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Season1 - 01

My name is Nikita.

6 years ago, I was taken out of prison and forced by a covert unit of the government , to be an assassion

3 years ago, I escaped, and have been hunted ever since

I was the first recruit to get out, I'm going to make certain I'm not the last.


Come on, come on, come on.

Stay right there! Don't move!

She is just a kid.


Taking this one down to solitary.

Watch out, a biter.

They are going to love you down here.

I didn't do it. I didn't do it.


Evening Alex. It's Alex, right? Never Alexandra.

Who are you? Where am I?

Well, you are not in prison anymore. You're not even in Michigan.Although we're the only ones that know that. Your death was officially ruled a suicide by the prison coroner on November first. Your ashes are stored right here. My name's Michael. I work for the government. We've decided to give you a second chance. 

Why? Why me?

Because you're a young, attractive white female. With virtually no personal ties or paper trail. Now those exist, but they're hard to come by. What really grabbed our attention, though, is how you managed to kill a criminal we were about to take out. His name was Kyle, by the way.  He was part of a smuggling ring. Stand and your wrist breaks.

I didn't kill no one! It was Ronniel.

Your boyfriend's body was found next to his apartment, dead from overdose. No one showed up to his funeral, either. Your life is over, Alex. I'm here to offer you a new one. But you have to be willing to earn it.

What do I gotta do?

Learn. How not to sounds like a teen meth whore, for starters. Learn to stand up straight. Learn how to walk right. Learn how to talk right. Learn how to serve your country instead of just yourself.

Chica. You. Never seen you before, Nikita. Who brought you here?

Elena, Yelena? She said there was a cool party, So, uh, here I am.

Come, have a drink.

I was kinda hoping to stay dry. Why don't we go to the bar?

As you say, this is a cool party. If you want to stay here, you're going to have to get...wet. That wasn't so bad, was it?

I would have preferred the bar. It's just that, this is going to make taking your bodyguard out so much harder. Target is down! I need extraction at the service entrance.

Negative, extraction impossible.


You always had trouble listening, didn't you?

Michael! please, I need to get out of here.

Still don't hear me, I told you. There is no out.


Hi Gary,

That's a nice touch, honey. But I ain't buying anything.

eh, all right. Let's try this again. Hi daddy. You really let this place go after Caroline died. I guess no more foster kids like me to clean up your crap, eigher.

You broke my friggin' wrist.

Sit up Gary. Try to pay attention. ok? I need to tell you what happened to me after I ran away. It starts off like you'd expect, and then it gets a little weird. After I ran away, I got with a pretty bad crowd. did a lot of drags.








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