);
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("I am StringBuffer");
- System.out.println("Before change, sb is <" + sb + ">");
- change(sb);
- System.out.println("After change sb is <" + sb + ">");
- }
- public static void swap(Integer ia, Integer ib) {
- Integer temp = ia;
- ia = ib;
- ib = temp;
- }
- public static void swap(int li, int lj) {
- int temp = li;
- li = lj;
- lj = temp;
- }
- public static void change(StringBuffer ia) {
- ia.append(", but my content can be changed");
- }
- }
Before Swap, Interger1 is 10
Before Swap, Interger2 is 50
After Swap Interger1 is 10
After Swap Interger2 is 50
Before Swap i is 5
Before Swap j is 9
After Swap i is 5
After Swap j is 9
Before change, sb is <I am StringBuffer>
After change sb is <I am StringBuffer, but my content can be changed>
然后说C++了,里面的基本类型的诸如int的值传递大家都了然于胸,就不在这里废话了。然后另一种值传递可以称为指针引用传递(pass-by-value argument of pointer)(这个类
cpp 代码
- #include<iostream.h>
- int main(){
- void test(int*, const char*);
- int i = 1;
- int* iptr = &i;
- cout<<"Before pass-by-value:"<<"\n\n";
- cout<<"i = "<<i<<", It's value of i"<<endl;
- cout<<"&i = "<<&i<<", It's address of i and value of iptr"<<endl;
- cout<<"*iptr = "<<*iptr<<", It's value of i"<<endl;
- cout<<"iptr = "<<iptr<<", It's value of iptr and address of i"<<endl;
- cout<<"&iptr = "<<&iptr<<", It's address of iptr-self"<<"\n\n";
- test(iptr, "pass-by-iptr");
- test(&i, "pass-by-&i");
- return 0;
- }
- void test(int* iiptr, const char* string){
- cout<<"When pass-by-value and :"<<"\n\n";
- cout<<"*iiptr = "<<*iiptr<<", It's value of i"<<endl;
- cout<<"iiptr = "<<iiptr<<", It's value of iiptr and address of i"<<endl;
- cout<<"&iiptr = "<<&iiptr<<", It's address of iiptr-self, different with iptr!"<<"\n\n";
- }
Before pass-by-value:
i = 1, It's value of i
&i = 0x0012FF7C, It's address of i and value of iptr
*iptr = 1, It's value of i
iptr = 0x0012FF7C, It's value of iptr and address of i
&iptr = 0x0012FF78, It's address of iptr-self
When pass-by-value and :
*iiptr = 1, It's value of i
iiptr = 0x0012FF7C, It's value of iiptr and address of i
&iiptr = 0x0012FF24, It's address of iiptr-self, different with iptr!
When pass-by-value and :
*iiptr = 1, It's value of i
iiptr = 0x0012FF7C, It's value of iiptr and address of i
&iiptr = 0x0012FF24, It's address of iiptr-self, different with iptr!
cpp 代码
- #include<iostream.h>
- int main(){
- void test(int&, const char*);
- int i = 1;
- int &iref = i;
- cout<<"Before pass-by-reference:"<<"\n\n";
- cout<<"i = "<<i<<", It's value of i"<<endl;
- cout<<"&i = "<<&i<<", It's address of i and value of iptr"<<endl;
- cout<<"iref = "<<iref<<", It's value of iref and value of i"<<endl;
- cout<<"&iref = "<<&iref<<", It's address of iref-self, the same as i!"<<"\n\n";
- test(iref, "pass-by-iref");
- test(i, "pass-by-i");
- return 0;
- }
- void test(int &iiref, const char* string){
- cout<<"When pass-by-reference and "<<string<<"\n\n";
- cout<<"iiref = "<<iiref<<", It's value of iiref and value of i"<<endl;
- cout<<"&iiref = "<<&iiref<<", It's address of iiref-self, the same as i!"<<"\n\n";
- }
Before pass-by-reference:
i = 1, It's value of i
&i = 0x0012FF7C, It's address of i and value of iptr
iref = 1, It's value of iref and value of i
&iref = 0x0012FF7C, It's address of iref-self, the same as i!
When pass-by-reference and pass-by-iref
iiref = 1, It's value of iiref and value of i
&iiref = 0x0012FF7C, It's address of iiref-self, the same as i!
When pass-by-reference and pass-by-i
iiref = 1, It's value of iiref and value of i
&iiref = 0x0012FF7C, It's address of iiref-self, the same as i!
函数调用,参数堆栈等学习资料收集 关于函数调用时堆栈的变化分析(转自Jim's blog) - H_S_的学习总结与心得 - 博客园....函数参数堆栈.txt 函数调用堆栈分析.doc 转贴:关于函数调用的深入分析 百度空间_应用平台.mht
2. **函数接口**:详细列出函数库提供的所有函数,包括参数、返回值和功能描述,帮助开发者快速找到所需的函数。 3. **示例代码**:通过实例展示如何在实际项目中调用这些函数,让开发者能够直观地理解如何使用。 ...
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